Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 157 Group soul skills

Chapter 157 Group soul skills
Dai Mubai didn't stay in Zhu Zhu's account for a long time, although he has the magical ability of illusion, but in a solemn place like the military camp, at most he could just kiss two, he couldn't do anything more outrageous.

Of course, he was in a hurry to leave, mainly because in his perception, his teammates were coming back.

When Yu Yan came back to get his things, Dai Mubai had already returned to his bed, as if he had been practicing.

Yu Yan took a few gold coins hidden by the bed, did not disturb Dai Mubai, and left the tent again.

In the early morning of the next day, Dai Mubai "broke through".

A few people didn't expect him to bring such a big surprise, and they all came together in front of Dai Mubai to look at him carefully.

Liang Ke said: "Xiaobai couldn't be so eager to break through because of the stimulation yesterday?"

"No." Dai Mubai covered his face and pushed him away, "Have you washed?"

"You guys have a cleanliness habit..." Liang Ke pouted, "Brother, why don't you go wash up now?"

Yu Yan pushed Liang Ke away, and said with a smile: "I've washed up! Xiaobai, what kind of second soul skill do you want?"

Jia Shan and Qing Miu were also very curious, even Liang Ke came together again.

Dai Mubai pretended to be deep in thought, thinking for a while.

Yu Yan couldn't wait to say: "Xiaobai, your first soul skill is group healing, how about the second soul ring absorbing a soul ring with a buff effect?"

"In that case, will Xiaobai's second soul ability also be a group soul ability?" Qing Yao guessed.

Dai Mubai said: "It would definitely be the best if it can absorb the group gain."

"I always feel that it's a waste for Xiaobai to follow us..." Jia Shan sighed.

The air suddenly quieted down.

"Brother Shan, you are right, I am a low-level soul master, where else can I be?" Dai Mubai laughed.

Jia Shan smiled sarcastically.

Qing Yao remained silent, obviously a little embarrassed.

As the captain, his strength was overtaken by his teammates. He must be feeling uncomfortable.

At that time Carlos wanted to directly give Dai Mubai a small position, but he himself refused.

He wants to be promoted step by step.

It's not that he pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, but he just feels that it is necessary to take advantage of the days when the war has just begun to experience and get familiar with every stage of the military camp.

After all, apart from these five years, he has no other time.

And in these five years, at least two years will be allocated to go to the capital of killing for a wave of Shura's divine power.

Killing Field is a good thing!

Another month passed in the blink of an eye, and when it was time to collectively hunt for spirit rings, Dai Mubai followed the large team to Chuyue Forest in the west of Yunzhong County.

The area of ​​Chuyue Forest is small, not to mention compared with Star Dou Forest, it is even smaller than Sunset Forest, but Chuyue Forest is the largest forest where spirit beasts gather in Xingluo Territory.

It's not that the soldiers of the Sixth Legion don't want to go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for soul rings, but the Bella Kingdom is right between the Star Dou Forest and Yunzhong County.

The war is about to start, and the Kingdom of Bella has already realized that it is impossible for the people of the Sixth Legion to pass through the Kingdom of Bella.

In fact, the Star Luo Empire took the Bella Kingdom first, not only because the Bella Kingdom was closer to the Spirit Hall, but also because the Bella Kingdom blocked the road from Yunzhong County to the Star Dou Forest.

Dai Mubai has the magical ability of illusion, when he absorbed the spirit ring, he directly opened the illusion, so he didn't have to deliberately avoid everyone.

But looking at the soldiers who were absorbing the century-old baboon spirit ring, Dai Mubai couldn't help feeling emotional.

Although the personal might of a soul master is commendable, in the army, his personal might is inevitably dwarfed by comparison.

As far as Dai Mubai knew, the first and second soul skills of most of the low-level soul masters in the Sixth Legion were basically the soul skills of wind baboons and other herd soul beasts.

