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Chapter 186 Leave

Chapter 186 Leave
This cyan wine is a kind of poisonous wine with aura, which can damage immortals to a certain extent, and it is even called ordinary people.

Once ordinary people drink this kind of wine, the poison in it can quickly destroy the cells of the drinker, making the cells lose their activity and enter a state similar to death.On the surface of the drinker, it looked as if he was drunk, but the poison in his body had already taken the drinker's life.

Of course, if you have the ability to dissolve those poisons.This kind of wine will be extremely good wine, and its effect is only slightly inferior to that of Huaguo Mountain's monkey wine.

The aura in it has an extremely outstanding effect on ordinary people, and it has the effect of cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow.This blue wine is much better than Zhengtongshe's jade pendant.

Seeing Andre's twinkling eyes, Chen Xiaohai hesitated.

Hesitating how to speak.

Philip and Dana were both dead drunk, and he was the only one left.

Even if he told Andre about the situation of Cyan Wine, would Andre believe what he said.Even if he believed it, would Chen Xiaohai be allowed to leave safely?

With Chen Xiaohai's current ability, even if he forced his way out of here, it would be a breeze. This extremely strong secret room, which can resist missiles, can be opened with a single punch.The bodyguard with a strong physique can fall to the ground with a single palm.

Chen Xiaohai said: "This is a kind of tonic wine, which contains snake gallbladder. This kind of wine has great benefits for the human body, but because of the snake gallbladder, it can also cause poisoning and death." Glancing Philip, Dana, "Both of them got poisoned and died drunk."

"Snake venom?"

Andre frowned.

The few people who tried it before died, it turned out to be the snake venom.

Andre asked: "Is there a way to dissolve these snake venoms?"

Chen Xiaohai shook his head: "I have no choice, Mr. Andre may go to other people. I heard that India has a special solution to snake venom."

Andre thought for a long time, and said, "Okay, thank you Mr. Chen."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said: "Mr. Andre, since the wine has been tasted and I have told you the situation, can I leave?"

Andre's eyes flickered, hesitating.Chen Xiaohai, who took a few glances, was very hesitant.

From the information obtained earlier, the background of Chen Xiaohai, who is in his early twenties, is quite extraordinary.A student of Nanyan University, the chairman of Zuishenxian Liquor Industry, and a member of the mysterious Zhengtong News Agency.No further information can be found.

Such a young person can distinguish the blue wine that many people cannot distinguish, and can know the snake venom in the wine.Even if they are poisoned by snake venom, they can remain safe and sound.

How could such a person be so simple.

"Of course." Andre said, "Mr. Chen was asked to come to appraise the wine. Since Mr. Chen has informed me of the situation of the wine, I should naturally let you go."

"Thank you."

Chen Xiaohai got up and left, all the blush on his face dissipated.

Seeing this scene, Andre's pupils shrank slightly.

He's really fine.

He can withstand the snake venom.

Not long after Chen Xiaohai left, Andre and his bodyguards were left behind in the secret room.

The bodyguard whispered: "Sir, don't you want to keep that Chen Xiaohai? He can know that there is snake venom in the wine, maybe there is a way to dissolve the snake venom. When he left, the blush on his face also dissipated, obviously there is something wrong with it." means."

Andre shook his head: "You can't stay, he's not easy to mess with."

The bodyguard said: "He is just the chairman of the wine industry. Even with the support of Zhengtong News Agency, with Mr.'s ability, he may not be afraid of him."

Andre said in a low voice: "I'm not worried about Zhengtongshe. Zhengtongshe is indeed capable, but I may not be afraid of Zhengtongshe. What I'm worried about is Chen Xiaohai just now, just him."

"Chen Xiaohai," the bodyguard looked confused, "what is he afraid of?"

Andre said: "Alex, you should also know the power of this wine. I don't know how many people died just because of drinking this wine. Even Aristotle couldn't bear the poison of the snake and died. But this Chen Xiaohai remains safe and sound, which shows that he himself can neutralize this snake venom."

"And from the beginning to the end, his face didn't change much. I didn't see panic or fear. On the contrary, he was full of confidence, confident that everything could be resolved."

"Such a person may have great security, and I can't take the risk."

The bodyguard said: "Sir, what you said is reasonable, but what should we do with these wines?"

Andre thought for a while, and said: "Since we know that there is snake venom in this wine, it is easy to solve it. With that thing in the ground, there should be a way to solve the snake venom."

"Something underground?!"

The bodyguard's eyes lit up immediately.

With that thing underground, snake venom is nothing.

The two left the secret room, walked along a series of hidden paths, and soon came to the underground cave.

The cave is empty and large.

In the center of the cave, there is a blue gem, like the crystallization of sea water, the world's treasure, very beautiful.On the gemstone, there is a strange power in the wanderer.

"As long as there is a gemstone, any poison can be cured." Andre laughed. "Alex, go and get all the wine."

"Yes, Mr. Andre."

The bodyguard Alex turned and left.

After leaving the secret room.

Chen Xiaohai didn't go back to the hall directly, so as not to cause trouble.Everyone who came here wanted to experience the mysterious wine, so Chen Xiaohai came back alone, which could easily cause trouble.

He found Nangong Yang, a blond foreign youth, and gave a hint.

The backyard of the villa.

Chen Xiaohai and Nangong Yang communicated in low voices.

Nangong Yang: "Mr. Chen, what kind of wine is Andre secretly keeping?"

Chen Xiaohai thought for a while, and said: "It's a kind of poisonous wine with strong snake venom, and there is a special power in it, which has great benefits for the human body. However, it is very carefully preserved, so it is not easy to steal it."

"Snake venom? Special power?" Nangong Yang was taken aback for a moment, "Mr. Chen, what kind of power is that?"

Chen Xiaohai said: "You just need to tell Mr. Song that, maybe he knows."

Nangong Yang said: "Okay."

Chen Xiaohai said: "The matter here should be settled? Did Elder Song say anything else?"

Nangong Yang shook his head and said: "No, Mr. Song just wants you to find out about the wine, and leave the rest to him."

It seems.

Neither Song Qingqun nor Zhengtong News Agency knew the real situation on Sismilier Island.

From Chen Xiaohai's point of view, although those green wines are precious, they are far inferior to the blue gemstone inside Sismilier Island.

"In that case, I'll leave. I'll leave the rest to you."

Said, walked towards the woods.

Nangong Yang's eyes changed, digesting Chen Xiaohai's information.

"Inform Mr. Song of this matter as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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