Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 109 Shrek Academy's First Teacher-Student Cooperation

Chapter 109 Shrek Academy's First Teacher-Student Cooperation

"Xiao Ao, you can do it!" Ning Rongrong patted Oscar's shoulder with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "If you really succeed, I will let you be my first lover!"

Oscar didn't mind Ning Rongrong's words, he knew that Ning Rongrong was joking, so he also smiled and said: "Okay, I will rely on you to take care of me when the time comes!"

Ning Rongrong suddenly had a strange expression, she pulled Zhu Zhuqing aside: "I'm sure, to some extent, Oscar is really a fool."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded repeatedly.

Dai Mubai sighed.

He patted Oscar on the shoulder: "Keep working hard, what if you succeed in embracing the beauty in the future?"

When a smart person becomes stupid, there is nothing wrong with being a fool!

Gradually arriving at the mixed area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, facing more and more ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, everyone could no longer make trouble.

Everyone had discussed before setting off, starting from Zhu Zhuqing, the youngest, to hunt for soul rings, and ending with Flender.

Forgot to mention that Zhu Zhuqing's martial soul has evolved.

Although it is still a cat, it has evolved from a Nether Cat to a Nether Jade Shadow Cat.

From the outside, it is still a slender black cat with blue and green eyes, but it gives people a feeling of texture like jade, as if this cat is carved from jade.After testing, Zhu Zhuqing's defense power increased greatly with the spirit possessed.Originally, Zhu Zhuqing's physique was not bad, but now his defense is even stronger.Dai Mubai suspected that Zhu Zhuqing could even switch from assassin to tank.

In addition, the Nether Jade Shadow Cat also has a second shadow form, which can be transformed into a phantom and disappear on the spot.

At present, this second form can't bring Zhu Zhuqing a direct strength bonus, but when she can use the spirit avatar, it should surprise people.

The remnant spirit of the holy beast white tiger has no interest in Zhu Zhuqing's changes: "What if it evolves into a god-level martial soul? My holy beast white tiger clan doesn't even care about the Qilin clan."

Dai Mubai asked suspiciously: "Your world should be a prehistoric world, right? Don't the beasts respect the Qilin?"

"Who told you that our Baihu clan is a beast clan? You don't think that the Qinglong clan belongs to the dragon clan, the Suzaku clan belongs to the phoenix clan, and the Xuanwu clan belongs to the water clan, do you?"

Dai Mubai had question marks all over his head: "Could it be, isn't it?"

The Holy Beast White Tiger Remnant smiled and said nothing.

"Is a lion a feline? Is it a cat? Is a whale with the word fish in its name a fish? Is a pterosaur that looks like a bird a bird? Are bastards and turtles the same species?"

Dai Mubai was confused by the question.

In short Dai Mubai was educated again.

There are a lot of beeps and beeps of the holy beast white tiger remnants, but only one core idea.

The White Tiger Clan is the most honorable!

Nobody deserves it! (draw key points)

For Zhu Zhuqing's fourth spirit ring, he would choose one of Ghost Leopard and You Yuehu.The former can bring the soul skill Nether Shadow Clone, and the latter can bring the soul skill Youyue Pupil.Nether Shadow Clone, as the name suggests, is easy to understand.You Yue's Pupil is not difficult to understand. This is a control-type soul skill. With this soul skill, you can create a killing phantom to achieve the effect of a spiritual attack, but you must look directly into the opponent's eyes when using it, and the phantom only lasts for three seconds. , is very limited.

However, everyone wandered around the Xingdou mixed area for two days, but they didn't find the ghost leopard or Youyue tiger. Instead, they ran into the pink lady and the king of the earth.

That's right, it's the soul beast that is the source of the fourth soul ability Oscar absorbed in the original novel, Pink Hypertension Intestine, and the fourth soul ability absorbed by Ma Hongjun, Phoenix Roaring Sky Strike.

Dai Mubai's face was full of bewilderment: "There are also the King of the Earth and the Pink Lady in the Star Dou Great Forest?"

"Are there any soul beasts in the Great Star Forest?" Flender looked at the densely packed pink girls below with a look of displeasure.

"There are so many pink girls, there must be a Pink Lady among them." Yu Xiaogang frowned, "Oscar's soul skills can be considered Pink Lady, if you are lucky enough to meet a ten thousand year soul beast, you can just absorb it!"

Ma Hongjun touched his handsome face, and said: "The king of the earth is for me?"

"Two scorpion-shaped soul beasts are married?" Oscar refused, "If Rong Rong absorbs the King of the Earth, I can still accept it. What happened to that fat man Ma Hongjun? Who wants to absorb the husband and wife soul ring with him?" ?”

"What is [Fatty Ex-Dead], bastard! I don't want to absorb the husband and wife soul ring together with you!" If it wasn't for flying in the sky now, Ma Hongjun would definitely give Oscar a kick.

"What husband and wife soul rings..." Tang San held his forehead, "You guys think too much, don't you?"

"Something is wrong. Although the pink girl is a herd soul beast, there are only a few hundred at most. There are thousands of them here?" Yu Xiaogang sat on Luo Sanpao's back and rushed towards the pink girl. Flying in that direction, he saw a blue King of the Earth.

The king of the earth for thousands of years!
The king of the earth is divided into three colors. The red king of the earth has a cultivation base of less than a thousand years, and each coccyx is equivalent to 50 years of cultivation.The white King of the Earth has been cultivated for less than 500 years, and each coccyx is equivalent to 5000 years of cultivation.Its color will turn dark blue when its cultivation has evolved to ten thousand years, and each coccyx is equivalent to [-] years of cultivation.

