Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 118 Awakening

Chapter 118 Awakening
Due to the unexpected changes in the Star Dou Great Forest, which affected many participating students of the academy, Wuhundian postponed the reporting time for the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Competition for three months.

Dai Mubai didn't fall into a coma for three months, but he also fell asleep for a full seven days, this time is not too short.

After listening to Long Aotian's explanation in the consciousness space, Dai Mubai could only smile wryly.

The actions of Long Aotian and the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit were approved by him, so he knew their plans.

Okay, even though this wave of tossing, it's not too bad.

"After I finish digesting the Silver Dragon King, I will go to the Star Forest." Long Aotian said.

What else could Dai Mubai do besides support it?

Ever since devouring the two dragon kings, Binghuo and Huo, Long Aotian is not just a simple soul.

When it devours the Silver Dragon King again, I'm afraid it will gain the entity.

"However, wouldn't Gu Yuena cease to exist then?" Dai Mubai frowned.

Tang San's peach blossoms were dropped one by one by him, but Tang San's daughter-in-law was directly killed by his soul... This...

There are countless fans of the Silver Dragon King. If he does this, he will be beaten to death, right?
"If you wish, I can transform into Gu Yuena in the future." Long Aotian said.

Dai Mubai was terrified.

"Aren't you male?"

Long Aotian lay motionless on the flat peach tree: "Dragon God can split into a male and a female, of course I can too. But it's okay to attack and suffer on my own, I can decide my own gender."

"After devouring the Silver Dragon King, after I have completely digested it, I am closer to the dragon clan of the Dragon God than the Silver Dragon King. Therefore, if I choose to become a female, I will be more beautiful than Gu Yuena after the transformation."

Dai Mubai smacked his lips: "Is that something pretty?"

Long Aotian asked back: "Isn't it?"

Dai Mubai's expression was tangled: "You become a woman and marry me? That won't work, the two girls on my side haven't been completely settled yet."

"But if you end up with Tang Wulin...what the hell..."

"Oh, man." Long Aotian closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Dai Mubai looked at Long Aotian's increasingly solid body, feeling very complicated.

If Long Aotian finally turns into a human form and becomes a woman, he really doesn't know how to face it.

Forget it, let it be.

The big deal is to make Long Aotian a man in the end... Fuck!I feel so uncomfortable!
Isn't Gu Yuena, the peerless beauty with silver hair and purple eyes and aloof temperament, not attractive?
Hey, I thought that devouring could not be possible to cooperate with, but... the holy beast white tiger remnant spirit is really reckless!
"You go to the Star Dou Great Forest to gather the spirit beast afterwards, it should have told you what to do next... I won't say much more, when it recovers, it should go to you." Dai Mubai said.

"You all have names, and my Holy Winged White Tiger's martial spirit should also have a name. I'll give it my previous name, Mu Bai."

Dai Mubai looked deeply at Long Aotian, and finally said: "We always hope for mutual benefit and win-win results."

Whether it is the power of the soul beast or the power of humans, it does not meet the requirements of peace on the mainland.

Only with equal strength, mutual benefit and win-win results, and a common the best state for a world to be peaceful.

If there is no common enemy, then find a common's the same.

"One-sided power is always too ethereal."

After talking with the spirits, Dai Mubai finally opened his eyes.

"Are you awake?" There was a smile in Xue Qinghe's eyes.

Dai Mubai was confused for a moment.

Why did he see Xue Qinghe when he opened his eyes?

In an instant, Zhu Zhuqing's surprised voice reached his ears.


Zhu Zhuqing was there?
Dai Mubai propped up his arms, ready to sit up, but then his arms became weak, he failed.

Dai Mubai was stunned.

Is he so stupid?
Zhu Zhuqing quickly helped Dai Mubai up, touched Dai Mubai's pale face, and said: "You have been in a coma for eight days, are you hungry now?"

Dai Mubai shook his head.

Eight days have passed since the Star Dou Great Forest explosion, so Dai Mubai also fell into a coma for eight days.

During his drowsiness, the assistant soul master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School helped him recover his soul power, and Zhu Zhuqing took good care of him.Have broth to drink every day, not actually hungry.

emmmmm, I don't know how Zhu Zhuqing feeds.

Tang San was curious about this question until now, and when he mentioned it, Oscar and Ma Hongjun would look at him like a fool.

Even Xiao Wu looked at him speechlessly, so Tang San still doesn't know how Zhu Zhuqing fed Dai Mubai the broth.

"Why is Prince Qinghe here?" Dai Mubai coughed and asked hoarsely.

Xue Qinghe glanced at Zhu Zhuqing who was busy pouring water for Dai Mubai, with a smile on his face: "I just come here to study with the teacher as usual, and I heard that the fifth prince is here to cultivate, so I came here to have a look. After all, the fifth prince If something happens in the Heaven Dou Empire, this palace will be very troublesome."

Xue Qinghe was so straightforward, Dai Mubai was stunned.

According to Xue Qinghe's personality, he shouldn't have said that.

