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Chapter 182 The Blue Gemstone

Chapter 182 The Blue Gemstone

Chen Xiaohai took out his mobile phone, clicked on his WeChat, and took out a shiny bead from the locker in the fairy world.

Avoid water beads.

The water-avoiding beads come from the Dragon King of the Four Seas and the Dragon King of the Middle East.

Ever since he got the water avoiding beads, Chen Xiaohai has never used them.Because, there is really no need.

Today, standing in front of the vast and boundless Pacific Ocean, I suddenly remembered the existence of water-avoiding beads.

Holding the water-proof bead in his hand, Chen Xiaohai felt a strange force.This force comes from the Pacific Ocean in front of me, and it belongs to the power of the sea.But the power is very vague and cannot be controlled.

The mana was running, and the water-avoiding beads began to be refined.

After a few minutes.

Chen Xiaohai refined the water-avoiding beads, and with a bang in the head, a strange feeling spread.At a glance, the waves are rolling, and countless information is transmitted from the Pacific Ocean in front of you.Fish, hidden reefs, shipwrecks, minerals, every piece of information is constantly pouring in, which is very magical.

"Avoid water droplets."

The corner of Chen Xiaohai's mouth curled up slightly.

After refining the water-avoiding bead, one can control the ability of the water-avoiding bead.The owner of the water-avoiding bead has the ability to control the water in the world. Chen Xiaohai controls the water-avoiding bead, so he can control the water in the world.

"It's really a good thing."

Chen Xiaohai looked at the water-repelling bead in his hand, and with a movement in his heart, the water-repelling bead merged with his body like flowing water.

"Let's go."

Chen Xiaohai walked towards the Pacific Ocean, walking out step by step.When touching the sea water, Chen Xiaohai didn't sink, but stepped on the sea surface, his miraculous incomparable.

With water-proof beads in his body, he controls the power of thousands of water.

Chen Xiaohai stepped on the water for a distance of more than ten meters, and then stopped.With a move in his heart, the water below spread out automatically, and the surrounding water wrapped Chen Xiaohai.Chen Xiaohai entered the Pacific Ocean, and there was an invisible force around him, making it impossible for the sea water to penetrate at all.

look forward.

The speed of the seawater under his feet suddenly accelerated, and Chen Xiaohai quickly headed towards West Smilier Island.

He could have acted on the surface, but that was too obvious.It is easy for ships passing by to see him. Seeing him like that will cause a huge commotion. It is better to dive into the sea, which can play a concealed role.

Entering the Pacific Ocean, Chen Xiaohai watched groups of fish swimming past in front of him in an orderly manner, without lamenting the magic of life.

Alves is a diving enthusiast in the world himself, especially in the Pacific Ocean.Play with schools of fish and observe some mysterious creatures.

In Alves' home, he dived into the sea and got some sea shells, which are very beautiful.These shells are also the capital for him and his friends to show off. There are not many divers like him.

"Hi, hello."

Alves swam in the ocean, saying hello to the school of fish.Every dive he would say hello to the fish was so much fun.

"what is that?"

Alves suddenly froze, looking straight ahead.

An oval water polo rushed towards him, and the most important thing was that there seemed to be a human being in the water polo.By the looks of it, he's an Asian.


The human moved very fast, driving the water polo like a small car, and rushed past ten meters away from Alves.The water flow caused Alves to roll several somersaults before he stopped.

Alves looked dull: "Is that really a human being? Why is he in the water polo? Could it be? He is a superpower? Are there really SHIELD in this world?"

Alves' world view has been greatly impacted.

As the person in charge, Chen Xiaohai didn't know how his actions would affect Alves, he just saw a foreign diver.

half an hour.

Chen Xiaohai was close to the destination.

A huge raised rock can also be directly called the surface.On the towering boulders, there are some strange-shaped marine plants, and the reddish-brown, tan, brown, and black soils blend in colors, forming a strange appearance.There are caves of different depths, as if hiding monsters.

"This is Sismilier Island?"

Chen Xiaohai glanced at Sismilier Island, and frowned slightly.


He felt an extremely strong aura on Sismiril Island, and a very strange power, which lay in the huge rock in front of him.

The third operation of the Tianmu technique.

His eyes penetrated through the obstruction of the stone, observing layer by layer.Finally, the center of the huge rock is reached.

"what is that?"

In a huge space, there is a sapphire blue gemstone in the center of the space, which is crystal clear and emits light, reflecting the entire cave.The walls of the cave, and even the air, seemed to be dyed with a faint blue light.

On the four walls of the cave, there are extremely secret detectors, aggressive automatic radiation guns, etc., forming a net-like protection.The only entrance is an extremely heavy iron gate, each with strict procedures.

"Sismilier Island, a small island worth 500 billion dollars." Chen Xiaohai murmured in a low voice, "Could it be because of this gem?"

With the aura and mystery of blue and white gems, it can indeed be worth 500 billion US dollars.

"Could it be that the purpose of Zhengtong News Agency is this gem?"

Chen Xiaohai's eyes flickered, and he looked at the sapphire blue gemstone.

After thinking for a moment, with a thought, he flew towards the rock.

Facing the rock, Chen Xiaohai took out the Ghost Talisman.

The ghost talisman can make people into a ghost state, freely penetrating matter.After using the Ghost Talisman, Chen Xiaohai stopped using the Ghost Talisman.Now this opportunity is just right to use the Ghost Talisman.

A strange power emerged from his body, and the power could be manipulated at will.One step out, through the rock.

Become an immortal cultivator and reach the Qi Refining Realm, and the control over the power of the Ghost Talisman will be more subtle and freer.

Constantly passing through rocks.

In a blink of an eye, I came to the stone cave in the middle.

Due to the power of the Ghost Talisman, the monitor on the wall did not find Chen Xiaohai's trace.

Chen Xiaohai stood in front of the sapphire blue gemstone, carefully examining it.

"It's a lot of spiritual energy."

Chen Xiaohai was surprised to find that the sapphire blue gem in front of him had an extremely abundant aura, not even the cosmic spirit stones in the cultivation world, or even the spiritual fruits from Huaguo Mountain, had such abundant aura.

"what is this?"

Chen Xiaohai was a little puzzled, such a gemstone full of aura is by no means an ordinary thing.However, he didn't know much about cultivating immortals, so he didn't know what it was.

He glanced around.

"Let's go and talk later."

Chen Xiaohai used aura to control the gravity sensor and light sensor around the sapphire blue stone, and took the sapphire blue stone away.Immediately afterwards, an identical blue gemstone was taken out from the space ring, without any aura.

"If you want to imitate, you can imitate it."

Chen Xiaohai stretched out his palm, injecting a not weak aura into the blue gemstone.From this point of view, it is exactly the same as the previous gemstone.

Of course, the aura of this fake gem will dissipate over time, but it will take some time.

Chen Xiaohai put away the gems and headed towards Sismilier Island above.

(End of this chapter)

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