Chapter 122
Oscar returned to the temporary academy with his ears twisted.

Xiao Wu laughed at him fiercely, but she was taught by Tang San.

Tai Long followed Tang San like a follower all day long, and when he was snickering, he was beaten up by Xiao Wu who was in a bad mood.

Tyrone wanted someone to vent his anger on too...but he couldn't find one.

As the person with the lowest cultivation level in the academy, he not only has no right to speak, but also has no human rights.

The next day, Dai Mubai, who was finally released from the palace by his parents, came to the temporary academy, looked at Shu Wotian curiously, and overturned his previous opinion that "three-dimensional cute girls are not as cute as two-dimensional cute girls".

Can you believe that a 20-year-old girl is still baby fat with a rosy face?That's not fat, it's really baby fat... Because, the girl's figure is very domineering, she is thin where she should be thin, and quite plump where she shouldn't be.

The girl with the best body that Dai Mubai has ever seen in this life is this girl with short pink hair and eyes as clear as a baby.

Two years ago, it was said that Zhu Zhuqing was a juvenile face, because Zhu Zhuqing was really just a child, and she was growing fast.

But the mouse is sweet as an adult, it is really childlike.

Dai Mubai suspected that Shu Wotian's chubby little face was like a small pit of meat with just one poke.

In terms of cuteness, he can't lose to his little nephew Zhuang Chenguang who is only over one year old.If I really want to say who I look like... Ponyo in "Ponyo on the Cliff" with an upgraded print style and exquisite style?
"Zhuqing!" Shu Wotian, who was exuding "aura of cuteness" all over his body, waved at Zhu Zhuqing, and ran over tremblingly.

"Are you the Fifth Highness?" Shu Wotian flashed his big eyes that matched the proportions of the manga, smiled and moved closer to Dai Mubai's side.

When she smiles, there is a small pear dimple on the left side of her cheek.

"This girl came from an anime, right?" Dai Mubai roared wildly in his heart, but his face was gentle and refined, "Hello, Miss Mouse."

"If possible, His Highness the Fifth Highness can just call me Tian Tian!" Shu Wo's sweet smile was in full bloom, as sweet as if it was just right.

Dai Mubai was very reserved, under Zhu Zhuqing's gaze, he said: "Then I'll call you Sister Tiantian."

Anyway, Shu Wotian is older than him.

Is there a problem with calling a cute young lady "sister"?No!

However, in his capacity, he can also be called that in private.

"Sister Tiantian!" Xiao Wu ran out from nowhere, and slammed into Shu Wotian's "thick" chest.

Dai Mubai didn't even bother to look.

Although Shu Wotian has a domineering figure, she is not tall, only 1.6 meters, while Xiao Wu is already 1.8 meters!
In order to "bury her chest", Xiao Wu had to chop a fork.

Also very hard?
"Hey, Xiao Wu, don't do this..." Shuwo's ​​sweet and chubby little face turned red, "The Fifth Highness is still here..."

Dai Mubai decisively took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and left the crime scene.

"Is the relationship between Xiao Wu and Shu Wotian so good?" Dai Mubai wondered, "Because both spirits belong to rodents?"

Rabbits, like mice, have large dies and like to grind their teeth. It is not incomprehensible to have a good relationship.

But... Xiao Wu doesn't think of herself as an outsider, does she?
To do such heinous things as burying one's chest in broad daylight!

Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips, not wanting to speak.

Since Xiao Wu is a flat girl, so... Zhu Zhuqing was often hit in the chest when they took a bath together.

Well, it was still double pinched by Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong.

I was very angry. Is it her fault that she developed overnutrition?Too much development is very cumbersome, especially for an agility attack system soul master.

Sometimes Zhu Zhuqing thought, if she was as level as Xiao Wu, she would be much faster, right?


Zhu Zhuqing looked sideways at Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai also seems to like plump ones very much.

"Mubai, do you like Miss Tiantian?" Zhu Zhuqing asked without answering.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment: "Only from the perspective of appreciation, Shu Wotian is very attractive. But from my personal point of view, Shu Wotian's personality is more suitable for raising a daughter."

Zhu Zhuqing blushed suddenly: "Do you like your daughter better?"

The corner of Dai Mubai's mouth twitched: "I like both my son and my daughter... Now is not the time to talk about this issue, is it? At least it will take another two years, when you are 16 years old..."

As Dai Mubai's words came out, Zhu Zhuqing's face became more and more red, and finally covered Dai Mubai's mouth directly on tiptoe.


Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing's flushed face, and blinked.

Is Zhu Zhuqing shy?

So where was she thinking?

"Can you be more serious?" Zhu Zhuqing said seriously with a flushed face.

Dai Mubai smiled even more intensely in his eyes, and nodded.

Zhu Zhuqing heaved a sigh of relief and let go of his hands.

Dai Mubai smiled and lifted Zhu Zhuqing's chin, and kissed him.

Zhu Zhuqing: "???"

"Don't seduce me again, otherwise I'm not sure what kind of bad things I will do, understand?" Dai Mubai said nonsense in a serious manner.

Zhu Zhuqing pushed Dai Mubai away, distanced himself from him, glared at him fiercely, then looked around in a panic, only to find that no one had seen what happened to her and Dai Mubai just now, so he snorted coldly, and went on his own up.

