Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 116 Art is Explosion

Chapter 116 Art is Explosion

Di Tian was woken up by the blast.

It looked at the dazzling white light in the dark space, and suddenly found...

More than 40 years of cultivation is useless, and it is still necessary to be blind.

Tears of blood flowed down his face, Ditian didn't dare to stay in the secret realm anymore, he hurriedly left the secret realm, and when he passed by the Lake of Life, he called Da Ming Erming along the way.

Run now.

Two god-level existences are fighting, whether the secret realm is broken or not is another matter, I am afraid that the Star Dou Forest will be broken!
Da Ming and Er Ming both looked dumbfounded.

Isn't even a boss like Di Tian the opponent of that mysterious soul beast?
To be honest, these three boss-level soul beasts have never been so embarrassed since they achieved 10 years!

They have always been the ones who make others run away, when did they run away?

At this moment, Dai Mubai who had just woken up quickly said to Bone Douluo: "Run! Leave the Star Dou Great Forest!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he fainted again.

Before fainting, he vomited a mouthful of old blood.


Now Zhu Zhuqing was completely at a loss.

Yu Xiaogang is also a bit more generous.

Will such a thing happen to the Wuhun mutation?

But Yu Xiaogang still maintained his reason: "Bone Douluo, listen to Mubai!"

Bone Douluo didn't know what happened, but he nodded and hurriedly continued to travel through the space.

After leaving the Star Dou Great Forest, Bone Douluo and the others left the space.

Looking at the steaming mushroom cloud above the Star Dou Great Forest, Bone Douluo was stunned.

Look at that posture... It seems that the entire core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest has been affected.

Countless soul beasts over ten thousand years roared and escaped from it, but more soul beasts died in the nuclear explosion.

"Do you want to save the soul beast family, or destroy the soul beast family?" The secret realm was shattered, and the Silver Dragon King finally revealed his true body.

The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit scratched his chin: "This appearance is not the same color as Luo Sanpao, it is bigger and stronger than Luo Sanpao..."

I thought so in my heart, but the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant said: "The soul beast family has reached the time to break up and stand up. The glory of the past was annihilated in the flames of war, and the glory will be rebuilt from today!"

Now that the secret realm has been shattered, the remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger threw out "Absolute Explosion" again while resisting the attack of the Silver Dragon King that could hurt the soul.

"Come on! Art is a blast!"

The remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger overwhelmed the origin that he had accumulated for more than ten years. Wouldn't it be a loss if he didn't kill the Silver Dragon King?


Before the last mushroom cloud dissipated, this mushroom cloud bloomed again.

Spirit world.Forbidden land.

The Golden Dragon King's egg shook violently.

"The breath of the Silver Dragon appeared!"

At the same time, the God of Goodness and the God of Evil also sensed the Silver Dragon King.

"So it escaped to the Douluo Continent?"

God Shura raised the corner of his mouth: "Is it hard to leave the homeland? If so——"

"This seat presents Shura Thunder, I think you should like it very much, right?"

Under the suppression of the plane, he dared to reveal his aura.God Shura had to admit that the Silver Dragon King was really very courageous.

If it is decades later, the throne of Asura and the two gods of good and evil will change, even if it escapes, it will not be a big problem.Anyway, those who will attack it will lose the blessing of the gods, and those who can attack it will not have a deep hatred for it, on the contrary, maybe they will let it go.

such a pity!
Even if the God of Destiny fell in the battle of the gods, the God Realm is not completely without the power of prediction.

"God Shura has made a move?" The God of Kindness frowned as he saw the purple-black sword-shaped thunderbolts continuously falling from the clouds.

The evil god's face was indifferent: "Of course he wants to do it. He was the one who gave the dragon god a fatal blow back then. If we don't kill the grass and roots at this time, are we still waiting for them to come back and take revenge?"

"Let's strengthen the seal of the Golden Dragon King." The evil god stepped down from the throne and walked towards the forbidden place.

The God of Kindness had a tangled expression, but he still followed.

"Shura God!"

The Silver Dragon King roared in embarrassment.

The sword-shaped thunder kept hitting the Silver Dragon King, and the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger scratched it with its shattered empty claws from time to time. The Silver Dragon King, who was already tired of dealing with it, suffered more and more wounds.

God's punishment cannot be suppressed by the plane, especially Shura God, who is one of the law enforcers in the God Realm. He directly uses the authority of the law enforcement god to urge God's punishment, which is even more powerful than him directly.

The Silver Dragon King was already suppressed by the plane, so his injury became more serious.

"Discovered by God Shura?" The holy beast White Tiger remnant quietly restrained his breath.

The current God Shura is not as good-tempered as Tang San in the future, he was the most ruthless character in the battle of gods back then, and the fatal blow that Dragon God received was precisely from God Shura.

If you want to talk about immortality, the Silver Dragon King and God Shura are the real immortals!
However, the Silver Dragon King finally became the daughter-in-law of God Shura?Although it is not the same Shura God...

"Hey, it was a tragedy in the first place, and I just helped it end all of this."

"A beautiful girl has an egg? What I want is world peace!"

The Silver Dragon King flew away from the Star Dou Great Forest, found a city, and rushed in.

The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant was stunned for a moment.