The first soul skills of beast soul masters are basically wind blade, sharp claw, tearing, etc., while the first soul skills of plant soul masters and tool soul masters are basically soul skills such as winding, slashing, and heavy blow. technology.

Dai Mubai has seen hundreds of scenes where soul masters in their [-]s and above release wind blades together, its power is even stronger than his ten thousand year soul skill Golden Leaf Dance.

Dai Mubai also knew that the first legion had an independent regiment of 500 people, and their third soul skills were all Scarlet Storm!
The sixth soul skill of Zhao Kui enshrined by the Xingluo Royal Family is Blood Storm. What he absorbed was the soul ring of the ten-thousand-year blood wolf, while the soul rings absorbed by the soldiers of the First Legion were either a hundred years or a thousand years.

Anyway, the blood wolf has only two soul skills, either the blood storm or the blood fangs, it doesn't hurt to absorb either.Moreover, there are a large number of blood wolves, and some people specialize in raising cattle to raise them, which can withstand manipulation.

The second legion has an independent group whose third soul ability is Blood Fang. It is said that these two independent groups are a friendship link between the two legions.

Why come up with these two independent groups?Isn't it because Scarlet Storm has a team bonus?The more people who cast Scarlet Storm at the same time, the more powerful the Scarlet Storm will be.

By the way, the independent regiment of the Sixth Legion is the Windblade.

A large part of the reason why Title Douluo couldn't kill seven in and seven out in the legion was due to this group soul ability.

Most of the soul masters who came to absorb the soul ring this time need the second and third soul rings. Some of the soul masters who broke through to the soul master may enter the wind blade group, but it is not just a wind blade to enter the wind blade group Soul skills are enough.At the very least, one has to absorb a thousand year spirit ring.

As for the wind baboons, there are not many soul beasts that have existed for thousands of years.

So the Wind Blade Group has only a few hundred people so far.

Apart from Dai Mubai, there are two other people in the auxiliary department who came to hunt the spirit ring this time, one of them is an advanced soul master like Dai Mubai, and the other is an advanced soul master.

One of them is a food-type soul master, and his martial soul is a potato. It is precisely because he wants to advance to the soul master that the army specially arranged for a soul emperor to come and take care of him.

Food-type soul masters are scarce, which can be seen.

The other is an ordinary healing soul master. The first soul ring barely lasted a hundred years, but the healing effect is mediocre.But even so, he is a very cherished existence.

Although there is a team of five in the army, when they really go to the battlefield, a group like Dai Mubai assists the soul masters, and the soul masters they need to assist are at least a company of 150 people.

There is no way, there are too few auxiliary soul masters.

Even if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect supports some.manpower.

In the past few months, Dai Mubai was either cultivating or training, but he also went out to do a few missions. From the attitude of several of his teammates who looked after him like an eyeball, we can see the importance of auxiliary system soul masters up.

In fact, no matter where it is, the importance of auxiliary soul masters is self-evident.

After all, if the battle soul master is injured, there are auxiliary systems that can save him, and if the auxiliary system soul master dies, he is not far from the group's destruction.

Chuyue Forest is not considered dangerous, and there are not many ten thousand year spirit beasts, so the group returned to the camp safely.

Dai Mubai "absorbed the group buffing spirit ability as he wished".

The fifth soul ring of Pantao Tree has two soul abilities. The first soul ability, Sanguang Shenshui, is a magic resurrection ability, although it can only resurrect people who died within an hour and whose soul power level is at least ten levels lower than him.

The second soul ability is also called Sanguang Shenshui, which has dual effects of gaining and debuffing, so this soul ability of his can be used as two soul abilities.A batch of cost-effective.

The next day, a message came from Yunzhong City that the officials from the household department and the official department sent by Xingluo City were already in place.

The logistics are guaranteed, and the war is imminent.

 In April, I must get the perfect attendance award!I, He Yiduo, set the flag here!In other words, why am I still He Yiduo...

(End of this chapter)

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