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Chapter 260 Bronze Breastplate

Chapter 260 Bronze Breastplate

The cooperation between the two parties was reached, and they left the Sky Club together.

Because Chen Xiaohai left with the old drunkard and the old Taoist priest, as well as the practitioners from the Huaxia Special Incident Handling Center.The Holy See, Ninja Village Ninja, and Transcendent who were hidden outside Cangqiu Island all left one after another.

They didn't care about Chen Xiaohai.

In the entire world of extraordinary people, they still don't know Chen Xiaohai's real cultivation strength, they just think of him as a young practitioner with some cultivation resources.

However, the old drunkard and the old Taoist are well-known figures in the world of practitioners. They belong to the top-level existence and have created a great reputation in the entire world of extraordinary people.Naturally, these saints, ninjas, and transcendents do not want to mess with old alcoholics and old Taoist priests.

After leaving Cangqiu Island.

Chen Xiaohai made an appointment with the old drunkard and the old Taoist priest to explore the holy land, and they separated from each other.

After parting with the old alcoholic and the old Taoist priest, Chen Xiaohai escorted Lu Zhengguo home and asked Tao Yougong to stay and protect him.In addition, he gave Tao Yougong a defensive treasure, the Thousand Mountain Map, obtained from the immortals in the fairy world.

The Map of Thousand Mountains cannot be regarded as a fairy artifact, but it can only be regarded as a rather impressive magic weapon.With Tao Yougong's cultivation base, it is absolutely possible to stimulate the Thousand Mountains Map.

Whenever Lu Zhengguo's family has a problem, they can immediately include everyone in the Thousand Mountains Map.Tao Yougong can also enter the map of thousands of mountains by himself, and control the map of thousands of mountains to leave.

With the defensive power of the Thousand Mountain Map, even Chen Xiaohai's pure Yang sword energy condensed by using the Gathering Sword Technique would be difficult to break through.The defense is so strong that even the power on earth cannot break through it.

Of course, when Chen Xiaohai handed over the Thousand Mountains Map to Tao Yougong, Chen Xiaohai branded a mark on the Thousand Mountains Map and had absolute control over the Thousand Mountains Map.Even if Tao Yougong used the Thousand Mountains Map, he would be able to discover it immediately.

Then, Chen Xiaohai returned to Nanyan City.

Go back to Nanyan City and go back to the villa.

Chen Xiaoguan closed the door.

In the room, the puppy Most was squatting in the corner, gnawing on a huge bone. Even a bone as hard as iron could be easily crushed and swallowed by its sharp teeth. In the stomach, digested rapidly.

Chen Xiaohai sat on the bed casually, and took out some bronze fragments from the space ring.These bronze fragments were collected by him from the Old Green Bamboo B&B, and he has finally collected them now.

The pieces of bronze were pieced together, gradually revealing the appearance of a breastplate.The lines on the heart mirror became more and more obvious, like a fierce tiger, majestic and extraordinary.

When he was about to piece together the last bronze fragment, Chen Xiaohai's heart throbbed inexplicably.

Practitioners who have reached Chen Xiaohai's level have reached an extremely subtle level of control over their bodies and consciousness.It is almost impossible for the mind to be detached from its own management.

Inexplicably throbbing, there must be something special happening.

Chen Xiaohai stopped, glanced at the bronze shards in his hand, thought for a while, and put them away again.Then he yelled at the puppy Most, "Stupid dog, take me to a deserted mountain."

"Yes, Master."

The puppy Most hid the remaining bones in his belly, his eyes flashed, and a strange space wave rippled away, covering Chen Xiaohai.Immediately afterwards, both of them disappeared into the room.

next moment.

Chen Xiaohai and Most appeared in an old forest deep in the mountains. The trees were vigorous and ancient, and the cold wind was blowing. There were no traces of humans.

Chen Xiaohai's gaze swept away, and his spiritual consciousness quickly spread out. There was no sign of recognition within a range of several thousand meters, and he felt relieved.Came to a fairly flat place and took out the bronze fragment.

"Stupid dog, get out of here immediately if you have any problems."

Chen Xiaohai was still worried, so he ordered the puppy Most.

"Yes Master."

Puppy Most responded, holy vigilance.From those bronze fragments, he also felt an extremely powerful and mysterious force.

Chen Xiaohai carefully put together the last bronze shard and the breastplate, and the tiger pattern on the breastplate gradually lit up, turning into a roaring ferocious giant tiger that rushed out.The roar of the tiger resounded through the heavens and the earth, shaking the heavens, majestic and majestic.

Chen Xiaohai took a quick step back, the mana in his body circulated at high speed and swelled.Staring at the bronze breastplate, his eyes were full of vigilance and caution.

The ferocious giant tiger rushed out, and quickly turned into nothingness, like an illusion.When confidently looking at the bronze heart mirror, the pattern of the tiger on the top is shining with light, lifelike and extremely powerful.

At this moment, a wonderful power emanates from the bronze breast-guard. This power continuously devours the surrounding power and the energy between the heaven and the earth. It is wonderful and strange.

The surrounding flowers, plants and trees gradually withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their vitality dissipated, which was absorbed by the bronze heart guard.

"How is this going?"

Chen Xiaohai stared at the bronze breastplate.

The bronze heart mirror continuously absorbed the vitality of the surrounding trees, turning these vitality into its own energy.And behind the bronze heart mirror, a phantom appeared faintly.It's just that the phantom is too illusory, and it's hard to detect what phantom is.

"We can't let it continue to absorb vitality, otherwise the trees in this area will wither, and we will definitely be noticed."

With a thought in mind, Chen Xiaohai took out a thousand top-grade spirit stones, sprinkled them around the bronze heart mirror, and the air in the entire forest became fresh, and there was a strange force flowing, that is the top-grade spirit energy Aura.

The top-quality spirit stone appeared, and the bronze heart mirror no longer devoured the vitality of the trees, but began to absorb the aura of the top-quality spirit.

A blink of an eye.

Three hours passed.

One thousand top-grade spirit stones consumed one hundred pieces, and the huge aura was completely absorbed by the bronze heart-guard, but the bronze heart-guard didn't seem to be helped, it was still absorbing the aura of top-quality spirit stones, the phantom behind it Still unreal and fuzzy, impossible to observe.

"Looks like it will take a while."

Chen Xiaohai criticized the illusory and blurred shadow, and secretly made a move.At the same time, he felt a little surprised by the state of the bronze heart guard's spiritual energy absorption.

A top-grade spirit stone contains extremely huge spiritual energy.

Even with Chen Xiaohai's cultivation base and the wonder of the Sanyuan Zhenjue.It may take half a day to absorb 100 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, but this bronze mirror absorbed a hundred top-quality spirit stones in three hours, which is really amazing.

Chen Xiaohai was very much looking forward to what the bronze breastplate would become in the end.But Chen Xiaohai didn't have much time to stay in this place to wait, so he set up a formation here and left.

At the same time, let the little ghost man face dragon come to this place, and pay close attention to the changes of the bronze breastplate.If there is any change, immediately inform Chen Xiaohai.

(End of this chapter)

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