Chapter 148
"Besides your Star Luo Empire, who else will attack Wuhun City?!" Bibi Dong was so angry that her hair nearly stood on end and she knocked off the crown.

no!You can't bow your head!The crown will fall!

Xue Qinghe silently raised his hand: "Probably, maybe, maybe, it's the Heaven Dou Empire?"

Bibi Dong was stunned.

The angry expression on her face disappeared without a trace, and she looked at Xue Qinghe dully.

Now, the legion raging in Wuhun City turned out to be the people of Tiandou?
Bibi Dong wanted to ask Xue Qinghe why?
But she didn't, and she suddenly laughed.

She should know.

When Tang Hao appeared just now, when Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo turned against each other, the Pope's Palace was destroyed, and the Great Elder Qian Daoliu of the Douluo Palace still did not appear, she should have known.

When Wuhundian was facing such a crisis, there was only one reason why Qian Daoliu didn't show up.

That is, Qian Renxue convinced him.

There is and only Qian Renxue can convince him.

"In order to make the soul masters in the mainland live better, how much effort does the Wuhun Palace spend every year, going to the mountains and the countryside to awaken the Wuhun for the poor children? How much manpower and material resources are spent every year to maintain the various hunting forests? How much money is invested every year to provide subsidies for low-level soul masters?" Bibidong asked Zhao Kui and Xue Qinghe angrily and sadly, "Is this how the two empires treat Wuhundian? Wuhundian has been working hard for so many years, and this is what they get in return ?!"

Zhao Kui remained expressionless: "The people of the Wuhun Temple are also from the two great empires. It is only natural for them to awaken their compatriots and relatives. The Hunting Soul Forest is the territory of the two great empires, and the two great empires have also invested countless manpower Material resources to maintain. Your Wuhundian only plays a dispensable role, but you have received great preferential treatment. The most important thing is that the subsidies for low-level soul masters are paid by the two empires from the treasury Money, not only did your Spirit Hall not take any money, but you even received some offerings."

Zhao Kui finally concluded: "The two great empires have never owed the Spirit Hall."

"Hehe," Bibi Dong smiled beautifully, "Elder Zhao Kui really has iron teeth!"

"Since this is the case, our Spirit Hall will not care about the children's awakening in the future. Please distribute the subsidy for low-level soul masters yourself. You will also handle the entry and exit maintenance of the Hunting Soul Forest yourself." Bibi Dong held the scepter, Turned around and walked into the ruins of the Pope's Palace. "As long as you leave Wuhun City, today's matter will come to an end!"

"Is Spirit Hall going to be disbanded?" Zhao Kui asked pressingly, looking at Bibi Dong's slender and stubborn back.

Bibi Dong paused, and she turned around fiercely: "Are you all so impatient to push the Wuhun Palace to a dead end?"

"No way, who made the Wuhundian now hold the most powerful soul master power?" Zhao Kui sighed. Be terrified. But..."

Zhao Kui turned around and looked at Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe lowered his eyes and said: "As long as Wuhundian is willing to hand over these powers to the two empires, we are still willing to respect Wuhundian."

Bibi Dong's heart felt cold, she looked at Xue Qinghe in disbelief.

She looked at Qian Renxue, completely unable to believe that her daughter, her biological daughter, would personally stab a knife into her chest at such a time.

She had planned a plan for more than ten years, but when she arrived here, she was cornered.

"You really think so?" Bibi Dong asked tremblingly.

She didn't know that she had a bad habit, that is, no matter she was angry or excited, she would hold the scepter very hard, so that the veins on the back of her hand, which was so thin that the blood vessels were clearly visible, would be exposed.

Xue Qinghe, also known as Qian Renxue, raised her head: "Yes, for the benefit of the empire. Wuhundian can no longer be strong."

Bibi Dong staggered back a step, she seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

She still looked at Qian Renxue with disbelief.

She knew that this was Qian Renxue's revenge.

She finally knew that if she treated Qian Renxue, Qian Renxue would treat her the same way.

Qian Renxue has grown up.

She was no longer the little girl who risked her life and went to the Heaven Dou Empire to work as an undercover agent in order to gain her mother's love.

She finally had her own ambitions.

She was out of her grasp.

"As you wish." Bibi Dong said in a difficult voice, her eyes kept looking at Qian Renxue, this young man who was her daughter.

Bibi Dong raised her head, she laughed loudly, and walked into the depths of the ruins of the Pope's Palace.

Qian Renxue looked at Bibi Dong with complicated eyes.

She betrayed the person she wanted to be close to the most, but she didn't regret it.

Because she already knew that no matter how hard she tried, Bibi Dong would never accept her.

Tang Hao said something wrong, Bibi Dong will not avenge Chihiro Ji.


Because, the person who personally killed Qian Xun Ji was Bibi Dong!

"I, it's so pathetic!" Xue Qinghe nodded to Zhao Kui and left Pope Mountain.

He needs to go down the mountain to end the battle in Wuhun City.

Ghost Chrysanthemum CP silently watched the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect and the people from the Star Luo Empire retreat.

It wasn't until there were only the soul masters belonging to the Wuhun Palace left on the Pope's Hill that they followed Bibi Dong into the ruins of the Pope's Palace without saying a word.

Today's Wuhun Palace not only lost all face, but also lost everything except Wuhun City.

Bibi Dong's ambition died before it officially started.

But whether it's Dai Mubai or Tang Hao, or Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, they are very clear.

Although the Wuhun Palace has been planted, it still stands on the mainland, and, under the calm sea, it will only become more terrifying.

Wuhundian is not a fragile bubble.

It is a colossus, powerful and dangerous.

After returning to the palace, Dai Mubai was immediately summoned by Dai Xinghe.

Dai Xinghe had been looking forward to this day for ten years!

Over the past ten years, he has worked hard and carefully made arrangements one by one.

If compulsory education cannot be carried out directly, then welfare education should be carried out.

If you can't directly snatch the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, then quietly conceal the population and awaken the children quietly.

If you can't wantonly cultivate an army, then secretly win over Title Douluo.

If you can't let Wuhundian notice the abnormality, then spend twice as much energy as doing the actual thing to hide the truth...

Dai Mubai just opened a restaurant and two clothing stores, he just talked about it, and made Dai Xinghe accept his suggestion.

Not only because Dai Mubai was talented enough and farsighted enough.

It's because Dai Xinghe is also ambitious!

Who doesn't want to be an emperor through the ages?
Ten thousand years ago, Dai Xingluo, the first emperor of the Star Luo Empire, established the Star Luo Empire, and Xue Tiandou, the first emperor of the Tiandou Empire, established the Tiandou Empire.

From then on, the name of the Star Dou Great Forest was called Star Dou.

What was it called before?Who knows?Maybe Xiao Wu will know, maybe Di Tian will know.

Dai Xinghe knew that he didn't have the ability to surpass his ancestors, but he had a son, a son who had the opportunity to establish a great cause beyond his ancestors!

"The ancestors could not unify the continent, but we can!"


(PS: Please recommend.)
(End of this chapter)

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