You have captured a great god

Chapter 91 You Are Sick

Chapter 91 You Are Sick
Chu Qing nodded slightly, agreeing with Zhou Shangyuan's statement!
"Who is it!" Bai Yu couldn't help but looked at Chu Qing curiously and asked.

"A person who is very good at using computers!" Chu Qing said inscrutablely, and did not directly say the other party's name.

"Boss, you are not talking nonsense. People who are not good at computers can invade our system under our noses, then wave their sleeves and leave without leaving a trace?" Zhou Shangyuan heard Chu Qing's words, Immediately, all kinds of want to complain!
"Who said there were no traces left?" Chu Qing raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "If there were no traces left, how could I find her!"

"Boss, don't be foolish, who are you talking about!" Bai Yu is the kind of person who can kill cats with great curiosity, and he can't stand this kind of tantalizing thing!
"You guys know each other too!" Chu Qing still didn't say it directly. Many things are even more incredible only if he guesses them by himself.

They know each other?Zhou Shangyuan and Bai Yu didn't understand, so they looked at each other. They all knew each other, and the only person who was good at using computers was Chu Qing?
Zhou Shangyuan and Bai Yu seemed to have the same idea, and couldn't help looking at Chu Qing.

"Boss, you are sick, you hacked into your own system!" Bai Yu blurted out without even thinking about it, the words were really shocking and endless!
Chu Qing is really about to spurt out a mouthful of old blood, can this guy's brain circuit be a little bit normal?

And Chu Qing looked at his mother helplessly, and couldn't help shaking his head. He had already made it so obvious that they couldn't guess it, so there was no point in saying it!

Zhou Shangyuan couldn't help thinking about it, who else was he talking about?

"Crimson purple!" Zhou Shangyuan basically exclaimed, because the person who meets the conditions that Chu Qing just said, seems to be the only one left in the impression of Jiangzi!

"Crimson purple beauty?" After hearing Zhou Shangyuan's words, Bai Yu couldn't help but said in confusion: "She is so powerful!"

"I'm talking about that Jiang Zi in the game. I said before that she used a special program to modify the program of registering characters, and we haven't found out yet!" Zhou Shangyuan heard Bai Yu's confusion, so he couldn't help explaining to him: "As I said before, Jiang Zi is a skilled expert in this field."

Bai Yu nodded and said suddenly, "It seems that there is such a thing, then why did he suddenly invade our system? What is he going to do?"

"My intuition tells me that it has something to do with the post about Black Perilla in the forum!" After Zhou Shangyuan calmed down, he thought about it more comprehensively.

"Well, I think so too." Chu Qing agreed with Zhou Shangyuan's statement, and he had already confirmed the reason for Su Jiangzi's doing so.

Zhou Shangyuan took a serious look at Chu Qing's expression, and seemed to have guessed something, and he understood, so he didn't say anything more!

"No, I still don't understand. Invasion didn't do anything, so that's why Invasion feels sad?" Bai Yu still couldn't understand: "How does this have anything to do with this post?"

"Think for yourself!" Chu Qing didn't intend to explain, some things are better kept secret for the time being, Chu Qing couldn't help telling Bai Yu: "Don't try to ask Jiang Zi!"

Seeing Chu Qing's serious expression, although Bai Yu still couldn't figure it out, he nodded in response.

Is it really his IQ?Still can't understand the relationship between Jiangzi's intrusion into their system and that post!

No, my spicy chicken juice, how could it be that IQ is not good, it must be that they think too much, that's right!
(End of this chapter)

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