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Chapter 155 please use

Chapter 155 please use
As soon as the cover is lifted.

The mist filled the air and spread.A strong aroma exploded in an instant, sweeping the audience.

Audrey and Matsushita Daming were attracted.

The eldest grandson Wuluo, Ye Haolong, and Charlie Sturt were attracted.

The host, the staff of the World Food column group were attracted.

So delicious.

So charming.

The aroma of this broth alone attracted everyone.

Chen Xiaohai sniffed lightly, quite satisfied.The color is light and white, and the mellow aroma is the same as that recorded in the Book of Cookery.I took a small dish and filled it with some broth.Take a sip, it tastes really good.Then, Chen Xiaohai continued to make a fuss about the broth.

Odley's face changed slightly when he smelled the broth, and his previous contempt for Chen Xiaohai disappeared in an instant.How can a person who can make such a high soup be inferior in cooking.Any dish can be delicious by adding this broth.


Absolute enemy.

Matsushita Daming frowned, but his expression didn't change much.If you look closely, you can see that the light in his eyes is more focused, and the movements of his hands are more professional and serious.

He admits.

He underestimated Chen Xiaohai.

It is unbelievable that such a young chef has such terrifying achievements in the kitchen.

The jury here.

Charlie Stuart was surprised: "Goose Meijing, this is too powerful. Is this the broth? Such a charming aroma, this broth can be directly used as a dish. He is so young, but he can make such a fragrant broth. "

Ye Haolong agreed: "From the mist and aroma just now, the broth in this pot is absolutely top-notch. Any dish, even an ordinary home-cooked dish, can become a top-notch dish if you add this broth. "

The eldest grandson Buluo stared at Chen Xiaohai: "What is Chef Chen doing? Huh? Does he want to make refined clear soup?"

The host asked curiously: "Mr. Changsun, is there anything special about this refined clear soup?"

Changsun Buluo explained: "I just noticed that the broth made by Chef Chen should be a kind of clear soup. Clear soup can be divided into ordinary clear soup and refined clear soup."

"Ordinary clear soup: choose an old hen, add some lean pork, boil it in boiling water, put it in cold water and boil it on high heat, remove the foam, add scallion ginger wine, then turn to low heat, keep the soup surface slightly open, turn over the broken small bubbles. Cook it into a white milk soup if the heat is too low, and the fragrance will not be strong. Make clear soup: take ordinary clear soup and filter it with gauze, chop the chicken breast into minced meat, soak it in green onion, ginger wine and water for a while , Wrap the minced chicken with gauze and put it into the clear soup, heat and stir on high heat. When the soup is about to boil, use a low heat and do not let the soup roll. After the turbid suspension in the soup is absorbed by the minced chicken, take out the minced chicken. This refining process It is called "hanging soup", and the clear soup that has been refined twice is called "shuanghang soup". This kind of refined soup is the top grade soup, which looks like white water but is clear and delicious, and is often used in the production of high-end dishes."

"But one thing to pay attention to. Refining clear soup is not an easy task. Once the seasoning is wrong, it will destroy the taste of the overall ingredients. At that time, the ordinary clear soup you made yourself will be gone, and the loss outweighs the gain."

Ye Haolong took over the conversation and said: "Half an hour has passed now, if the refined clear soup fails, it is not an easy task to make a delicious broth."

Charist said: "Is it still too young? But I hope he can succeed."

Chen Xiaohai ignored the judges' words and continued to refine the clear soup.

The cabbage he chose was inferior to Odley and Panasonic Daming in terms of freshness and refreshment.If you want to win, you must play tricks on dashi.It is too difficult to win with ordinary clear soup. Refined clear soup can increase the probability of winning.

It is true that Chen Xiaohai has the God of Cookery Book, but the mortal chapter in the God of Cookery Book is after all the content of the mortal chapter. The God of Cookery who has not descended to earth for 500 years can only deduce and cook with his own culinary talent.The dishes it evolved are naturally much higher than ordinary people.

However, Chen Xiaohai is not the God of Cookery.All his culinary skills were born out of the God of Cookery Book.Everything is made according to the records in the God of Cookery Book.However, the difference in ingredients, the difference between different flames, and the difference between different kitchen utensils are not as clear as recorded in the God of Cookery Book.

Audrey and Matsushita Daming are the top chefs in the world today. Their cooking skills are not as good as the God of Cookery back then, but the difference is not too much.

Chen Xiaohai wanted to win, wanted to win absolutely.The refinement of clear soup is indispensable.

The game goes on.

Odd interest rate finished first.

The recipe of cabbage salad is simple, and it is normal to finish it first.

Three salads were brought up, green verdant, white transparent, and purple mysterious.

"Three judges, please."

Audley smiled slightly.

"It looks good."

The eldest grandson Buluo said, and took a mouthful of cabbage salad.His eyes lit up immediately, and he showed a refreshing smile: "This cabbage salad retains the freshness and crispness of the cabbage and purple cabbage itself, and has an excellent taste. With this special salad dressing, it is simply a perfect cabbage salad."

Charlie Stern commented: "Cabbage itself is rich in vitamins and minerals. The cabbage salad not only retains the nutrition of the cabbage itself, but also has an extremely wonderful taste. It's like breathing fresh air on the prairie. It's amazing gone."

Ye Haolong looked at the salad dressing and said, "Mr. Audley, add lemon and honey to this salad dressing."

Audley said with a smile: "Yes, lemon and honey can give full play to the freshness and sweetness of cabbage and purple cabbage, and can also enhance the nutritional value of salads."

Ye Haolong smiled and said, "Very good."

The host laughed and said, "It seems that the three of us judges all spoke highly of Chef Odley's cabbage salad. Could it be that he will be the champion this time?"

Panasonic Daming is also completed.

Shredded cabbage, a dish that is very familiar to the public.

Daming Matsushita bowed slightly: "Three judges, please."

Ye Haolong took a sip, and as soon as he took it, a strong aroma bloomed in his mouth, it was a kind of oily aroma, but with a hint of spicy taste.This spiciness will not destroy the wonderful feeling brought by the oily fragrance, but the two flavors are blended together.

"It's really delicious, oily but not greasy. Usually shredded cabbage will make people feel a little greasy in it, but this shredded cabbage is not greasy at all, just right."

The eldest grandson Buluo also praised: "Not only is the oil used properly, but the pepper is even more excellent. It not only brings out the fragrance of the oil, but also does not cover up the wonderful feeling brought by itself."

Charles Sturt said: "This shredded cabbage is very good, but the taste of the cabbage itself is a little bit worse. We emphasize the taste of the vegetables, not the flavor of the seasoning, and we don't give much play to the taste of the cabbage itself. Quite In contrast, Chef Audley has fully exploited the flavor of the cabbage itself.",

The host laughed and said: "It seems that Mr. Charlist prefers the dishes of Chef Audley. The dishes of Chef Audley and Chef Matsushita Daming are ready, so we are left with Chef Chen from China."

"Mine is fine too."

Chen Xiaohai came to the jury with the dishes, put down the boiled cabbage, raised his eyebrows, and showed a proud smile.

"Please use."

PS1: The update is slowly recovering, and will be added later.I'm not full-time, but there are still things.

PS2: Recommend a book by a friend, "Rebirth of the Village Overlord", the author Xiao Lu Tanhua, he is an old driver, he knows everything.

(End of this chapter)

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