Chapter 104
Early in the morning, Chen Xiaohai woke up.

The puppy Moster was ravaged and locked in the room.After saying a few words with my father and mother, I went out.

Yesterday, I discussed with Song Qingqun and Ye Zejun to pick Bixue Qingxin tea.

When they arrived at the airport, they contacted Song Qingqun and Ye Zejun, and got on the plane to set off.

At noon, we reached our destination.

The destination is a big mountain near Changbai Mountain.

Bixue Qingxin tea likes shade and coolness, and grows on high mountains.

At the foot of the mountain, the two cars stopped.Chen Xiaohai and Song Qingqun got off in a car, and Ye Zejun got off in a car.

Song Qingqun was accompanied by an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with short-cut hair and a little white hair. His eyes were slightly narrowed, and he carefully looked at the surrounding situation.From the slightly protruding temples, it can be known that this middle-aged man is a practicing family.

This middle-aged man is called Sima Dadong, and he is Song Qingqun's personal bodyguard.

Ye Zejun also brought two bodyguards, wearing black suits, tall, about 1.8 meters tall.With broad shoulders and a thick back, he is full of power and power, and he can be seen as a bodyguard at a glance.

Ye Zejun's two bodyguards looked majestic and imposing, but in Chen Xiaohai's view, even ten of this type of bodyguards would not be a match for Sima Dadong.

Sima Dadong was a true trainer, and Ye Zejun's bodyguards could only be regarded as burly men with a strong physique.

Song Qingqun looked up at the mountain, and asked, "Xiaoye? Then Bixue Qingxin Tea is in this mountain?"

Ye Zejun said: "Yes, it's on this mountain. There are several tea workshops with a long history in this mountain, and the Bixue Qingxin tea was discovered by one of the tea workshops. But the taste they brewed can only be regarded as It’s just good. And with the low volume, there’s not much attention.”

Song Qingqun said with a smile: "It seems that we are going to pick up a bargain today."

Ye Zejun said: "That's it, the path in the mountain is too narrow, we can only walk up."

Song Qingqun smiled and said, "My old bone is still good, let's go."

A group of people walked along the mountain path and climbed up the mountain.

Chen Xiaohai was speechless all the way, walking very calmly.The line of sight wandered around, checking the situation of the mountain.

Ordinary people say that deep mountains and old forests have aura.

But Chen Xiaohai couldn't find the spiritual energy after looking at it for so long.

Even after using the Celestial Eye, they couldn't find any spiritual energy.

The power of the Immortal Formation is so powerful that it almost cuts off the spiritual energy on the earth.

A group of people climbed and disappeared, and came to a remote valley.In the valley, there are some old houses. According to Ye Zejun, those old houses are tea workshops.Due to the inconvenient mountain roads, the tea workshops here are small in scale and generally run by private individuals.

Ye Zejun pointed to the old house and said, "This is the tea workshop, and some of the older ones have a history of almost a hundred years."

"Hundred years of history?" Song Qingqun asked, "How about the tea?"

Ye Zejun said: "One family's tea is not bad, but the others are very ordinary. However, the tea workshop here has been passed down for a long time, and the taste is very pure and authentic. It is still somewhat different from the tea produced by other machines."

Chen Xiaohai asked: "The roads here are not very convenient to travel, and cars can't get in at all. How did they get out? Motorbikes?"

Ye Zejun said: "Well, they use motorcycles to pull out the tea and sell it. It was originally a small workshop, a workshop run by a family. The tea business only needs to be able to support the whole family."

Song Qingqun smiled and said: "If you have the chance, you can take a look. Where is Bixue Qingxin Tea? Take me to take a look."

Ye Zejun said: "It's very close here, and you can see it when you go around this valley."

Song Qingqun said: "Then let's continue walking."

The group continued to walk for a while, and came to a forest.The luxuriant branches and leaves cover the sky and block out the sun, and even the sunlight rarely penetrates in. The whole forest gives people a dark and shady feeling.

A gust of wind blew by, bringing with it a strange whistling sound, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, which made people shudder.

Several people are people who are used to seeing big scenes, so this weird scene is nothing.What's more, in the northern mountains and forests, this situation often occurs.

Ye Zejun said: "It's in this forest. As for the exact location, my friend also forgot. He just remembered that Bixue Qingxin Tea is next to a hundreds of years old tree, and there is a small mountain bag .”

Hundreds of years old tree?

This forest is an old forest, and most of the trees in it are more than a hundred years old.

Song Qingqun looked around and said, "Then let's search separately, and don't go too far away."

"it is good."

"no problem."

The three parties are separated.

Chen Xiaohai looked for it alone.

Looking at the whole forest curiously, Chen Xiaohai always had a strange feeling.

This forest is too clean, too full of life.

The withered and yellow leaves in the woods are almost invisible. Even if it is summer, you can still see some dead and fallen leaves.However, it is rarely seen in this forest.and.These centuries-old trees are still full of vitality and vitality.

There is something strange.

Chen Xiaohai operated the Celestial Eye Technique, with a faint light shining in his eyes, paying attention to the situation in the woods.

"this is?"

Chen Xiaohai focused his gaze, staring at the air directly in front of him.In the air, there is actually a little aura, a very weak aura.It cannot be seen with the naked eye, only a little can be caught under the operation of the Celestial Eye.

"Aura, there is aura in this place."

Now that the immortals are separated, and under the influence of the immortal array, there is almost no spiritual energy on the earth.Where there is aura, there must be something special.

Even the Qingshui Mountain of the Lu Corporation, with its beautiful mountains and clear waters and pleasant scenery, could not find a trace of aura.And in this mountain, being able to detect a trace of aura is enough to prove that this mountain or this forest has something special.

Using the Celestial Eye technique to the extreme, searching for the flow of spiritual energy in the air, looking for the source of spiritual energy.Gradually, he felt the direction of the source of spiritual energy.

Chen Xiaohai walked in the direction of the spiritual energy source, and after a few minutes, he came to a big tree.This big tree is obviously stronger than the surrounding big trees, and the bark gives people a thick and hard feeling, which is very special.

Chen Xiaohai glanced around, looked at the big tree in front of him again, and touched the big tree: "Judging from the surrounding situation, the source of the spiritual energy is this tree, and it's in this position."

Using force with his fingers, he broke open the big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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