Super WeChat system

Chapter 144 Troubleshooting

Chapter 144 Troubleshooting
The sudden emergence of Changkang Liquor has made every shareholder of Drunken God Liquor feel the crisis.Especially the Kangyuan Liquor. The sales of Kangyuan Liquor gradually caught up with that of Shizhen Liquor, and even affected the sales of Shizhen Liquor.If things go on like this, Shizhen Wine will be traumatized in the health wine industry.

The shareholders of Zui Shenxian also thought of another important issue, that is, Kangyuan Liquor is suspected of imitating Shizhen Liquor.If Shizhen Liquor is imitated, is it possible for the five wines, Hongye, Zuixianren, Qianyezui, Baiweixiang and aperitif, to be imitated as well?

Xie Yuncang's expression was not good, and he turned to look at the person in charge of the legal department: "Old Zhou, how is the legal department? Can you sue Changkang Liquor?"

Zhou Qing said: "It's hard to say, the health wine industry is inherently complicated, and the raw materials used by everyone are almost the same. The important thing is the manufacturing process of health wine. We don't know the manufacturing process of health wine, but only know its materials and effects. Even if you sue the chief Kang Liquor Industry doesn’t have much chance of winning.”

"Another point is that Changkang Liquor is a local company in Dongyan City. Compared with our Zuishenxian Liquor, it has certain policy support. If the two of us really file a lawsuit, the court may favor Changkang Liquor. Industry."

"If we want to win the case, we must have decisive evidence."

Xie Yuncang's eyes sparkled, and he understood what Zhou Qing said.

As a local enterprise in Dongyan City, Changkang Wine Industry has brought considerable economic benefits to Dongyan City.It is understandable that government agencies will definitely be inclined to support Changkang enterprises.

Xie Yuncang's Yuntong Company is an enterprise of Beiyan City, and many policies of Beiyan City will also favor Yuntong Company to a certain extent, which Xie Yuncang also recognizes.

Zhou Jiayi, the only female shareholder among the eight shareholders of Zui Shenxian, said: "What if the price of Shizhen Wine is lowered to the level of Kangyuan Wine? The effect of Shizhen Wine is definitely better than Kangyuan Wine, and we can regain the health wine market again." The leading position."

"Besides, the profit of Shizhen Liquor is already high, so lowering the price a little will not have much impact. Even speaking, the sales volume will be much higher than before."

"We can't lower the price." Fang Haishan said, "Once we lower the price, Changkang Liquor is very likely to lower the price too. At that time, if the two parties desperately lower the price, it will only cause both us and Changkang Liquor to suffer."

A fat shareholder said: "So what if we both lose? We still have Hongye, Qianyezui, Zuixianren, Baiweixiang, and aperitif wine. The sales of each of them are not worse than Shizhen Wine."

A shareholder with eyes, Shangguan Yang, said: "The price of one type of wine has been lowered, do you think the other types of wine can still maintain the original price? You know, our wine is much more expensive than the wine on the market. Once The price cut has too much impact."

Zhou Jiayi said: "Then what should we do? Go to court?"

Fang Haishan said: "The lawsuit must be fought, but there must be enough evidence. Mr. Xie, what are your plans?"

Xie Yuncang tapped his fingers on the table, and said in a deep voice, "Boss Fang is right. It is impossible to lower the price and give up Shizhen Liquor. Only by winning the lawsuit can the current situation be resolved."

Shangguan Yang said: "But the lawsuit is not so easy, you have to think carefully."

The fat shareholder said: "Where's Mr. Chen? He's the chairman of the board. Hasn't the Drunken Immortal not come after such a big incident?"

Xie Yuncang said: "I have already notified him."

Zhou Jiayi said contemptuously: "Even if he comes, he can't solve the current situation. How much can he know about the company's affairs?"

Several shareholders have certain opinions on Chen Xiaohai, and it's fine if they don't come to the company usually.With such a major event happening to the Drunken God, it has not yet appeared, which really makes these shareholders have a lot of complaints.

"Who said I can't solve it?!"

There was a burst of light laughter.

The door of the conference hall suddenly opened, and a young man in casual clothes walked in.

"Little sea."

"Little sea."

"Mr. Chen?"

Xie Yuncang, Fang Haishan, Zhou Jiayi and others all looked at Chen Xiaohai.

Xie Yuncang said: "Xiao Hai, what did you just say?"

Chen Xiaohai smiled faintly: "I can solve the matter of Changkang Liquor Industry."

Xie Yuncang called him yesterday and talked about Changkang Liquor Industry.At that time, Chen Xiaohai obtained the brewing technology of Kangyuan wine, which could just solve the problem in front of him.

Fang Haishan asked excitedly: "Xiao Hai, do you really have a solution to this matter?"

Chen Xiaohai nodded slightly: "That's right."

Zhou Jiayi said: "Mr. Chen, this is not a trivial matter? Could it be that you have some relationship with the local department?"

Fang Haishan, Zhou Jiayi, Shangguanyang and the others didn't know Chen Xiaohai's origin and identity, and they were able to produce so many liquor patents, which had a lot to do with the Lu Group.The few of them never believed that they were just a student of the School of Management of Nanyan University, and they definitely had a profound background.


Has a strong background.

Only in this way can the matter of Changkang Liquor Industry be resolved.

"I have nothing to do with the local department." Chen Xiaohai shook his head.

"It doesn't matter?" The fat shareholder was stunned and asked, "Then what can Mr. Chen do to solve the current situation?"

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "Didn't you agree on the method earlier?"

Shangguan Yang frowned and said, "What did we say earlier?"

Fang Haishan said: "Have we discussed it before?"

Xie Yuncang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said, "Xiao Hai, do you have evidence to prove that Kangyuan wine imitates Shizhen wine?"

"Yes." Chen Xiaohai smiled, "If you want to prove that Kangyuan wine imitates Shizhen wine, it mainly depends on its manufacturing process. And I have a copy of the production process of Kangyuan wine in my hand."

As he spoke, he threw the copy of the information picked up from the WeChat drift bottle to several shareholders, including Zhou Qing from the legal department.

"this is?"

Xie Yuncang looked at this document and became more and more surprised.So detailed, so real.The official seal above is still the official seal of Changkang Liquor Industry.

Xie Yuncang, as one of the shareholders of Zuishenxian Liquor Industry, was also the earliest founder, so he has naturally seen the brewing process of Shizhenxian Liquor.The brewing process of this Kangyuan wine is more than [-]% the same as that of Shizhen Jiuyan, a complete imitation.

"Xiao Hai." Fang Haishan asked in amazement, "How do you have this information?"

Chen Xiaohai smiled: "This is a secret."

The existence of the Super WeChat system is an absolute secret.

Fang Haishan didn't ask any more questions.

Chen Xiaohai turned to look at Zhou Qing, the person in charge of the legal department: "Mr. Zhou, this document should be enough."

Zhou Qing glanced at the materials and said with a smile: "It's enough, we have this material. We have an absolute chance of winning in court."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "That's good."

Xie Yuncang looked at Chen Xiaohai.

Fang Haishan looked at Chen Xiaohai.

Zhou Jiayi, Shangguan Yang and other shareholders also looked at Chen Xiaohai.

This chairman, who hardly ever appeared in the company, solved a major problem of the company as soon as he appeared.This kind of efficiency makes them, the shareholders, really ashamed.

It was Chen Xiaohai's phone rang, and a familiar name came into view.

PS: Thanks to the book friend Qingrou, Qingcheng Nani for the reward.

PS2: I’m finally back, let’s recover, I should be able to add a few more chapters tomorrow O(∩_∩)O haha~
(End of this chapter)

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