Super WeChat system

Chapter 288 Bodhi Patriarch

Chapter 288 Bodhi Patriarch
Sitting cross-legged in the air, the aura of heaven and earth turned into a vortex and flowed into Chen Xiaohai's body.The illusory way of heaven appeared in Chen Xiaohai, as if it were real, and he felt it easily.

The realm is constantly rising.

The mobile phone turned into a stream of light and entered Chen Xiaohai's body, and the power of heaven generated by that stream of light was sensed and absorbed by Chen Xiaohai, and his realm continued to improve.Chen Xiaohai's cultivation strength has been further improved, even compared to the average Da Luo Jinxian.It can even compete with top Daluo Jinxians such as Taiyi Zhenren and Guangchengzi.


Suddenly, Chen Xiaohai felt mortal danger.

Before he had time to think about it, Chen Xiaohai raised his hand and swiped in the air, a black and white light circle appeared.The body penetrated into the black and white light circle and disappeared.

Before Chen Xiaohai disappeared, he saw a Taoist priest, a Taoist priest wearing a gray-blue Taoist robe and a childlike face with white hair came from the sky.The breath is all-encompassing, mysterious and elusive.


Absolutely strong.

Even today's Chen Xiaohai feels the fearfulness of that Taoist priest, which is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary people.Even Chen Xiaohai, who found the terrifying sword ancestor Lu Dongbin from the pure Yang sword energy, felt that Lu Dongbin was no match for the gray-blue Taoist priest.

Who is that gray-blue Taoist priest?
Chen Xiaohai's heart was full of confusion, the sense of fatal danger came from the old man in the gray-blue Taoist robe.Even, Chen Xiaohai realized that the hidden danger, the danger of stepping into the fairy world came from the old man in the gray-blue Taoist robe.

Chen Xiaohai came from the mortal earth, and had never appeared in the fairy world. The connection with the fairy world was also through the fairy world chat group in the Super Wechat system.The connection with the fairy world can be said to be virtual, not real.

When he was on the earth, he could perceive the danger from the fairy world.Especially after the mana in the body is completely transformed into immortal power, this sense of danger becomes more and more obvious.

Now, he finally discovered the source of the danger, which was the Taoist priest in front of him.


Sensing Chen Xiaohai's breath, Patriarch Bodhi directly tore through the void and came to Chen Xiaohai's cultivation place.

However, as soon as he saw Chen Xiaohai, Chen Xiaohai stepped into a different dimension, and he didn't even have a chance to make a move.


Patriarch Bodhi frowned slightly, looking at the place where Chen Xiaohai disappeared.

"Did Chen Xiaohai discover something?"

With the cultivation base of Patriarch Bodhi, he has supernatural powers in the three worlds, and he can reach the heavens and the world in a single thought.For others, it is extremely difficult to travel through the heavens and worlds, but for Patriarch Bodhi, it is extremely simple.His immortal thoughts can completely cover the entire fairy world.

Because of playing chess with Taishang Laojun, Bodhi Patriarch respected Taishang Laojun and did not spread immortal thoughts throughout the fairy world.

But when the mobile phone turned into a streamer and entered Chen Xiaohai's sea of ​​consciousness, it released the power of heaven for Chen Xiaohai.As the creator of Tianjian, Patriarch Bodhi sensed that Chen Xiaohai had come to the fairy world.

Patriarch Bodhi had a thought, and a light curtain appeared in the sky. There were columns of signs on the light curtain, which were similar to WeChat.Find out Chen Xiaohai from it, and make contact with Chen Xiaohai.

Patriarch Bodhi: Xiao Hai?
Chen Xiaohai: Patriarch?what's the matter?
Patriarch Bodhi: Xiao Hai?Have you ascended to the fairyland?

Chen Xiaohai: Patriarch, the place I came to is not a fairyland.

Patriarch Bodhi: Where is that?
Chen Xiaohai: I don't know where it is either?I'll check it out.

Patriarch Bodhi: Okay, wait until you find out where it is?Just come to me immediately, and I will take you back to the fairyland.

Chen Xiaohai: Thank you, Patriarch.

The two lost contact.