And this blue earth king has 42 coccyx!The first forty sections grew out ten thousand years ago, and the last two sections prove that it is an 1000-year-old soul beast.

Next to the King of the Earth, there is a pink scorpion with almost the same size as it. It looks like it is carved out of pink crystal. Its whole body is covered with a layer of fine scales, and it has six small dark red eyes on its head. Flickering with a faint cold light.From the appearance, this pink lady has obviously broken the law that it is difficult for a pink girl to break through ten thousand years, and has become a rare ten thousand year soul beast!

"Teacher, the situation is very wrong." Tang San flew to Yu Xiaogang's side with a solemn face.

After his purple magic pupil broke through to the meson realm, he possessed extremely strong penetrating power, and saw several thousand-year-old pink ladies through the pink hyperactive mist emitted by the pink girls!
"The pink girl of Wannian should probably be called the pink queen. The point is, how did we provoke these pink girls?" Yu Xiaogang had a headache.

"Maybe it's not us." Tang San looked at the direction where Pink Girl and the Earth King came, "They seem to be avoiding hunting."

Dai Mubai also came to them at this time, with a serious face, he said to Tang San and Yu Xiaogang: "Please Bone Douluo bring the Earth King and Pink Queen, we retreat!"

If Dai Mubai's guess is correct, the ones chasing and killing the Pink Queen and the Earth King are likely to be people from the Spirit Hall.

He has not forgotten that among Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, who are called the golden generation of Wuhun Hall, Hu Liena's Wuhun is a demon fox, and hyperactive poison gas is most suitable for her, while Yan's Wuhun is of fire attribute. It is also suitable to absorb the soul ring of the earth king.

However, if they are the soul kings now, then the golden generation of the Wuhun Temple will not be worthy of the name.

Bone Douluo stretched out his withered hands from the space crack, grabbed the two ten thousand year soul beasts and disappeared again.

"Their target is not us, change direction and retreat!" Yu Xiaogang said to the crowd, "All come to San Pao's back!"

Oscar's flying gut is very fast, but it's just a thousand year spirit ability.Luo Sanpao has a ten thousand year soul ring!

Flying in the Star Dou Great Forest is a very unwise choice, because the trees in the Star Dou Great Forest are so towering that even the sunlight is almost completely blocked.Luo Sanpao's large body can only break through the layers of tree canopy and fly above the forest, but in this way, it is easy to be focused by the flying soul beasts in the big forest.

But at this time, in order to avoid the pink girls, he had no choice but to make a bad move.

The poisonous mist erupted by thousands of pink girls gathered together can make even a soul saint so excited that his blood vessels burst to death!

Seeing a flying spirit beast flying up, Dai Mubai didn't care about hiding his strength anymore, he quickly released the illusion to hide Luo Sanpao and the others.

Bone Douluo rubbed his eyes in the space crack.


What about so many people?
How do you say it's gone?
Not only Bone Douluo, but also the flying spirit beasts that flew out of the forest to attack Dai Mubai and others were also stunned.

At this time, the common target disappeared, and the various flying soul beasts looked at each other.

Coincidentally, let's meet and have a fight!

Dai Mubai and others sat on Luo Sanpao's back, watching the flying spirit beasts fight.

"Maybe the headmaster is the first to absorb the spirit ring."

"Although we don't know what Mubai has done, we are safe for the time being." Yu Xiaogang nodded, he looked at Dai Mubai, "How long will your soul ability last?"

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "Don't we have three auxiliary system soul masters here? Teacher Shao is still a soul sage, as long as I have enough soul power, I can support this soul ability to continue to release."

The others looked at Dai Mubai in amazement, they didn't expect Dai Mubai to possess such a miracle.

"This is your camouflage soul skill, right? It's really powerful if you use it well." Yu Xiaogang praised, "Then let's wait here. After those flying soul beasts kill each other, we will collectively attack the 7 year's Storm Falcon."

That storm falcon is the most suitable soul beast for Flender.

The crowd nodded.

"Oscar, what are you doing in a daze? You're making a bowel movement!" Dai Mubai slapped Oscar.

Oscar looked aggrieved: "If you make a bowel, just do it, why beat me? Aren't everyone in a daze..."

Ning Rongrong rubbed his head for him: "Hurry up! There's so much nonsense!"

Oscar: ()
It would be great if Rongrong's words were as gentle as her actions.

Oscar made dozens of recovery sausages and more than a dozen flying sausages, and was successfully drained of his soul power.

Then he just watched Dai Mubai eat the recovery intestines one by one.

"It seems that this soul skill consumes a lot of soul power!" Shao Xin smiled and handed Dai Mubai a handful of jelly beans.

"Little San, for a while, try your best to control the Storm Falcon, every second is a second. Mubai, release your golden leaf soul ability with all your strength." Yu Xiaogang arranged in an orderly manner, "Hongjun, do your best. Rong Rong provides assistance. Zhuqing does not make a move for the time being. Teacher Lu, once Xiaosan is out of control, you will be responsible for controlling the Storm Falcon. Boss Fu, you are the main attack. Teacher Zhao and Teacher Li eat mushroom sausages to assist the attack. Teacher Shao, you give them the jelly beans."

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

I'm the only one who doesn't come in handy? !
(PS: I haven't written the thesis yet, and I'm in a panic when I graduate in June.)
(End of this chapter)

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