Super WeChat system

Chapter 158 The Challenge Begins

Chapter 158 The Challenge Begins

Chinese chat group.

Liu Maoxing: Ah Fei, how about my adaptation?

Lan Feihong: Very good, the taste is even more delicious.Especially the shrimp shell powder of lobster is added in it, which makes the taste even better.

Liu Maoxing: As expected of Ah Fei, he can even eat lobster shell powder.

Shiro: The noodles cooked by the master are really delicious. I want to have another bowl.

Zhao Meili: Ah Xing, your cooking skills are getting better and better.

Ren: Liu Maoxing, your non-face is really good, as expected of you.


People in the Zhonghua chat group were discussing things about Liu Maoxing.

Chen Xiaohai also had an empty bowl in front of him, and he swept away the non-noodles in the bowl.The non-noodles made by Liu Maoxing are really amazing, using non-flour materials to make the noodles should have the chewy texture, this method is very clever.

Of course, after eating squid non-noodles, Chen Xiaohai has mastered the method of squid non-noodles.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaohai thought of a question.

In the group of cooks, the ability to master the food can only be mastered after eating.If you want to master all the dishes, you don't have to eat all the food, that's a huge project.

What a terrifying thing it would be if there was a full feast of Han and Han people.Man Han Quan Feast is a TV series, since anime has chat groups, TV series may also be possible.

Fortunately, Chen Xiaohai has practiced, and his cultivation has reached the point of refining Qi and turning into a god.Even if you eat a ton of food, you can easily digest it. If you are a mortal like before, then there are some problems.

After closing the Zhonghua chat group, Chen Xiaohai looked at the Immortal World chat group, the Olympus chat group, the Heaven and Hell exchange group, and the Divine Kingdom chat group.Inside, there are some irrelevant things, which are closed after a few glances.

The chat group of the four great gods and gods has been around for a long time, and it is unknown when a new chat group of gods and gods will appear.

Although the animation chat group is good, the things in it are still a lot worse than the fairy chat group.Fairy stuff, that's the really awesome stuff.

Log out of WeChat.

There was still a period of time before the challenge, Chen Xiaohai began to close his eyes and rest his mind, secretly practicing the three-element formula.As for the little ghost Ergoudan, they are still investigating the news in the city TV station, especially the situation of several contestants.

According to the information given by Zhou Haiping, it was the contestants who poisoned.The contestants participating in the world food show come from thirteen countries, and each country has two or three contestants. The number of contestants has reached about 30, which is not a small number.

What's more, Chen Xiaohai didn't believe Zhou Haiping's words.

People's hearts are sinister, maybe in the world food column group, someone will poison them.

The little ghost is in a ghost state, no one can find him, and he is constantly looking for information.

Chen Xiaohai who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes, and an invisible strong wind spread away, even the whole dressing table trembled.

"It's him?"

Through the little ghost, Chen Xiaohai saw the situation in the American chef's lounge.

In the American chef's lounge, Chef Audley is not there.It seems that he went out with another chef from the United States, leaving Torres alone.

Torres took out a small transparent glass bottle from a small bag, which contained some small white powder.These small powders are the poison that weakened Chen Xiaohai's father, Chen Wenbin, Ma Laitai.

Malaytai is a special poison in South Asia. This poison will not kill people, but it can make people unconscious for a long time, and may even turn into a vegetative state.One gram is enough to make an elephant completely faint, and it takes several days to wake up.

Chen Xiaohai had seen a sample of Malaytai from Jiang Yuan, so he could tell at a glance that the one in Torres' bottle was Malaytai.

"What does he want to do?" Chen Xiaohai's eyes flickered coldly, "Er Goudan, you go and find out."

The two dogs flew towards Torres, who moved slightly and looked around suspiciously.Then, grabbing the poison in his hand, he didn't know what he was thinking.

One of the abilities of the little ghost Ergoudan is that when he possesses a person, he can obtain the person's memory.

Through Torres' memory search, Chen Xiaohai understood the cause and effect.

The world food program is not only very popular in China, but also very popular all over the world.Every chef who participated in the world cuisine has greatly increased his popularity in his own country, and even his social status has increased a lot.

As an evil capitalist, Torres naturally would not let go of this golden opportunity.

If Odley can win the last game, he will win the final championship for the US team.Then Odley's reputation in the United States will reach an extremely high level.At that time, opening a high-end restaurant under the name of Odley, the money was rolling in.

However, the existence of Chen Wenbin shattered this opportunity. With Chen Wenbin's astonishing strength in the kitchen, Oudley was no match, and it was impossible for him to win the final victory.

A world champion chef.

A top chef in the world.

The difference between the two is not small.

Among them, there is a huge gap between the wealth that can be created and the value that can be created.

All in all, Torres thought of poisoning Chen Wenbin, making him unconscious and unable to participate in the competition.Then Odley will have a great chance of winning the championship.

Torres' method of poisoning was also not simple. He found the blind spot of the camera and added poison to the food.Then he guided Chen Wenbin to eat the food and fell into a coma.In a coma in front of everyone, everyone has certain suspicions, and no real murderer can be found.

"Good trick."

Chen Xiaohai's eyes were ice-cold, his breath was cold, and the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a lot.

"The plan is good." Chen Xiaohai clenched his fist, and the air burst into air, "Then I will let you know what despair is."

If Chen Xiaohai wanted to, he could have the kid kill Torres with just one thought.

But he didn't want to let Torres go so easily, since Torres wanted to make money with the help of Audrey's reputation and the reputation of several chefs in the United States.Then, he, Chen Xiaohaijiu, completely destroyed the reputation of these chefs.

Others may not be able to.

But he, Chen Xiaohai, can do it.

The one and a half hour break is up.

Chefs from various countries participating in the world food program were invited to the shooting site, which was divided into three areas.One is the review area; one is the kitchen area; the other is the chef area.

All the chefs are waiting in the chef area. When someone challenges, the two chefs will walk from the chef area to the kitchen area for a competition.However, the competition time will not be as long as the previous episodes.

"The challenge has officially started, and every chef can choose the goal he wants to challenge. Who will be the first challenger? Let us wait and see."

The host's words fell, and no one acted.

After a while, Chen Xiaohai stood up and walked towards the US team.

(End of this chapter)

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