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Chapter 239 5 in 1

Chapter 239 One in [-]
The bloody sword energy turned into a ferocious flood dragon, and with a flash of ten feet, it appeared in front of Chen Xiaohai.Opened that bloody mouth, and bit Chen Xiaohai.

Chen Xiaohai glanced at the ferocious dragon that was biting and killing him, and pointed like a sword, pointing in the air, a piercing finger pierced through the dragon's mouth and shot towards the sky.

However, the ferocious dragon's movements did not slow down in the slightest, and it still attacked Chen Xiaohai.

Seeing this, Chen Xiaohai stepped lightly on the void, retreated a certain distance, and avoided the bloody mouth of the ferocious dragon.Then, with a palm strike, a bright and holy power filled the golden light.

The palm wind of golden light touched the ferocious dragon, and the ferocious dragon immediately began to dissipate.

"Holy power?!"

Seeing the golden palm wind, Master Skynet was slightly taken aback.

Holy power is the power that can only be possessed by the Holy See in the West.

People who practice in the Holy See in the West are all devout believers and are called saints.The power of his practice is not much different from the mana of Chinese practitioners.

Lord Skynet had fought against the last Pope of the Holy See, and he knew the peculiarities of the Holy Power, which restrained all dark, evil, and bloody forces.

And the long sword in the master of Skynet's hands already had a bloody and hostile aura, so it could be said that it happened to be restrained by the holy power.

"It's really useful."

A smile appeared on Chen Xiaohai's face. He knew that the holy power had a certain restraint effect on the Skynet Lord, but he did not expect such restraint.

"Who the hell are you?" Master Skynet's expression darkened, "Why do you have the holy power of the Holy See?"

"you guess."

Chen Xiaohai smiled, and slapped out a palm, the wind howling in the palm turned into a huge palm print.On the palm prints, there are dots of golden light, full of divine power.

The Lord of Skynet's face was extremely solemn, and with a flick of his wrist, the blood-colored long sword let out a shrill cry, and the sword's aura rushed, faintly turning into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the bloody aura permeated the surroundings, making people sick.

A palm full of holy power landed on the rushing sword energy, and the sword energy disappeared instantly.The power of the golden light palm print has not weakened at all, and it still attacks people on the Skynet master.

Seeing this, the Master of Skynet changed his expression slightly.With a movement of sword energy, the blood-red long sword turned into a sky-filled sword curtain, blocking the golden light palm print.However, the golden light palm print fell on the blood-red sword curtain all over the sky, shattering the price, and its power was not weakened much.

With a little footsteps, Skynet took the last action and retreated more than 20 meters away.With a flick of the wrist, the treacherous lines on the blood-colored long sword lit up one after another. As the strange lines lit up, the blood on the blood-colored long sword became more intense, and the breath of blood became stronger.

When it reached a certain level, I couldn't feel any bloody smell, but bursts of blood fragrance came out, which was extremely strange.

The Skynet Lord raised the blood-colored long sword and waved it out, and blood-colored lotus flowers appeared in the mid-air, and each blood-colored lotus flower greeted the golden palm print with a strange blood-colored fragrance.

Golden palm prints, bloody lotus.

The two forces collided together, and there was no explosion sound of that earth-shattering energy impact. Instead, the two forces melted into each other and gradually disappeared.

"Is this really holy power? Why is it so powerful and holy?"

Finally, the golden palm print was resolved, but the master of Skynet didn't feel the slightest joy, and the color in his eyes became more dignified.

He has fought against the saints of the Holy See in the West, and he has also fought against the Pope of the Holy See of the previous generation.The pope's holy power has a certain ability to suppress his power, but this suppression is not too great, it can only be regarded as ordinary suppression.

But the holy power that Chen Xiaohai displayed greatly suppressed his power, and ordinary attacks were easily resolved under Chen Xiaohai's holy power.Only by using the strongest means can we fight against that holy power.

This kind of holy power is unheard of.

Naturally, the Lord of Skynet has never seen Chen Xiaohai's holy power, because it is not the holy power of the Holy See in the West, but the power evolved from the holy light in heaven.The power of the holy light in heaven contains extremely pure and holy power, which cannot be compared with ordinary holy power.

An angel of heaven, that is an existence that has reached the level of a fairy.

"not bad."

Witnessing the attack of the blood-colored and fragrant lotus blooming on the Skynet Lord, coupled with the previous duel, there are some guesses about the strength of the Skynet Lord.The strength of the master of Skynet is definitely the top existence in the realm of transforming gods, but it is not invincible.

With Chen Xiaohai's cultivation strength, even if he didn't use the power of the Holy Light, he could suppress Lord Skynet, and even if he used the power of the Holy Light, he could completely gain the upper hand.Just wanting to defeat and kill the Skynet master is not an easy task.

"Enough is enough."

Chen Xiaohai said casually, the holy light on his body also gradually disappeared here.Now that he has roughly figured out the cultivation level of the Skynet master, it doesn't make much sense to continue fighting like this, so it's better to just solve it directly.

Hearing Chen Xiaohai's words, the master of Skynet's heart trembled, and he was extremely vigilant.The mana was running at high speed, and the aura on his body became more solid and condensed. On his surface, there was a faint bloody light flowing.

Immediately afterwards, a look of shock appeared in the eyes of the Master of Skynet, staring at the tiny sword energy in Chen Xiaohai's hand, his body began to tremble slowly, this was due to fear, the trembling caused by fright.Just that tiny sword energy made Master Skynet feel the mortal danger.

That tiny sword aura was very ordinary, and it turned red, not at ordinary times, but as red as the sun's flame.A small amount of sword energy gives people a sense of majesty and integrity like heaven and earth, which is very astonishing.

This tiny streak of sword energy is pure Yang sword energy.

After Chen Xiaohai reached the God Transformation Realm, he became more and more familiar with the control of Gathering Swordsmanship.Lu Dongbin's pure yang sword energy also absorbed and refined one-fifty-thousandth of its power.

Pure Yang sword energy, that is the pure Yang sword energy of the sword ancestor Lu Dongbin.Even if it is only one fifty-thousandth of the power, it is enough to easily destroy the existence of the immortal level.

With a movement of Chen Xiaohailing's finger, he controlled the pure Yang sword energy with his thoughts.The pure Yang sword energy burst out, and appeared in front of the Skynet Lord in an instant.

Master Skynet's expression suddenly changed, and he raised his blood-colored long sword like lightning to block the tiny stream of pure Yang sword energy.But no matter how weird and wonderful the blood-colored long sword was, it could only be cut off easily under the pure Yang sword energy.

At the same time, the body of Lord Skynet exploded, turned into a cloud of blood mist, and disappeared.


There was a gleam in Chen Xiaohai's eyes.

"It's really decisive to run away."

When the pure yang sword energy was about to attack Zhongtianwang master, the skynet master directly used the blood escape technique and left.

(End of this chapter)

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