"Mubai, drink some water." Zhu Zhuqing handed the water cup to Dai Mubai's mouth.

Dai Mubai suddenly became embarrassed.

He suddenly saw Tang San who was temporarily silent on the side.

"San'er, take Zhuqing to rest for a while." Dai Mubai took a sip of water, took a breather, raised his hand, touched Zhu Zhuqing's face that had lost a lot of weight, and stroked her thick cheeks with his fingers. With dark circles under his eyes, he said with some distress, "Hey, go and have a good rest."

Zhu Zhuqing silently shook his head.

She held Dai Mubai's hand, feeling the warmth of her face and palm, tears finally couldn't help but flow down.

She didn't cry when Dai Mubai was unconscious, she didn't cry when Dai Mubai vomited blood, and she didn't cry when Dai Mubai was bleeding all over his body, but she cried when Dai Mubai woke up.

Dai Mubai sighed in his heart, glanced at Xue Qinghe, and still chose to hug Zhu Zhuqing into his arms.

Showing affection to his fiancée in front of his lover, he is indeed a scumbag.

"Tang San, let's go out, don't get in the way here." Xue Qinghe smiled more and more gently, "The relationship between the fifth prince and his fiancée is really good."

Dai Mubai didn't say anything, didn't dare to say anything.

Tang San blinked, and also felt his stomach full.

He was obviously not single, but he was still fed a big mouthful of dog food.

As for Xue Qinghe's slightly weird words, Tang San didn't think too much, only thought that he was also fed dog food, so he was just in a bad mood.

To some extent, Tang San's EQ is really low.

Tang San and Xue Qinghe left, Zhu Zhuqing lay in Dai Mubai's arms and wept loudly.

During his coma, Zhu Zhuqing must have been worried, so Dai Mubai didn't stop Zhu Zhuqing.

It's better to let her cry and let it out.

He hugged Zhu Zhuqing in his arms, patted Zhu Zhuqing's back, and said softly: "Sorry, I made you worry."

In the past year or so, he passed out twice. If there is no problem, no one will believe it.

"Did you give us all the flat peaches, but didn't eat them yourself?" Zhu Zhuqing asked with tears in his eyes.

"How could it be?" Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "I'm not that selfless yet, don't worry, I won't treat myself badly."

"Liar!" Zhu Zhuqing buried his small face in Dai Mubai's chest, snorted angrily but didn't dare to hit him, "Poison Douluo always calls you a liar, I just understand now, you don't have a single word of truth in your mouth!"

Dai Mubai smiled wryly.

Although he often told some lies, it was just to conceal some things that he couldn't confess. Why didn't he say a word of the truth?

"I really ate a lot of flat peaches." Dai Mubai wiped the tears off Zhu Zhuqing's face with his fingers, and said helplessly, "This time the fainting is not caused by the body, but by my martial spirit, which entered the Star Dou Forest I sneaked into the core area, and was accidentally affected by the war, and I was implicated by it."

"Really?" Zhu Zhuqing was suspicious.

"Of course," he hugged Zhu Zhuqing's delicate body, and explained gently, "My martial soul is more evolved than the master, you also know that it can speak human words, right?"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast, the white tiger, and the martial spirit now named Mu Bai can speak, Zhu Zhuqing saw it with his own eyes.

So Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "But, its condition looks better than yours, you are unconscious and vomiting blood, but I don't see any problem with it."

"How can there be no problem..." Dai Mubai's face was full of bitterness, "It can return to my body directly after being injured, and all the injuries were eaten back to me, and then it recondensed by extracting my soul power, so it can appear to make it appear. You are helping in a targeted way. Now... it is sleeping again and may not recover for years."

"Will that have any effect on you?" Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing immediately panicked.

Dai Mubai rubbed her hair, and comforted her: "It's okay, anyway, I basically never used my martial soul to fight. It's just that most of the soul power I cultivated in the future will be recovered by the martial soul, and the speed of future cultivation will be reduced." There will be some impact."

"Is that so?" Zhu Zhuqing was still a little worried, she got up from Dai Mubai's arms, lifted the quilt, and stretched out her hand to take off Dai Mubai's clothes.

"Zhuqing?" Dai Mubai was a little confused.

"I..." Zhu Zhuqing paused her hands, her pretty face flushed immediately, she stammered, "I just, just wanted to see if there were any wounds on your body. Well, you have been bleeding all over your body before, and the skin on your whole body has changed a layer... ..."

Saying that, Zhu Zhuqing still had fear in his eyes.

Dai Mubai's bloody appearance before scared her half to death.

Although it wasn't that he had never killed someone before, and it wasn't that he had dug up the corpse himself and even dissected it, but Dai Mubai's miserable appearance as if he had been skinned left her with lingering fears.

She doesn't care what happens to others.

But Dai Mubai is different.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhuqing's sanity finally came back.

"Why did your martial soul go to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest?"

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

(PS: As the grades get worse and worse, there is no motivation. I personally feel that these chapters are poorly written. It seems to enter a vicious circle.)
(End of this chapter)

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