Super WeChat system

Chapter 204 Headquarters

Chapter 204 Headquarters
The headquarters of the Huaxia State Special Incident Handling Center is located in Beiyan City. Few people know that it is an extremely secretive department and is directly responsible to the country's leaders.

Chen Xiaohai accompanied Su Hao, Yu Ming, Tie Xiong, Shangguan Yan, and Bai Xiaofei, members of Group B of the Special Incident Handling Center, to Beiyan City.Of course, there are also the European extraordinary men captured in this operation, Angelas, Mary, Robert, Osma, and Owen.

The mission has paid off.

In the task processing of the Huaxia State Special Events Processing Center, it is rare to have the opportunity to capture five European transcendents so efficiently.In previous missions and actions, it was extremely remarkable to be able to capture one extraordinary person, let alone five.

The last time the special incident processing center captured a transcendent was a transcendent captured by Lei Shen Lei Yuanming five years ago.Moreover, the status of that extraordinary person is not high, at most equivalent to Osma's level.

But this time, not only Cleopatra Mary was captured, but also Angelas, the Lord of Darkness in Europe, was captured.

An absolute hit.

An absolute hit.

As soon as this incident happens, it will definitely set off a turbulent wave throughout the time of the extraordinary.

Chen Xiaohai glanced at Angolas, Mary and the others in the back, five people were sleeping in it, they were all injected with sedatives, under the supervision of Bai Xiaofei and Shangguanyan.

Speechless all the way.

At dusk, they finally arrived at Beiyan City.

On the outskirts of Beiyan City, there is a small village.

Enter the small village, drive along the mountain path, and come to a river.

The car didn't stop at all, it rushed directly into the river and sank into it.

in the river.

There is a section of the road, and the car drives in along the bottom of the river.

After driving for a short distance, a gap opened in the ground, and a steel road appeared in the gap.The river flows towards the steel road, but the river level does not decrease much, which is very miraculous.

The car entered the steel road and drove for a while.

Yu Ming said: "Senior, you are so calm."

Chen Xiaohai was a little puzzled: "Calm down?"

Yuming laughed and said: "When I first came to the headquarters, I was completely intimidated. I drove directly into the river, as if I was not afraid of being flooded. It's amazing that there is still a base in the river. These things, But it can only be seen in sci-fi blockbusters."

Chen Xiaohai smiled: "Don't you think that being an extraordinary person is enough to be science fiction."

Yu Ming said: "It makes sense."


Maybe Chen Xiaohai is.

With the Super WeChat system, I have seen the gods and gods that appear in various myths.The gods and gods are not afraid anymore, so why are they still afraid of these mere rivers and steel bases?If there is any danger, with his strength, he can kill it alone.

What's more, when he entered the mountain path, his spiritual consciousness had already dissipated, and everything within a range of [-] meters clearly appeared in his mind as a three-dimensional image.

A hundred meters below a large mountain, there is a huge area surrounded by fog, making it impossible for people to detect the situation inside.From the mist, there are several passages extending, one of which is this steel road at the bottom of the river.

From every passage, plus the car drove all the way.Chen Xiaohai was certain that the huge area wrapped in mist belonged to the headquarters of the Huaxia Special Incident Handling Center.

As the top power in the world.

As a Huaxia special event processing center with practitioners, extraordinary people, and top figures in various industries.

Its headquarters has some special abilities, and it is naturally possible to hide the headquarters.

The car drove to the headquarters.

When he came to the headquarters, Chen Xiaohai felt that there was a very tyrannical force covering the entire headquarters, suppressing his consciousness and spiritual power.With Chen Xiaohai's cultivation base and the level of condensed spiritual consciousness, it is still impossible to break out the divine consciousness.



"magic weapon?"

Chen Xiaohai guessed in his mind the source of this power.

If it is a person, then the opponent's strength is really terrifying, probably close to the level of a fairy.But in today's earth where spiritual energy is scarce, it is so difficult to reach the level of being almost a fairy.Unless, that person got the resources in the immortal ruins.

If it is a formation, with the mysterious power of the formation, it is very possible to hide the entire headquarters.

If it is a magic weapon, it is normal for a magic weapon that is facing spiritual power and consciousness.

No matter which point it is, Chen Xiaohai can confirm that there is someone or something he wants to find in this Huaxia Special World Processing Center headquarters.

The car stopped and several people got out of the car.

Su Hao said to Yuming and the others: "You guys overwhelmed Angolas and Mary to the prison, and you must not let them escape. Xiao Fei, you will go to the intelligence department to ask about the situation later, Lao Lei is now Where?"

Bai Xiaofei said: "I know."

Then Su Hao said to Chen Xiaohai: "Xiao Hai, come with me, I will take you to see Deputy Qin."

"Deputy Qin?"

"Let's talk as we walk." Su Hao led Chen Xiaohai forward, "Deputy Qin is one of the three sub-heads of the special incident handling center, who is mainly in charge of our group B superhumans. If we can get the help of Deputy Qin With permission, you are very likely to meet those practitioners in Group A."

"However, I would like to remind you that the practitioners in Group A are not the images of immortal heroes flying with swords in your imagination. You must be prepared. Moreover, most of the time, they will not At the headquarters, it is impossible to see them all the time."

Chen Xiaohai was a little puzzled: "Isn't it what I imagined? Is there any problem with them?"

Su Hao said: "I can't tell you clearly about this matter. You will know when you meet them. They have strange personalities, so when you see them, you have to be careful, and it's best not to conflict with them. "

"These practitioners are powerful and have amazing means. Each of them is the treasure of the headquarters. If you have a conflict with them, the headquarters will only lean towards them."

Chen Xiaohai said: "En, I understand."

The two came to an office.

Su Hao said loudly: "Deputy Qin, Su Hao is back."

"It's Su Hao, come in."

There was a sound from inside the door, and then the door opened automatically.

Chen Xiaohai and Su Hao walked in.

The interior of the office is very normal, and there is nothing special about it.A desk, an office chair, a laptop, a painting on the wall, everything looks like an ordinary office.

Sitting on the office chair was a middle-aged man with short hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and an extraordinary imposing manner.Wearing a clean and straight suit and a white tie, he looked extremely energetic.

This person is Qin Feng, one of the three sub-heads of the Huaxia Special Incident Handling Center.

(End of this chapter)

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