Chapter 6
"However, he said that our god religion behaves just like these guys, and we can't escape the mouths of the Jianghu people..."

Although a little curious, the Oriental girl still sneered in her heart. Even if such a person can be a friend, she should not be a close friend.

However, Su Chen's next words made her change her mind.

"Oh, by the way, when I came down the mountain, I met a few who claimed to be disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect. Although they acted domineeringly, they treated the common people and the poor very well. A disciple of the Sun Moon God Sect gave me food so that I could survive. On the contrary, a few disciples of the Songshan Sect, when they saw us, they punched and kicked us, and spoke harsh words at each other. Presumably, the Sun Moon God Sect was also because of you The words of this kind of people have become what everyone calls the Demon Cult..."

The Oriental girl is right behind her, how could it be possible that Su Chen didn't say something nice?

In this case, it cannot be said to be licking a dog.

There are some things you have to look at on a case by case basis.

For example, now, the identity of the Oriental girl is there, the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, the famous big devil, of course, these are only in the mouths of the so-called righteous people.

Su Chen is someone who has watched TV dramas, and he has also read the original novels and learned about the origin of the Sun Moon God Sect.

The Sun Moon God Sect was reorganized from the Ming Sect. From the perspective of the court, it is impossible for it to have a good reputation.

However, the people of the Ming Cult are open and aboveboard, and after Dongfang Bai took office, they reorganized the Sun Moon God Sect, and now the Sun Moon God Sect is also a serious businessman.

Relatively speaking, in order to tarnish the reputation of the Sun Moon God Sect, those righteous people, such as the Songshan Sect, can even do the method of massacring villages. This is the real Devil Sect.

Besides, if you chase this kind of woman, if you use conventional means, the kind that doesn't lick, why don't you chase one and let me see?

Taking ten thousand steps back is just to show a position, to show that I don't hate the Sun Moon God Sect, and to lay the foundation for the future. (For some people to say that the protagonist licks, the author explains!)

Not surprisingly, as soon as Su Chen said this, Dongfang Bai's favorability increased greatly.

It means that Su Chen is not a beauty chasing system or something, otherwise...

"Stop talking nonsense, knowing that our two brothers are Qingcheng Sixiu, dare to stop them, it's not like living!" Luo Renjie snorted coldly, stepped on lightness kung fu with his feet, and charged up with Songfeng swordsmanship.


This Luo Renjie is also second-rate, but compared with Su Chen, he is simply a fighting chicken among garbage.

A Songfeng swordsmanship can be considered a top-notch swordsmanship, but it is loose and loose. Although the internal strength is strong, it does not know how to use it reasonably.

From Su Chen's point of view, this is a silver pewter tip.

I saw Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, his left thumb pressed lightly on the sword lattice, and the fine iron sword in his hand came out of its sheath a foot with a choking sound.

At this time, Luo Renjie stabbed Su Chen's chest with a sword.

Su Chen unhurriedly raised his hand lightly, unsheathed the one-foot sword blade, and blocked Luo Renjie's sword tip in front of his chest, making a ding sound.

"With your skill, you still learn how to pick flowers like Tian Boguang? You are a piece of rubbish!"

Su Chen made a wave of ridicule, raised his foot and kicked Luo Renjie in the stomach.


Luo Renjie wailed and flew several meters away. If this happened to future generations, it probably wouldn't be able to be rescued.

However, Luo Renjie only wailed for a moment, then stood up with the support of his junior brother Yu Renhao.

"Renhao, let's go together!"

Luo Renjie and Yu Renhao yelled loudly, and rushed up from both sides.

Su Chen smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, went up to stand in front of the leader girl, turned his head and gave her a reassuring look, then turned his head and drew his sword, using the Quanzhen swordsmanship to meet her.

The perfect state of Quanzhen swordsmanship plus the perfect state of Jin Yan Gong, combined with Su Chen's current second-rate late-stage strength, it is very easy to deal with two second-rate bastards.