Dai Mubai smiled, he didn't mind, but he could only find Flender by himself.

Tang San and Yu Xiaogang were also in Flender's office, seemingly discussing tactical arrangements.

"Mubai, you're here?" Seeing Dai Mubai coming, Flender's eyes lit up, "Quick, help us decide how to attract investment after the Soul Master Competition begins."

"Investment invitation?" Dai Mubai raised his eyebrows, "Dean, where did you learn this word?"

Flender sneered: "Your Star Luo Empire knows how to play more than the Tiandou Empire, and both business and agricultural development are better than the Tiandou Empire. I only recently learned that there are so many things to pay attention to in business... In other words, your Star Luo Empire is better than the Tiandou Empire. Isn’t Luo City too strong? Star Luo Empire has 45 participating teams, and twenty of them are from Star Luo City! Although your Star Luo Empire’s land area is bigger than the Heaven Dou Empire, it’s not that much stronger, right?”

"If some soul master academies were not wiped out in the Star Dou Great Forest, there should be more than fifty participating teams from the Star Luo Empire this time." Yu Xiaogang was also a little surprised, "But I'm a little curious, why the Star Luo City team Are these high-level soul master academies newly established within ten years? And most of the participating team members are children about your age?"

Dai Mubai didn't give a damn, and said calmly: "The newly established ones are all affiliated to the Star Martial Academy."

"Star Martial Academy..." Yu Xiaogang and Tang San looked yearning.

Although Flender couldn't understand what the Star Martial Academy researched, he also knew that the Star Martial Academy was not simple. When he heard that the fifteen colleges in Star Luo City were affiliated with the Star Martial Academy, he couldn't help sighing: "The Star Martial Academy is really amazing." ! "

"Don't sigh," Yu Xiaogang came back to his senses, "Although the Xingluo Royal Family gave us the land deed, they didn't allocate funds for it. We need to earn all the money for the construction of the academy."

Dai Mubai knew about this, and it was Dai Xinghe who agreed to transfer the Kuntian Mountain Range to Shrek Academy.

Moreover, if Dai Mubai is not the defaulted next Xingluo Emperor, even if his lips are worn out, it will be useless.

Dai Xinghe has already made a concession, so it is impossible to pay any more.

In fact, although the reforms of the Star Luo Empire have always seemed tepid on the surface, they are actually extremely expensive.

For example, Star Martial Academy, at least [-]% of the tax revenue received from the national treasury is allocated to them every year.For this reason, the researchers headed by soul mentor Ai Yun often went to ask the Minister of Finance for money.

Now the ministers of the Ministry of Finance under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance basically detour when they see people from the Star Martial Academy.

If Dai Xinghe allocates money to Shrek Academy again, it is estimated that the ministers of the Ministry of Finance will cry to death at the gate of the main hall of the Star Luo Palace.

"Actually, Dean, you don't need to worry about money," Dai Mubai said with a smile, "As long as we win the soul master competition, there will be countless people waving checks and begging you to let them invest."

"Besides, even if it's for my sake, there will be countless people who will invest in you."

Flender pushed his glasses, and found that what Dai Mubai said made sense.

Yu Xiaogang thought of one thing: "Mubai, after you graduate, you will be made the crown prince, right?"

"Theoretically, it's enough to beat my elder brother." Dai Mubai sat on the sofa calmly, and said, "But it should be officially canonized when I'm 20 years old, right?"

Tang San had a question: "Brother, are you so sure?"

Even though Tang San didn't know much about the secrets of the palace, he also knew that there were too many uncertainties in the matter of setting up a prince, so it was impossible to be so certain.

Dai Mubai said: "How complicated do you think, on Douluo Continent, the strong are respected."

Tang San opened his mouth.

He knew that he had made a wrong judgment based on the experience of his previous life.

"After the Soul Master Contest, the empire may allocate some funds to the academy, but before that, we can only rely on ourselves." Dai Mubai cocked his legs gracefully, and said, "Soul Hall and the two empires' rewards are not small A sum of funds from the empire, plus the funds transferred from the empire, the academy’s start-up funds will be available. In addition, everyone is a mid-to-high-level soul master, and it is easy to make money.”

Yu Xiaogang said: "We can invite Star Martial Academy to open a branch in Shrek Academy, and we should be able to raise some funds."

"There are also the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon School." Flender looked at Yu Xiaogang sinisterly, and said, "Xiao Gang, won't your family get involved in such a good thing?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head: "We should continue the principle of expensive and not expensive, and keep the academy as pure as possible. As for receiving funding from the Star Luo Empire... To be honest, since Flender you accepted Mubai's funding four years ago After that, you will be a wage earner in the Star Luo Empire."

The smile on Flender's face restrained, he looked at Dai Mubai with complicated eyes, finally he could only sigh.

How could he not know, after accepting Dai Mubai's support and knowing Dai Mubai's third condition, he became a wage earner of Dai Mubai's family.


If you want to cultivate little monsters like Dai Mubai and Tang San, persistence like before is useless.

Before Dai Mubai's funding came, Shrek Academy had only fourteen graduates in more than 20 years.

Flender often thinks now, if those children are treated like Tang San and the others, will they all be able to graduate smoothly?

(End of this chapter)

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