Douluo's supreme white tiger

Chapter 107 Tragedy Is Tearing Up Beautiful Things for People to See

Chapter 107 Tragedy Is Tearing Up Beautiful Things for People to See
Dai Mubai pressed Qian Renxue, he crawled out of bed with some headaches.

If he pressed it down again, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Sure enough, a beautiful girl is lying on the bed with no power to restrain the chicken, which makes people want to do whatever they want!
Qian Renxue can't say that she has no strength to restrain a chicken now, but it's not bad.

"Do you want to know why I was able to take you away under the noses of the two Title Douluo?" Dai Mubai sat on the chair by the bed, raised his eyebrows and asked triumphantly.

"Don't you want to say something even worse?" Qian Renxue said with a cold face.

"Tsk, you still look better when you are sleeping." Dai Mubai said what a pervert would say.

"Bastard! Scum! Garbage!" Qian Renxue angrily threw the pillow at Dai Mubai's face.

Dai Mubai hugged the soft down pillow, with a calm expression.It seemed that Qian Renxue was not scolding him at all.

"You have a 10-year spirit bone, which can be used to disguise yourself and replace Xue Qinghe under the eyes of Title Douluo. Naturally, I also have a 10-year spirit bone, which can drag you into an illusion when you are not prepared, and take you out of the world." The two titled Douluo brought you out of the Ning Family Castle under their noses to imprison you."

Qian Renxue closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"The pope's daughter has been someone else's son for decades. This is really unexpected!"

Qian Renxue sat cross-legged again, ready to break through the seal.

"Xue'er, do you think that if you do what Bibi Dong says, she will really recognize and care for you?"

"Shut up!" Qian Renxue threw another pillow onto Dai Mubai's face.

Dai Mubai smiled, and stuffed the pillow back into her hand: "Hold it first, then throw it later."

Qian Renxue: "..."

So angry!
How could this man be such a bastard and shameless!
"I will definitely kill you!" Qian Renxue looked at Dai Mubai bitterly.

"You won't." Dai Mubai was determined, "Because, I will help you!"

Qian Renxue was taken aback.

"I don't believe your nonsense!" Qian Renxue threw the pillow on Dai Mubai's face again.

"You yearn for maternal love, then I will help you get Bibi Dong's love!" Dai Mubai said with a smile, "If you want to be the emperor of Tiandou Empire, I can help you too!"

Not only was Qian Renxue not happy, but her face was vigilant: "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? You." Dai Mubai raised an eyebrow at her.

"Shameless! Pervert! Bastard!"

Dai Mubai laughed: "There are quite a few curse words."

Qian Renxue stared at Dai Mubai for a while, and found that Dai Mubai was skinny and shameless, so she stared at him without any effort: "You can even discover my identity, so you must also know my mother's plan, right? "

"En." Dai Mubai replied calmly, "It's not difficult to guess."

"Since you know, then you should understand that you and I are destined to become enemies." Qian Renxue said, feeling a little weird in her heart.

It is impossible for Dai Mubai's few words to really move her, and Dai Mubai's shameless appearance makes it difficult for Qian Renxue to be moved.

She also didn't change her mind about killing Dai Mubai, but there was an indescribable weirdness.

"Don't try to use me!" Qian Renxue said viciously.

"Wow, you guessed it." Dai Mubai made an exaggerated expression, causing Qian Renxue to punch him in the face.

Dai Mubai grabbed her fist, and pulled her into his arms: "How much do you have a problem with my face? Why do you just say hello to my face?"

Qian Renxue was embraced by Dai Mubai from behind, her pretty face flushed with anger: "Bastard! Let me go!"

"Awkward?" Dai Mubai had a weird expression, "Having pretended to be a man for more than ten years, you must also know that a man with a strong blood has no self-control in front of women."

Qian Renxue's body stiffened immediately.

She has pretended to be a man for more than ten years, but she is not a real man!

"As the crown prince of Tiandou, has no one ever given you a woman?" Dai Mubai asked curiously.

"Shut up!" Qian Renxue forced these words out between her teeth.

Dai Mubai has no doubts, if he undoes the seal on Qian Renxue now, he will definitely be chopped up by Qian Renxue.

"Xue'er," Dai Mubai put his arms around Qian Renxue's waist, putting his head on her shoulder, "You will get what you want."

Qian Renxue's lips moved, but she didn't speak.

"You want to dominate the mainland just like your mother, right?" Qian Renxue asked with a complicated expression. "You, like her, are trying to use me, aren't you?"

"Not exactly the same." Dai Mubai replied honestly, "According to my investigation, your mother doesn't like your father, so she doesn't like you either."

"But me, emmmm," Dai Mubai kissed Qian Renxue's cheek sideways, "I'm greedy for your body!"


Qian Renxue just wanted to be moved, but in the end she was so angry that she trembled all over.

Dai Mubai's expression twisted.

He tightened his arms holding Qian Renxue's waist: "Xue'er, no matter how strong my self-control is, there is a limit."

"Then let me go!" Sitting in Dai Mubai's arms, Qian Renxue also felt uncomfortable, especially when someone couldn't control the prehistoric power in her body more and more.

Dai Mubai felt that he was masturbating himself now: "But I can't bear it."

