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Chapter 13 The rematch begins

Chapter 13 The rematch begins

Chen Xiaohai read the God of Cookery's message and began to organize the information in his mind.

The God of Cookery Collection is the information about cooking skills compiled by the God of Cookery for thousands of years. The content is extremely rich, and it can be regarded as the top collection of cooking skills.

The content is subdivided according to different combinations.

Seafood, delicacies, birds...

Spicy, sour, sweet, bitter...

Fry, fry, fry, boil...

Legs, head, viscera, wings...

The content of the God of Cookery Book includes everything that needs to be applied in the kitchen.

Most importantly, the contents of the God of Cookery Book turned into the light of stars and entered his mind, deeply imprinted in his memory, and became his stuff, just like Chen Xiaohai's thousands of years of research, it is extremely miraculous.

"Really good stuff."

Chen Xiaohai was very excited.

Since ancient times, China has followed a saying that the people depend on food.

Food has long been integrated into people's lives. Workers, peasants, students, teachers, and wealthy businessmen cannot live without food.Everyone needs to eat.

With this God of Cookery Book, there are many, many, many things that Chen Xiaohai can do...

Well, it seems like you can only be a chef.

However, with the God of Cookery Book, Chen Xiaohai can enhance his relationship with the school belle Lu Qingya.

Look, in that TV series, a roast chicken tricked a rich lady.

Look, in that novel, a grilled fish seduces the saint of Yaochi.

You see, in this story, a bowl of porridge captured the beauty of the school.

Well, the last one was Chen Xiaohai's own thought.

In short, Chen Xiaohai was so excited that he didn't fall asleep until midnight.

In the next few days, life returned to calm.Chen Xiaohai digested the contents of the God of Cookery Book, and at the same time learned to control his powerful body.

On this day, the rematch of the Top Ten Campus Singers Competition arrived.

Both Chen Xiaohai and Zhao Jianguo passed the audition and entered the semi-final stage.

The whole dormitory got up early in the morning, got ready, and headed to the rematch site.

The rematch of the Top Ten Campus Singers Competition was held in the large music classroom of the Conservatory of Music, which can accommodate 500 people.

Since the rematch of the singer competition was held in the large music classroom of the Conservatory of Music, a large number of students were attracted.It's not that the Top Ten Singers Competition is really attractive, but the Conservatory of Music is a place rich in beauties.

When the people from Chen Xiaohai's dormitory arrived, a large number of people gathered at the door of the big music classroom, a huge crowd.

Xie Bin was startled when he saw so many people: "Fuck, so many people?"

Zhang Wei: "Of course there are more people. This is the Conservatory of Music, and there are many beauties. This group of people said they came to see the semi-finals, but in fact they came to see the beauties."

Zhao Jianguo fiddled with his hair: "There are so many beauties, I must make a good image."

Zhang Wei said with a smile: "Second brother, you can get your belly down first before we talk. Look, that woman is really beautiful."

Xie Bin: "Which one, show me."

Zhao Jianguo: "It's really good, hehe, if only I could become my girlfriend."

Chen Xiaohai said disdainfully: "Shallowness, girls only need to look at the inside, the inner beauty is the most important thing."

Xie Bin said: "Boss, second child, look, that woman has really nice breasts, really nice breasts."

Zhao Jianguo shed tears: "It is indeed the chest."

Chen Xiaohai leaned over: "Where? Where? Show me."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Zhao Jianguo: "..."

Xie Bin: "..."

In Chen Xiaohai's dormitory, he completely forgot about his business, and talked in a low voice, maybe there was a **** laugh, enjoying the fun of looking at beautiful women.

"Wait, that woman seems very familiar."

Zhao Jianguo pointed to a girl in white chiffon yarn and denim shorts in front of her.

Xie Bin exclaimed, "Isn't she Wu Li?"

Zhang Wei, Zhao Jianguo, and Xie Bin turned their heads to look at Chen Xiaohai.

Wu Li, Chen Xiaohai's ex-girlfriend.The girlfriend who had been dating from high school to college dumped Chen Xiaohai some time ago and ran away with another person.

Chen Xiaohai's face darkened.

Xie Bin patted Chen Xiaohai on the shoulder: "Third brother, just forget about that kind of person and ignore her."

Zhao Jianguo said: "That's right, third child, you are all with the school beauty now, the school beauty is much better than Wu Li."

Zhang Wei said: "Third brother, business is important, let's enter the big music classroom."

Chen Xiaohai smiled: "Boss, second child, and fourth child, don't worry, I've put it down a long time ago, it's fine."

Have you really let go?Chen Xiaohai didn't know, after all, Wu Li was his first love, which had a different meaning to him.

Xie Bin wondered: "However, why is Wu Li here?"

Zhang Wei: "She is also a contestant in the Top Ten Singers Competition, and she passed the audition on the North Campus. It's getting late, let's go in first, and leave the others alone."

Xie Bin smiled and said, "Let's go, third child. It's up to you and second child today. If we pass, our dormitory will become famous."

People from one dormitory walked to the big music classroom, and the staff of the Top Ten Singers Competition took charge.

Chen Xiaohai found Wu Li in the dormitory, and Wu Li also naturally saw Chen Xiaohai.

Seeing Chen Xiaohai, Wu Li didn't feel guilty at all, who made Chen Xiaohai not give Wu Li what she wanted.Others in the dormitory change their bags and buy new clothes every few days, and she also wants to.

With Chen Xiaohai's wealth, he simply doesn't have this ability.Now the new boyfriend, rich and handsome, of course forgot about Chen Xiaohai.

"My baby, what are you looking at?"

Wu Li's new boyfriend Han Fei smiled and put his arm around Wu Li's **-Lu's shoulder.

Wu Li shook her head: "It's nothing, let's go."

The two also entered the big music classroom.

The large music classroom is crowded with people, and the large music classroom with a capacity of 500 people has already exceeded the number it should have. There are nearly 800 people, which is completely overloaded.Some people even leaned on the windows, looking at the beauties in the big music classroom.

Ahead, the four referee seats are ready.

This time there were no student referees, they were all teachers from the Conservatory of Music.From the [-] people who passed the audition, [-] were selected to participate in the final.

In the left corner of the large music classroom, an area was temporarily isolated, which was the player's lounge.There is a small door leading to a storage room next door.Today, it has also been converted into a lounge.

The people in Chen Xiaohai's dormitory were all in the modified lounge, and the four of them stared at the passing staff and contestants, talking in low voices.

Zhao Jianguo: "This staff member should be from the Music Association, he looks really pretty."

Zhang Wei: "Third brother, the next time you see Lu Qingya, ask her if there are any single girls in the Music Association and introduce them to us."

Xie Bin pointed to a contestant and was extremely excited: "Look, that contestant seems to be Zhou Feier. Those legs can be said to be the longest legs in the Conservatory of Music."

Zhao Jianguo patted Xie Bin on the shoulder: "Fourth brother, you should give up."

Zhang Wei: "Fourth brother, you should give up."

Chen Xiaohai: "Fourth brother, you should just give up."

"Fuck." Xie Bin blew his beard and stared, "You bastards, let me give up because she is beautiful, why?"

Zhao Jianguo whispered: "She is taller than you."

Zhang Wei and Chen Xiaohai stared at Xie Bin's short legs.

Xie Bin waved his arm: "I really don't believe in this evil, so what about being tall? I've decided, I want to chase her."

Not long after, Wu Li and Han Fei also walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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