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Chapter 102 Tea Appreciation

Chapter 102 Tea Appreciation
Song Qingqun's phone number.

"Song Qingqun, why did he call?"

Chen Xiaohai was a little puzzled, he and Song Qingqun only met yesterday in Qingshui Mountain, and they exchanged cell phone numbers.In just one day, Song Qingqun called.

Answered the phone: "Mr. Song."

Song Qingqun: "Xiao Hai, I didn't bother you."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "No, no. Mr. Song, what do you want from me?"

Song Qingqun said: "From the time you got Fengxue black tea, I guessed that you have some research on tea, and even know some rare and rare tea. A friend of mine brought me some special tea, but unfortunately I have never seen it before. I hope you can come over and help identify it."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "No problem, it's just a trivial matter. Mr. Song, when do you want to identify?"

Song Qingqun said: "The sooner the better, you know that I have a special affection for tea. I am especially interested in some special tea."

Chen Xiaohai said: "Okay then, where are you? I'll come over now."

Song Qingqun smiled and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Xiao Hai, I'm in the store, Xichenxin, the place where we first met."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

Chen Xiaohai hung up the phone, thought for a while, and prepared to go to Xichenxin.

He ravaged the puppy Moster again, and warned the puppy Mostert to stay well and not to cause trouble.Chen Xiaohai left home and took a taxi to Xichenxin.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at Xichenxin.

Wash your heart.

Exactly the same as the last time I came.

A little boy was sitting in front of the computer playing a game. When Chen Xiaohai came in, he looked up at Chen Xiaohai and continued playing the game.

Song Lao Song Qingqun and a middle-aged man in a suit were sitting there making tea, and the fragrance of the tea was overflowing.

Song Qingqun smiled and waved: "Xiao Hai, you came here really fast, come and sit down."

Chen Xiaohai walked over.

Song Qingqun said with a smile: "Xiaohai, let me introduce you. This one is Ye Zejun and Mr. Ye from Wanfeng Technology; Tea Man."

Chen Xiaohai shook hands: "Boss Ye."

Surprise flashed across Ye Zejun's eyes, Chen Xiaohai was too young: "President Chen."

Wanfeng Technology is also a big and prestigious enterprise in China, and its scale is not inferior to Xie Yuncang's Yuntong Technology.

Song Qingqun held a small box of tea and handed it to Chen Xiaohai: "Xiaohai, this is the tea I want you to identify. It looks like a green tea to me, but I have never seen it before."

Chen Xiaohai carefully looked at the finished tea, the green finished tea had a fine white line in the middle, very special.It is somewhat similar to ordinary green tea, but the fine white lines on that one are very special.Just seeing the appearance of this mature tea, Chen Xiaohai had five kinds of tea corresponding to it in his mind.

"Mr. Song, I want to have a drink and have a look."

Song Qingqun smiled and said, "This is the tea we just brewed."

He picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for Chen Xiaohai.

The tea color is turbid, not much different from ordinary green tea.However, there are white fine lines, which look very magical, as if the white fine lines in the middle of the finished tea have peeled off.A faint tea fragrance came to the nostrils, which made people very refreshing.

Chen Xiaohai eliminated one of the five types of green tea in his mind, leaving four types of green tea.Picking up the cup, he took a sip, and a wonderful taste bloomed in his mouth. There was no warm taste of making tea, but a faint coolness in it.This is obviously a cup of hot tea, but it makes people feel cool, very strange.

Four types of green tea, and two types were checked again.

"Old Song, do you have ice water? Cold water is also fine."

"Ice water?"

"Cold water?"

Song Qingqun and Ye Zejun were taken aback when they heard the words, why did Chen Xiaohai suddenly ask for these things.

Song Qingqun asked curiously, "Xiao Hai, what are you doing here?"

Chen Xiaohai said: "Make tea."

"Make tea!?"

Song Qingqun and Ye Zejun were taken aback again.

Hot water is used to make tea, why use ice water, cold boiled water to make tea.

It is true that some people will use cold water to make tea, but it is difficult to make tea with cold water. For some people who like tea and love tea, they do not like to make tea with cold water.

Chen Xiaohai explained: "What kind of tea is this? I already have two answers in my mind. However, if you want to be sure, you must soak it in ice water or cold boiled water. Ice water is best, and cold boiled water is also fine. .”

Song Qingqun said: "I don't have ice water, but there is cold boiled water. I'll go get it right away."

Song Qingqun went to the back and fetched a bottle of cold boiled water.By the way, I got a new tea set.There is a difference between making tea with cold water and hot water.

Chen Xiaohai fetched some tea leaves and put them into the teapot.Then poured cold water into it, and shook it vigorously, extremely rough, like a person who doesn't know how to make tea at all and messes around.A cloud of white mist rose from the mouth of the teapot. It was not hot air, but cold air.

Chen Xiaohai poured a cup of tea for all three of them. The tea was very ordinary, but there was a layer of condensed white mist on the surface, which looked very special.

"Mr. Song, Mr. Ye, please."

Song Qingqun and Ye Zejun looked at the tea curiously, picked up their cups and drank.

Chen Xiaohai also picked up the cup and took a sip, a gust of coolness instantly exploded in his mouth, and quickly swept his whole body, making his whole body feel extremely refreshed, like a popsicle or a bucket of cold water on a hot summer day.The body is like being baptized, and it is extremely refreshing.Especially the melon seeds in the head, it seems that they are much more awake, and their thoughts are active.

Sure enough it was.

Bixue Qingxin Tea ranks second in the New Tea Classic Green Tea Ranking.

However, there are obviously some problems in the picking and production of this Bixue Qingxin tea, and it is impossible to fully release the effect of Bixue Qingxin tea.If Chen Xiaohai were allowed to come, at least the Bixue Qingxin tea would taste better.

Song Qingqun and Ye Zejun took a sip, their eyes lit up, they were full of energy, it was amazing.

Song Qingqun smiled and said, "It really is good tea. The feeling of brewing in cold water is much better than hot water. Xiao Hai, it seems that you know the name of this tea?"

Chen Xiaohai said: "Yes, it should be that kind of tea. But to be completely sure, you need to see the real shape of the tea."

Ye Zejun took out a few photos and handed them to Chen Xiaohai: "This was taken by my friend."

Chen Xiaohai took a look and said with a smile: "It is indeed this kind of tea." After a pause, he stared at Song Qingqun, "Old Song, do you still have this tea? I need to buy some. Or tell me where is this tea? Pick it yourself."

"Mr. Song, let me tell you the truth. This small box of tea can only be regarded as ordinary. If I were responsible for picking and making it, the taste and effect of this tea would increase by at least [-]%."

Chen Xiaohai dropped a bomb, waiting for Song Qingqun's decision.This tea, he must.

PS1: After thinking about it, what everyone said makes sense.So the production of the dog was changed. It didn't come out automatically, but Chen Xiaohai accidentally made it out.If there are opinions, reasonable ones, I will accept them.

PS2: Well, readership.I asked some authors, and they seem to have all of them, so let’s get one too. It’s in the introduction, and if you like this book, please add it.

(End of this chapter)

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