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246 Old drunkard

246 Old drunkard

in an empty space.

It was pitch black, and it was almost impossible to see the surrounding situation.Only the statue of God in the center is shrouded in a beam of light, which is extremely sacred.


Brady, the real Holy Son of the Holy See, glanced around, feeling the remaining power in this space, and gradually tightened his brows.

The power of faith in this space is really lacking, only a little power of faith is left.Even if these powers of faith are condensed, it is difficult to condense a pure power of faith.

"Rudolph, where is the power of faith?"

"The power of faith?"

Rudolph was slightly taken aback, he had already noticed the power of faith remaining in this space.But he always called these powers pious power, and every believer he cultivated would produce a certain amount of pious power, which could enhance his strength.

It turns out that the so-called power of piety belongs to the power of faith.And the power in this space is the power of faith, this magical and powerful power.

"That Chen Xiaohai must have done it."

"Chen Xiaohai?" Brady revealed a look of disgust between his brows, "It's that oriental cultivator pretending to be the Son of God."

Rudolph said: "Yes, Lord Son. Only he has opened this door."

Brady secretly said in his heart: "Since this Chen Xiaohai can possess the holy light, maybe he also has a way to absorb the power of faith. The divine words I got in my dream, absorbing these powers of faith can greatly increase my strength. But Now there is not much power of faith remaining, even if I fully absorb it, I am afraid that I will not be the opponent of Chen Xiaohai, I have to wait. Continue to improve the power of my holy word technique, as long as I fully master the holy word technique, a mere Chen Xiaohai will be able to fight again. What's the deal."

Seeing that Brady was silent, Rudolph asked, "Master Shengzi, should we do this? Is it me who led the twelve disciples to bring Chen Xiaohai back?"

Brady stretched out his hand to stop him: "No need, the Sky Auction is about to start, we don't need to show our full strength for a single Chen Xiaohai. Moreover, China is unfathomable, and it is not easy to deal with."

"Yes, Lord Holy Son."

Rudolph said respectfully.

Brady said: "Rudolph, you go out first, I need to practice here. I will find you before the Sky Auction starts."

"Yes, Lord Holy Son."

Immediately, Pope Rudolph of the Holy See walked out of this space.

When Rudolph walked out of the black door, the heavy black door closed slowly.

Huaxia Kingdom.

Special Incident Handling Center Headquarters.

An old man with messy hair appeared above the headquarters. This old man didn't have many wrinkles on his face, but he had a big red wine-stained nose, but his eyes were black and bright, deep and unpredictable, containing infinite wisdom.

Looking down at the headquarters, there was a strange light in his eyes, and then he said to himself: "I heard that the headquarters was destroyed by someone, but I didn't expect it to be restored so soon. In this era, the efficiency of this construction is really amazing. High. Hey, Boy Lei is back too."

With a flash of thunder and lightning, a burly middle-aged man appeared in front of the old man.

This middle-aged man has broad shoulders, a thick back, a square face, thick eyebrows, with a little thunder and lightning flashing above the eyebrows, a pair of thick lips, and is a head taller than the old man.The whole person gives people an extraordinary momentum, a sense of prestige without anger.

This middle-aged man is the Huaxia Special Events Processing Center, the most powerful of the superhumans in Group B, who is called Lei Yuanming, the god of thunder, in the world of superhumans on earth.

Seeing the old man, Lei Yuanming respectfully said: "Senior, you are back."

The old man is the Huaxia Special Incident Handling Center, the practitioner of Group A, and the patron saint of the entire Huaxia Special Incident Handling Center. He was one of the founders of the Huaxia Special Incident Handling Center back then, an old drunkard.

Everyone has forgotten the old drunkard's real name, even himself.But he likes to drink, and he can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk.Therefore, everyone called him the old drunk.

The old drunkard laughed and said, "Of course I'll be back after drinking the wine. I heard that you had a fight with Antoine from Europe. How's the situation?"

Lei Yuanming said angrily: "An Tuowan's supernatural energy in the shadow is too weird, it is not inferior to Angolas' dark energy at all. Moreover, An Tuowan is far superior in the control of supernatural energy. After passing Anglas, he wanted to escape, and I couldn't stop him."

The old drunkard said: "Shadow is a very strange supernatural energy. Antoine has been immersed in supernatural energy for a long time. Even if I am not careful, he may slip away, let alone you."

Lei Yuanming said with a smile: "Senior, I was just joking. With senior's cultivation and strength, it is not an easy task to capture Antoine."

"You brat, you can flatter people." The old drunkard laughed and cursed, then looked at Lei Yuanming a few times, and said, "Boy Lei, I haven't seen you for a while, your control over extraordinary energy has improved a lot .Even the king of the extraordinary in Europe, Gelsis, is probably no match for you. In the entire world of extraordinary, you should be able to reach the top three positions."

"Only the top three?" Lei Yuanming frowned, and then asked, "Senior, that Christine is really so powerful."

The old drunkard smiled: "Christine's extraordinary energy is just wind, nothing special about it, it can't compare to your thunder, darkness, or air, but her understanding of extraordinary energy is too deep Going one step further, you can even control the flow of the wind in the entire world. Even if it is me, I may not be able to beat her, what do you think?"

Lei Yuanming's eyes flashed suddenly, he had seen the strength of the old drunkard, he was really strong.But even the old alcoholic couldn't beat Christine, so he also knew the power of Christine, an extraordinary person.

The old drunkard patted Lei Yuanming on the shoulder and said, "Boy Lei, don't be discouraged. Although your talent is not as good as that of Christine's, it is definitely not bad. As long as you work hard enough, you can also surpass Lei and Lightning." The energy has been developed to the extreme, and I am afraid that even I may not dare to fight with you."

"Senior, you were joking." Lei Yuanming smiled, "Senior, are you here for the Sky Auction?"

The old drunkard said: "Well, the time interval between holding the Sky Auction is getting shorter and shorter. I always feel that something will happen behind the scenes. I must take a good look. Also, this time I want to go to Meet someone."

Lei Yuanming was slightly taken aback: "Meet someone?"

From Lei Yuanming's point of view, as an old alcoholic, practitioners on the entire earth are only seen by others, and there is no need for him to meet people in person.

The old drunk said: "Chen Xiaohai."

(End of this chapter)

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