God Shura is a ruthless person, he doesn't care about the life and death of those mortals, in his eyes, even if everyone on Douluo Continent dies, it doesn't matter, as long as the Silver Dragon King is also dead.

Of course the Silver Dragon King knew God Shura's character, but it didn't just want God Shura to feel compassion for mortals!

"Stop! God Shura!"

The good god couldn't stand it anymore.

In just a few minutes, Soto City was annihilated in the thunder.

The Silver Dragon King could only flee towards Barak King City.

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger was finally released.

Dai Mubai's elder sister and younger nephew are still in Balak King City!


The Silver Dragon King has the power of creation, so where its blood flows, the plants with the most vitality grow wildly.

Many soul beasts who are not afraid of death also rushed out of the Star Dou Great Forest, continuously devouring the blood spilled by the Silver Dragon King.

Wherever the Silver Dragon King passed, it could be said that corpses were strewn all over the field.

It's a big game now.

Shura's divine punishment finally stopped, but the Silver Dragon King also fell into madness.

No matter how thick the blood bar is, it can't match the constant damage from Shura God's Punishment, which is full of destructive power. Coupled with the two blood holes blown out by the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger, the Silver Dragon King is already in tatters at this time. .

"The God of Kindness has made a move." Silver Dragon King heaved a sigh of relief.

God Shura will not care about the life and death of mortals, but the god of kindness will.

The reason why it ran to the big city was to bet on the kindness of the good god!

The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger also breathed a sigh of relief.

If the Silver Dragon King really wanted to run into King Barak's city to wreak havoc, it would have no face to meet Dai Mubai.

"Long Aotian, do it!"

Long Aotian quickly ate two four-color flat peaches, and then his body became transparent, and his body became bigger. He twisted his thousands of feet long body in mid-air and rushed towards the Silver Dragon King, and opened his huge mouth to it.

"Even if this king dies, I will never make it easier for you!" The scarred Silver Dragon King's eyes were hardened, and the seven-colored light on his body suddenly burst out, and he exploded like another hydrogen bomb.

However, the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit and Long Aotian breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay to blow yourself up.

Long Aotian didn't really swallow the Silver Dragon King into his stomach, there was a miniature plane in his body that was placed by an old man Chen Xie before he left the mainland.

When Dai Mubai didn't know, the Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit had made a big deal with Mr. Chen Xie.

The advantage of the transaction is that the miniature plane in Long Aotian's body is only a few thousand square meters in size, but its spatial strength is larger than that of Douluo Continent.

If it weren't for this, the holy beast Baihu Remnant Spirit and Long Aotian would not have dared to take action against the Silver Dragon King who has the status of a god king.

"Did it prepare to self-destruct just now?" God Shura looked sullenly at the God of Kindness, "Where did it go now?"

The evil god protected the good god behind him, and his eyes were full of doubts: "There are other gods who have taken action, and their personality is not inferior to mine."

God Shura was terrified.

"Silver Dragon King was already scarred when he appeared. Who is that mysterious existence?"

When he slashed the God's Punishment before, it was not only to seriously injure the Silver Dragon King, but also to force out that unknown existence.

"Could it be a god from another plane?" The evil god said solemnly, "If we can't guarantee the other party's attitude, we may have helped him this time."

"It doesn't matter if it's an enemy or a friend, as long as he wants the Silver Dragon King to die."

The God of Shura and the God of Evil looked at each other, and they both temporarily put down their plans to pass on the position of God.

"Sure enough, it's not time to relax yet." God Shura said helplessly.

He had already found an heir, and he had passed the seventh test of the divine test, but he was overshadowed by Rakshasa god Na Bichi.

If it weren't for this, he would have taken off his godhood and traveled the world more than 100 years ago.

"It can be regarded as a coincidence."

In the original book, people who have participated in the battle of gods, such as Sea God, Shura God, and the two god kings of good and evil, have all been reincarnated, and the world of gods has been involved in the turbulence of the void, otherwise, even if the cultivation base is fully restored Even the Silver Dragon King didn't dare to appear on the mainland carelessly.

Otherwise, the God's Punishment Thunder one after another just now is the biggest meeting ceremony for it to appear.

"The miniature plane is about to break." Long Aotian panicked and said to the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger.

The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant frowned.

"I didn't expect the Silver Dragon King's self-destruction to be so powerful."

But this wave is not bad.

The remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger continuously transports the power of space into Long Aotian's body, continuously strengthening the miniature planes in Long Aotian's body.

"Go back! Let the flat peach tree suppress it!"

The situation became more and more critical, the remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger hurriedly brought Long Aotian back to Dai Mubai's side.

Dai Mubai is still in a coma, fortunately Long Aotian can go back to the flat peach tree without saying hello, otherwise this time he will still die.

At this moment, Dai Mubai was bathed in the nine-color divine light released by Ning Fengzhi, logically speaking his soul power should have been fully recovered.

But his soul power was still continuously decreasing, and his face was getting paler and paler.

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were red, and his small face was even paler than Dai Mubai.

"I'll go find Ye Lingling!"

(PS: There are fewer and fewer recommended tickets, no monthly tickets, and no subscriptions. Suddenly there is no motivation. Hey, you can point out where my writing is not good! It’s uncomfortable.)
(End of this chapter)

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