Of course, Su Chen didn't kill immediately. While resisting with difficulty, he was also familiar with the use of swordsmanship and the cooperation with lightness kung fu.

Dongfang Bai, who was standing aside, was astonished.

She could clearly see that Su Chen was very proficient in swordsmanship and light work, but his experience in fighting the enemy was pitifully small. At the beginning, he was like learning to walk in Handan, resisting with difficulty.

However, as the ten rounds passed, Su Chen became more comfortable.

After twenty rendezvous, Su Chen has already started to counterattack.

After thirty rounds, Su Chen was clearly playing with these two people.

"Pfft..." Dongfang girl covered her mouth and chuckled, this little guy who suddenly rescued someone is quite interesting...


The whetstones of the two of them were almost used. Su Chen slashed Luo Renjie's arm with a backhand sword, and cut Renhao's thigh with another slash, and jumped out of the battle group.

"Get over here, kneel down and apologize to this girl, otherwise, you will definitely die here today!" Su Chen stood up with a horizontal sword, and said coldly.

"Hmph, if you have the guts, kill us and see if my master will wipe out your entire family!" Luo Renjie said stiffly.

That's the typical My Dad is so-and-so kind of guy.

Since ancient times, nothing has changed.

"Hehe..." Su Chen just likes such stubborn people.

It's not that he doesn't dare to kill. He has seen countless life and death moments in three months. In this era when human life is not as valuable as a bag of rice, killing is just a matter of a knife.

If it wasn't for the favor of the Oriental girl and the development of the subsequent plot, he would have killed these two guys long ago.

"Renhao, let's go!"

However, just when Su Chen stepped forward to kill the two of them, Luo Renjie suddenly took out two grenades from his arms... Oh no, they were thunderbolts, and threw them in the direction of Su Chen and Miss Dongfang.

Su Chen frowned, and quickly raised his long sword to chop off the thunderbolt bullet in front of him, and at the same time, quickly dodged towards the Oriental girl, throwing the Oriental girl who hadn't reacted to the ground.

"Bang bang bang..."

The smoke from the thunderbolt dissipated, and Su Chen could clearly feel Dongfang Bai's heart beating so fast.

"Yes, sorry..."

Su Chen was also dumbfounded for a moment. This is a reflexive approach of a person who has watched too many modern TV dramas facing the bomb kit. He said that it is definitely not for taking advantage.

Standing up quickly, Su Chen stretched out his hand to help the indifferent Dongfang girl up.

"I'm sorry, girl, I'm eager to save people..." Su Chen quickly apologized. If this operation is not good, stealing chickens will not cost you money, and if you confess here, you will be finished.

"It's okay, thank you son for saving my life!"

The Oriental girl thought about it, but she still didn't get angry, so she smiled.

However, the moment she was rescued by Su Chen just now, she really had an unprecedented experience.

"Brother Su, Brother Su, are you okay?"

Linghu Chong and Lu Dayou, who were watching the battle from behind, rushed up and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Su Chen turned around and looked at the two of them, and said with a smile.

"By the way, girl, it's so late..."

After saying hello to the two of them, Su Chen wanted to send Dongfang Bai home, and check his favorability by the way.

But when he turned his head, he saw that Dongfang Bai had long since disappeared.

"Huh? Where's the person?" Su Chen looked around suspiciously, and finally shook his head to gather his mind.

"Hey, Su Chen, why are you with Big Brother and Lu Hou'er like this?" Su Chen was about to say goodbye to them, and when he was looking for a place to live, suddenly Yue Lingshan's voice sounded behind him.

"Oh, it's Ms. Yue, I met my two brothers by chance again, let's say goodbye and say goodbye!"

After Su Chen finished speaking, he used his lightness kung fu to fly up to the roof and disappeared.

In the invisible corner, Dongfang Bai looked at the place where Su Chen disappeared, and whispered softly: "Su Chen, interesting..."

 Deeply mourn the martyrs who died in the fight against the epidemic, and mourn in silence...

(End of this chapter)

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