Bodhi's long hair fluttered, and a pair of dark eyes shone with light.From the conversation with Chen Xiaohai, he can be sure of one thing, that is, Chen Xiaohai has noticed something.

"It seems that I have noticed that I will never allow my painstaking efforts of thousands of years to go to waste."


A majestic castle, surrounded by white mist and holy light, is like a fairyland.Standing on the city wall, Chen Xiaohai's eyes revealed the light of catastrophe, and he was talking with Patriarch Bodhi in his mind.

The mobile phone turned into a streamer and entered Chen Xiaohai's sea of ​​consciousness. The functions of the Super Wechat system did not disappear, but instead turned into a stream of tiny energy.As long as Chen Xiaohai's spirit touches this tiny energy, he will be able to activate the super WeChat system.

I just communicated with Patriarch Bodhi.

After disconnecting from the communication with Patriarch Bodhi, Chen Xiaohai's eyes moved slightly, looking straight ahead, looking at those golden holy lights, thinking silently.

"The Taoist priest in the gray-blue Taoist robe is the Bodhi Patriarch?"

Think of the gray-blue Taoist priest.

Think of that deadly sense of crisis.

Chen Xiaohai contacted Patriarch Bodhi, and Patriarch Bodhi was the only one in the fairy world who knew his true identity.It was also Patriarch Bodhi who taught him the method of cultivation and asked him to find the Immortal Ascension Formation and go to the Immortal Realm.In addition, the emergence of the Super WeChat system and the existence of chat groups in the fairy world are all closely related to the ancestor Bodhi.

The danger Chen Xiaohai sensed most likely came from Patriarch Bodhi.

"Why did the ancestor do this?"

Chen Xiaohai was a little puzzled, if the source of danger was Patriarch Bodhi, why did Patriarch Bodhi do this?Why do you want to attack a mortal like him.Even because of God's will?But the existence of the level of Patriarch Bodhi still cares about God's will?
With a thought, Chen Xiaohai created the Super Wechat system again and found an immortal.Among the heavens and worlds, he is the only one who has the possibility to understand Patriarch Bodhi.

Chen Xiaohai: Old gentleman, are you there?
Taishang Laojun: Xiao Hai, you have finally ascended.

Chen Xiaohai was startled: Old gentleman, do you know my identity?
Taishang Laojun: I knew your identity from the very beginning, but I just didn't want to reveal it.You joined the Immortal Realm chat group, and you didn't use anything from the Immortal Realm for evil, which is pretty good.

Chen Xiaohai: Lord, I have no intention of hiding it.

Taishang Laojun: I understand everything, you don't need to say more.I also know the purpose of your contacting me now.

Chen Xiaohai was surprised again: Laojun knows?

Taishang Laojun: Xiaohai, do you know that our innate gods and demons born from the chaos have infinite lifespan and supreme power, and then my teacher, the ancestor Hongjun, obtained the good fortune jade butterfly and the spirit of the primordial, I spied the word Tao from it, and accepted us as disciples.Afterwards, the teacher went one step further and turned into the Dao of Heaven, achieving the supreme position.Although we have also obtained primordial energy from the teacher, we can only achieve the position of saint, and cannot take the last step to become the way of heaven.

The Bodhi Taoist friend is a genius in heaven, he cultivates alone, and steps into the realm of a saint.Then absorb the power of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, all schools of thought, and want to take the last step, but still can't.The endless lifespan and the longing for the last step made Fellow Bodhi's heart flustered.He established the Three-Star Cave of the Oblique Moon, taught many disciples, secretly observed the cultivation of the disciples, and tried to gain insights from it, but to no avail.

He finally thought of absorbing the energy of the heavens and worlds with the aura of primordial energy, so that he could take that last step with the help of this power.Due to the restriction of the heavens and the power of the heavens and worlds, one must start from the low-level planes, the mortal world.Fellow Bodhi's cultivation is too strong, and he will automatically isolate low-level powers, so he has to choose an ordinary person.

Chen Xiaohai: Am I that person?

Taishang Laojun: Yes, your so-called super WeChat system can be said to be the essence of the primordial spirit, the most fundamental part of Tianjian.

(End of this chapter)

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