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Chapter 269 Formation Power

Chapter 269 Formation Power
Walking into the dense jungle, the wind is blowing and the leaves are rustling.

Chen Xiaohai raised his head slightly, looking at the two wild boars coming out from behind the two big trees.

These two wild boars were twice the size of ordinary wild boars, their limbs were like iron pillars, their black hair, and the skin with black spots were faintly visible, giving people a sense of indestructibility.A pair of eyes are jet black, and the black is extremely strange, forming a sharp contrast with the white snow in the dense forest.

The wild boar breathed low and muffled, and sprayed two streams of white mist from its nostrils.From the two wild boars, I could faintly feel a strange power flowing in the body, which did not belong to mana, holy power, extraordinary energy, or chakra.

These two wild boars should have been affected by the formation, producing a strange power.

The wild boar's black eyes stared at Chen Xiaohai, the old drunkard, and the old Taoist priest. Their huge body suddenly moved and rushed straight.The thick limbs left deep hoof prints on the snow, exposing the ground.

Chen Xiaohai silently glanced at the wild boar that was charging violently, raised his fist, and performed Zhengyang fist.

With a heavy punch, the scorching breath seemed to burn the air.The cold wind all around immediately dissipated without a trace, turning into a wave of warmth.

Zhigang Zhiyang's fist wind bombarded the two wild boars, and the two wild boars were directly thrown into the air. The blood stained the sky red and dripped down.The hot blood melted the snow.

The two wild boars fell to the ground with a loud bang, and the ground trembled.After taking a few breaths, the wild boar died of severe injuries due to the broken bones all over his body. The blood flowed out from the seven orifices and melted into the earth.

These two wild boars are affected by the power of the formation, and they are twice as large as ordinary wild boars. Their strength, speed, defense, and explosive power have been greatly improved. Even ordinary monks in the refinement realm are no match for these wild boars. .

With the strength of Chen Xiaohai's cultivation, even a cultivator in the Transformation God Realm can deal with it, not to mention these two mutated wild boars, which can be easily killed.

The elimination of the two wild boars did not have much impact on Chen Xiaohai.

Three people, move on.

After walking for a while, a huge black bear with a height of three feet appeared in front of the three of them.That strong physique is like an iron tower, and two bear paws seem to be able to smash a boulder easily.The momentum is majestic and oppressive.

Beside the black bear, there are several wild boars and dog roe deer, which are much larger than ordinary wild boars and dog roe deer.

"Black bear?"

Seeing the huge black bear, Chen Xiaohai was slightly taken aback.

"There are black bears in Changbai Mountain."

Chen Xiaohai's eyes glanced at the black bear, and then shifted to the side.There was a fox standing on the branch of a big tree. The fox looked at Chen Xiaohai, the old drunkard, and the old Taoist with dark eyes, and a sly light flashed from time to time, which was very humane.

"This black bear has even appeared." The old drunkard curled his lips and said, "It seems that there have been many practitioners who have come to this sacred place of Changbai Mountain over the years."

The old Taoist said: "The number of people who happened to the Changbai Mountain Holy Land back then was quite large, and the power of the formation was greatly weakened once every 30 years in the Changbai Mountain Holy Land, so there will be some treasures circulating, and it is normal for practitioners to come from time to time. However, this The surrounding animals are almost dead too. The old drunkard, Xiao Hai, just knock them unconscious later, don’t kill them.”

"The formation of the Changbai Mountain Holy Land is a bit weird. It seems to have expanded a lot compared to the first time I touched it. I suspect it has something to do with its own protection. If these animals are killed, the The formation of the holy land will most likely expand again, and it will affect human beings."

Chen Xiaohai and the old drunkard nodded slightly when they heard the words.

While the old Taoist was speaking, the fox on the branch let out a sharp cry.The black bear, wild boar, and dog roe deer moved at the same time and attacked Chen Xiaohai.

Facing the attack of black bear, wild boar, dog and roe deer, the three of them looked indifferent, and they stunned a beast with a wave of their hands.

With the cultivation strength of the three of them, they belong to the top existence on the entire earth.The strongest of these beasts affected by the power of the formation is nothing more than the black bear, a beast in the Qi training state, which does not pose any threat to the three of them.

Chen Xiaohai put one hand on the head of the rushing wild boar, and instantly restrained the rushing wild boar.With a movement of the mana, the mana in the palm of the hand stunned the wild boar.

The moment the wild boar was stunned, a sharp piercing pierced from the left side.

Chen Xiaohai quickly took a step back, the brown branch pierced in front of him, piercing the ground like a sharp sword.The branch pulled out from the ground, leaving a deep hole in the ground, and pointed at Chen Xiaohai with its sharp end.The surrounding spruce trees also moved, their branches and leaves were as sharp as swords, and the branches faced the three of them.

"This is the tree affected by the power of the formation."

Chen Xiaohai glanced at those spruce trees, they didn't have any special power.

The power of these trees is a bit weird, and they can't clearly sense the energy level like black bears, wild boars, and dog roe deer.Because the trees themselves have life energy, coupled with the influence of the formation, a strange energy is combined.

From just now, it can be perceived that the speed of the spruce tree is very fast and its attack power is extremely strong, but it is still not in any danger to Chen Xiaohai and the three of them.

The old Taoist shouted: "Don't pay attention to these trees, they can't move, we just need to move forward." He raised his hand, and a talisman flew out, stunned the fox on the branch.

Mana shields emerged from the three of them, resisting all the attacks of the spruce tree.

Another way to go.

I didn't see anything, but there was an extremely mysterious force rushing around.This force faintly affected Chen Xiaohai's judgment, and the mana shield on his body shone with light.

Chen Xiaohai frowned, and looked into the depths of the dense forest: "Is this the power of the formation?"

The power of the formation silently affected Chen Xiaohai, not only on his spiritual consciousness, but also on his judgment, mana operation and so on.Moreover, this force is extremely strange, moistening things silently, making Chen Xiaohai completely unaware and unable to resist.

The old drunkard and the old Taoist stopped suddenly.

The old drunk broke out in a cold sweat: "Xiao Hai, you can't move on."

The old Taoist said: "Xiao Hai, stop moving forward. The influence of the formation is getting bigger and bigger. We can't keep Qin Xing if we continue to move forward."

Chen Xiaohai was slightly taken aback when he heard the words of the old drunkard and the old Taoist priest.The power of this formation is indeed not to be underestimated, but it has not yet reached the unstoppable situation, Chen Xiaohai can completely resist the influence of this formation.

However, it is absolutely impossible for old drunkards and old Taoists to lie to themselves.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiaohai understood the reason.He controlled the puppy Most with the Beast Control Art, and borrowed the terrifying spiritual power of the puppy Most.In other words, in terms of mental strength, Chen Xiaohai far surpassed the old drunkard and the old Taoist.Therefore, the formation has very little effect on him, very little.

But Chen Xiaohai didn't dare to take too many risks, this is also a fairy-level formation after all.It is unknown whether one's own mental strength can resist the influence of the formation, so he had to give up.

The three left Changbai Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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