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Chapter 127 Third Level of Celestial Eye Technique

Chapter 127 Third stage of Celestial Eye Technique
After solving the shadow matter, Chen Xiaohai went home alone.As for Jiang Yuan, he stayed in Guangxia City to continue dealing with the shadows.

Boss Duan and Tan Shuang of Shadow are both dead, and Shadow is undergoing a blood exchange, and there are many things waiting for Jiang Yuan to deal with.There is no need for Chen Xiaohai to care about these things.

The purpose of Chen Xiaohai to solve and control the shadow is to ensure the safety of his family. Now that the matter is resolved, it is enough to leave the matter about the shadow to Jiang Yuan.He, Chen Xiaohai, only needs to be a big boss behind the scenes, and be safe and secure.

back home.

It was nearly twelve o'clock.

Looking at the small living room, Chen Xiaohai considered whether to change a house for his parents.With his current financial resources, even buying a house in the best residential area of ​​Nanyan City is easy.

You can talk to your parents.

Chen Xiaohai thought for a while, and returned to his room.

The puppy Moster fell asleep holding the giant bone of Mount Lortus, and his scarlet tongue fell on the giant bone, whimpering.After chewing for a period of time, coupled with Chen Xiaohai's threats, the puppy Mostert ate a lot of giant bones.

A giant bone from Lortus Mountain, with many dog ​​teeth marks on it, leaving a lot of potholes.It will take a while before they are all eaten.As for the improvement of puppy Most's strength, Chen Xiaohai didn't notice it.However, the hair on its body is instantly soft, the black hair is jet-black, and the white hair is like snow.

In the induction of the Beast Control Art, the mental power of the puppy Moster also gradually increased, staring.

Puppy Most's spiritual power is already extremely powerful, like the vast stars, extremely terrifying, and this can also make it form the illusion of extremely powerful strength.The original spiritual power was a little loose, but now the spiritual power has become more solidified, perhaps this is the performance of the strength improvement.

Looking away, Chen Xiaohai returned to the bed.

Run Sanyuan Zhenjue to start practicing. Sanyuanzhenjue is based on the essence of the three schools of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, combined with the special creation of various sects.Mysterious and powerful, after Chen Xiaohai took the book of wisdom, he was only able to comprehend a little bit, and there was a long way to go if he wanted to fully master the Three Elements.

Practicing the Sanyuan Zhenjue, the little flat peach at the heart began to emit energy, which was used for the practice of the Sanyuanzhenjue.

Today, when the Immortal Formation is cut off and the earth's aura is exhausted.

Chen Xiaohai didn't have the slightest worry when he practiced the wonderful method, because he had a small flat peach.

Even without Little Pantao, he still has the spiritual fruit of Huaguo Mountain.

Even if there is no Huaguo Mountain Spirit Fruit, the beauty of the Sanyuan Zhenjue is that it can absorb any power.

The power of fire, the power of water, the power of thunder and lightning... any power can become the power of the Three-Yuan Zhenjue, and finally be transformed into mana.

Practiced for three hours.

Chen Xiaohai let out a long breath, full of energy.After three hours of practice, his cultivation level has taken another step towards the realm of refining qi and turning into a god, and he is probably not far from the realm of refining qi.

"The practice of Sanyuan Zhenjue can be carried out normally, haste makes waste. Now, let's start practicing Celestial Eye Technique."

Due to the potential threat of the contract demon Mephistopheles, Chen Xiaohai had to work hard to stop this potential danger.

Ever since he got the Celestial Eye Technique, Chen Xiaohai has practiced it frequently, hoping to reach the third stage of the Celestial Eye Technique, which is equivalent to the effect of clairvoyant eyes.Now, Chen Xiaohai has practiced the Celestial Eye Technique to the second level, and he can see clearly even the scene ten thousand meters away.Night and day had no effect on him.

Run mana and eyes, open up the acupuncture points and meridians around the eyes, and proceed again and again.

The practice time passed by in a flash.

Early the next morning.

After having breakfast with my parents, my parents went to the shop, and Chen Xiaohai continued to practice.

After a night of practice, there were signs of a breakthrough in his Celestial Eye technique.Stay in the room and practice, trying to break through the third level of Celestial Eye Technique.





Chen Xiaohai's practice has entered into a wonderful state, and the rhythm of heaven and earth is contained between his breath and breath, which is extremely mysterious.The power of heaven and earth seemed to bless Chen Xiaohai, everything was as natural as the law of heaven.

Puppy Most tremblingly looked at Chen Xiaohai, it felt that the demon in front of him seemed to be awakened, like Tianwei, that terrible power was acting on its mental power, frightened and panicked.

It was almost noon.

Chen Xiaohai slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were calm, there was no wave in the ancient well, and he couldn't see any emotion.But it gives people an extremely terrifying and amazing power, as if everything is penetrating in his eyes.

Celestial Eye Technique, the third level.

After a whole morning of practice, Chen Xiaohai finally reached the third level of Celestial Eye Technique, and his whole demeanor changed completely.Especially those eyes, which are terrifyingly calm and terrifyingly penetrating.

A pair of ordinary-looking eyes, as if they could see through everything.All obstacles are as empty in front of him.

Before maintaining the state for a long time, Chen Xiaohai's eyes sparkled, and he laughed: "I have finally practiced the third level of Celestial Eye Technique, which is great. Beautiful women, beaches, car shows, model shows, hehe..."

The puppy Most trembled inexplicably, and the demonic master smiled so wretchedly and evilly.

"Try this penetrating ability first."

Chen Xiaohai used his magic power on his eyes, and performed the third stage of the Celestial Eye Technique, there was a faint strange brilliance flowing in his eyes, which was incomparably miraculous.In Chen Xiaohai's eyes, everything has become different.

The drawer of the desk gradually became blurred and gradually disappeared, and the situation inside the drawer was clearly known.A bunch of miscellaneous little things, pencils, ballpoint pens, notebooks, rulers, etc.

He turned his head and looked at the wardrobe.

In the closet, there are messy clothes, underwear, socks on the upper layer, seasonal short sleeves, shirts, and thin long clothes hanging in the middle, and some quilts and bed sheets on the lower layer.

That's right, it's exactly the same as what Chen Xiaohai placed.

Looking at everything, the line of sight penetrates the surface layer, and the feeling is extremely magical.

"It really is the ability of clairvoyance, it's amazing." Chen Xiaohai showed a smile, "I don't know if it has any effect on people?"

Chen Xiaohai raised his feet, and his eyes arrived, his eyes passed through his brown slacks, and he saw his calves with sparse hair, the skin was good, tender and white.

to people.

it works!

Chen Xiaohai laughed, a little dark and lewd.

It also has effects on people, and you can do some embarrassing things, so evil.

Just as Chen Xiaohai was feeling lustful, a strange sound came from the phone.Chen Xiaohai took out his mobile phone, but there was no call or text message.Click on WeChat and see that there are no new chat groups, and there are no red envelopes in the chat group of the four gods and gods. Check the content and it is a normal flood chat.

After careful inspection, Chen Xiaohai found that one place had changed.

The drift bottle has changed.

PS1: Thank you book friend Qingcheng Nani for your reward.

PS2: Make some small modifications to the changes of Celestial Eye, the third level is clairvoyant eyes, and the sixth level is golden eyes.

PS3: Sorry for the lateness.By the way, Sapo asks for a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket, a recommendation ticket, I want a recommendation ticket. .

(End of this chapter)

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