Super WeChat system

Chapter 165 4 Merit

Chapter 165 Four Thousand Merits
Feng Yin Dan.

Fengyin Pill from Prince Changqin.

This was one of the first red envelopes that Chen Xiaohai snatched from the Immortal World chat group. The improvement of Chen Xiaohai's voice made him the champion of the top ten singers on campus.And got the favor of Star Entertainment, wanting to train him into a star.

However, Chen Xiaohai finally rejected Star Entertainment's invitation.Because of the secrets of the Super WeChat system, I don't want to be restrained.

Now that there is a way to cultivate the power of faith, Chen Xiaohai thought of this.

There are many ways to obtain a lot of power of faith, and becoming a star is definitely one of the fastest ways.With Chen Xiaohai's voice, he can definitely become a powerful singer and attract a lot of fans.As for looks, don't worry about it.

After cultivating, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to continuously transform his body, Chen Xiaohai's appearance also changed imperceptibly.Especially when he has reached the stage of refining Qi and transforming into a god, his appearance is definitely above the middle level, and he is quite handsome.

What's more, with the existence of a super system, Chen Xiaohai is not worried at all.You can get some beauty pills from Taishang Laojun, beauty water from Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and so on.

"It's time for Fengyin Pill to play its role."

Chen Xiaohai's heart moved and he had an idea.

The matter of becoming a star was decided, Chen Xiaohai took another look at his Super Wechat system.

The WeChat system has now opened two functions, one is a magical chat group, and the other is a drifting bottle that connects the heavens and the world.

The last time I picked up the drifting bottle, I got the information of the Changkang Wine Industry, which solved a big problem for the Zuixianxian Wine Industry.I also got a lot of things, but the merit points are almost used.You must find a way to get some merit points before you can continue to use the function of picking up drifting bottles.

Ever since, Chen Xiaohai found Taibai Jinxing.

Taibai Jinxing is a well-known figure in the heavenly court of the fairy world, in charge of many affairs of the heavenly court, especially a large number of merit points.

Merit is bestowed by the way of heaven and controlled by the heavenly court. According to everyone's good deeds and achievements, merits are distributed, and the immortal official who distributes merits is Taibai Jinxing.There are many uses of merit points, and they are also of great benefit to cultivation and mind training.

Taibai Jinxing controls the distribution of merit, so it is inevitable to use power for personal gain and accumulate a lot of merit for himself.

If Chen Xiaohai wants to get merit points, Taibai Jinxing is the best choice.

Chen Xiaohai: Taibai Jinxing, where is it?
After a while.

Taibai Jinxing: Great Immortal of the Sea of ​​Clouds, what order do you have for Xiaoxian?
Chen Xiaohai: Taibai Jinxing, I need some merits, which can be exchanged with you for things from the Greek God Realm.

Taibai Jinxing: Great Immortal of the Sea of ​​Clouds, forgive Xiaoxian for speaking bluntly.Nowadays, in the Immortal World, there are already many things from the Greek God Realm, unless they are special things, they are not of much value.

Chen Xiaohai froze for a moment.

As a student of the School of Management, he quickly understood Taibai Jinxing's words.


Chen Xiaohai took a lot of things from the Greek God Realm to exchange with the immortals in the Immortal Realm, some little immortals didn't have the Greek God Realm things, and didn't need the Greek God Realm things.But those high-ranking gods, each of them has four or five things from the Greek God Realm in their hands, and the rules of the Dao among them are enough to comprehend, and they don't really need it.

Therefore, the value of things in the Greek god world has dropped significantly in the fairy world.

Of course, the value of top-notch things like golden apples, lightning fires, and sun fires has not changed much.These top things in the Greek God Realm possess great power in themselves, and the rules of the Dao contained in them are clearer and more complete.It is of great help to high-level immortals, but no one needs small things.

Chen Xiaohai didn't have the idea to exchange Lightning Fire and Sun Fire for merit points.

The power of Lightning Fire and Sun Fire is absolutely extraordinary, and they can be used to exchange for more valuable things with Taishang Laojun, and some of them are not worth the gain if they are exchanged for merit points.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiaohai's eyes flashed, and he had a solution.

Chen Xiaohai: Taibaijinxing, what if it is not from the fairy world, nor from the Greek god world?

Taibai Jinxing: Doesn't belong to the fairy world?Doesn't belong to the Greek God Realm?Daxian, can you still get things from other worlds? (excited expression)

Chen Xiaohai: Wait a moment.

When he arrived at the heaven and hell locker, Chen Xiaohai browsed the contents.Finally, a holy light was packaged and sent to Taibaijinxing.

The holy light is so common in the heaven and hell communication group, every angel who sends a red envelope will definitely have the holy light attached.

The holy light belongs to the world of heaven and hell, not something from the Greek god world.If the Holy Light is greatly welcomed by Taibai Jinxing, then Chen Xiaohai can use this as a springboard to import things from the world of heaven and hell into the fairy world in exchange for more things.Next, it is the things of the kingdom of God.

Taibai Jinxing received your red envelope.

After a while.

Taibai Jinxing: What a pure holy breath, Immortal Yunhai, what is this? (curious, excited expression)

Chen Xiaohai: The holy light from the world of heaven and hell.

Taibaijinxing: The holy light of the world of heaven and hell, it is really a good thing.Such a pure sacred breath also has the rules of heaven and hell.

Taibai Jinxing: Immortal Yunhai, how much holy light do you have?I need both.

There is a play.

It became.

Chen Xiaohai: How many merit points can be exchanged for a holy light?

Taibai Jinxing hesitated for a while, this holy light is of great help to his practice, and the rules of heaven contained in it have never been seen before, it is an absolutely good thing, after thinking about it: Great Immortal of the Sea of ​​Clouds, a holy light with a How about a thousand merits in exchange?It is not so easy to obtain the merits bestowed by heaven and earth.

A thousand merits together?
Chen Xiaohai thought for a while, there are seven holy lights in his heaven and hell locker, plus the ones that have been sent to Taibai Jinxing, there are eight in total.One thousand points of merit means eight thousand points of merit.

With [-] points of merit and the function of the drifting bottle, you can have fun.

However, Chen Xiaohai would not hand over all the eight holy lights to Taibai Jinxing, and Chen Xiaohai still understood the reason why rare goods can live.Leaving a few rays of holy light and exchanging them with other gods in the fairy world may exchange for a lot of good things.

Chen Xiaohai: Yes, I will give you three more holy lights in exchange for four thousand merit points.

Taibai Jinxing: Xiaoxian understands.

Taibai Jinxing sent a red envelope of four thousand merit points to Chen Xiaohai, and Chen Xiaohai also sent three holy lights to Taibai Jinxing.

Four thousand merit points were recorded in the account, which was a huge sum for Chen Xiaohai.

"Once you get four thousand merit points, try the function of the drift bottle again to see if you can get good things."

Chen Xiaohai smiled slightly, opened the drift bottle, and entered the picking function.After thinking about it, the scope was narrowed down to Earth, China.Spend [-] merit points to pick it up for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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