"You will die in this aspect sooner or later!" Qian Renxue angrily gave Dai Mubai an elbow.

Dai Mubai sighed.

"I am a majestic prince, but I have only hooked up with two women, and I haven't had any of them yet." Dai Mubai's tone was full of helplessness, "Is there anyone worse than me?"

"I can even hug a bag like Xue Beng, but I didn't even take one?"

Qian Renxue: "Beast!"

"I can't help it. Zhuqing is not yet 14 years old, so I can't do anything. I can only treat her like a beast."

"Die!" Qian Renxue gave Dai Mubai another elbow.

Her current strength is neither painful nor itchy for Dai Mubai.

"Why so fierce?" Dai Mubai pinched Qian Renxue's waist, turned her around to face him, "Are you really going to pretend to be a man forever?"

Qian Renxue remained silent.

"I know, you may be thinking that after Bibi Dong takes over the mainland, you will return to your original appearance and start your life again, right?"

Qian Renxue remained silent.

"Don't even think about it. With your masculine character, who else can bear it except me?"

Qian Renxue hit Dai Mubai's head with her head.

Dai Mubai was fine, she had a big bump on her forehead.

"Aren't you stupid!" Dai Mubai said helplessly.

Fortunately, his Peach Tree Martial Soul has healing soul skills, and he quickly healed the wound on her forehead.

"I really plan to die with me!"

Qian Renxue burst into tears in pain.

It's not that she's squeamish, but... If you knock your head against someone, your eyes will be full of tears.

Purely irritating tears.

Dai Mubai rubbed her forehead, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "I'm not very smart in the first place, what should I do if I am fooled!"

Qian Renxue was so angry that she slapped him on the face: "Can you talk? You definitely want to piss me off!"

"How come?" Dai Mubai smiled softly, "I still plan to marry you as my second wife!"


Qian Renxue slapped him again.

"No way, who told me to get engaged to Zhuqing first? Otherwise, I will let you be the eldest wife."


Qian Renxue closed her eyes and didn't want to look at him.

Sure enough, it would be better to kill a scum like Dai Mubai.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Dai Mubai hugged Qian Renxue horizontally, put her on the bed, and said with a smile on Qian Renxue's death-defying expression, "You rest here for a while, I'll come and see her off later You go back."

"You will send me back?" Qian Renxue was full of disbelief.

Dai Mubai grinned: "I'm still waiting for you to succeed in enthroning. When I marry you, the Emperor Tiandou will be my wife, and the Pope of Wuhun Palace will be my mother-in-law. Wouldn't it be possible for me to unify the continent without bloodshed?"


"I found out that you are really not good at all!" Dai Mubai suddenly leaned close to Qian Renxue's pretty face, threatening, "If you continue to sneer at me, I will kiss you!"

Qian Renxue gasped, wanting to curse.

But she held back.

She had never seen such a brazen person!
"So good! Reward me with a kiss."

Dai Mubai kissed her.

Qian Renxue was dumbfounded.

She was wrong.

Dai Mubai is more shameless than shameless!
"Since you invited me, then I won't be polite." Dai Mubai hooked her chin, and kissed her.


Sure enough, I really want to kill this shameless Dai Mubai!
Dai Mubai left the room contentedly.

Qian Renxue's lips were bright red, and she stared at the ceiling with blurred eyes.


The remnant spirit of the holy beast White Tiger and all the younger brothers looked at Dai Mubai speechlessly.

He fucked up the girl on the bed, but he was still a virgin in the end!
"So you just kissed someone in the end?"

Dai Mubai retorted stupidly: "Several mouthfuls."

The holy beast white tiger's remnant spirit covered his face, Lu Mingfei turned around, Long Aotian and Huang Xin returned to the flat peach tree.

"Can you have some ambition?"

Dai Mubai chuckled: "Impossible."

"Are you in love? You have to talk slowly."

The remnant spirit of the Holy Beast White Tiger didn't bother to talk to him: "You didn't tell her the truth?"

Dai Mubai's silly smile retracted, and he smiled helplessly: "Anyone can tell her the truth except me."

"We can't steal the jobs of her grandfather and mother!"

"Are you afraid that after you tell her, she will hate you?" asked the holy beast White Tiger Remnant Spirit.

"She will definitely hate me, so what can I do about it? I still expect to marry her home!"

Dai Mubai turned to look at Qian Renxue's room: "Although it's a bit cruel, I still hope she can become a god."

"So you need Qian Daoliu's sacrifice?"

"Otherwise?" Dai Mubai asked back. "Why is the angel god a first-level god, can this good thing be missed?"

The holy beast White Tiger Remnant was silent for a moment, and it asked, "Do you like Qian Renxue?"

Dai Mubai opened his mouth, then said with a smile: "I like it!"

"There's no sincerity at all." The holy beast Bai Hu Canling was in a complicated mood, "If you like her, why didn't you choose to save Qian Daoliu? After all, he is Qian Renxue's grandfather and treats Qian Renxue very well. Qian Renxue is also very dependent on him."

Dai Mubai smiled.

"A tragedy is to tear something beautiful for others to see."

(PS: It is said that there will be a group of people watching pirated versions running over and scolding after the update... I want to try it. Forget it, let’s not die. Dog’s life is important.)
 Daily second update.

(End of this chapter)

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