You have captured a great god

Chapter 9 You Ruined My Reputation

Chapter 9 You Ruined My Reputation

[Tianxia] Shengshi Chang'an: Pfft, makeup is a skill. After putting on makeup, a sow can compete with the gods. Whether it is true or not, haha.

[World] The sword points to the world: Jiangzi, Chang'an in a prosperous age, Liuli is not something you can insult casually, come to PK if you have the ability.

[World] Zero Degree: The leader is mighty, the goddess is not something you people can insult!
[World] Jiang Zi: PK, that's great! ╰(*°▽°*)╯Is it you who PK the two of us?
[World] Shengshi Chang'an: Group fights, this kind of technical work is quite good.

[World] Sishui Liuli: Chang'an, I respect you as a great god, but don't deceive others too much, what's the point of you helping that shemale Jiang Zi so much.

[World] Shengshi Chang'an: That blind thing can treat you as a treasure, why can't I treat purple as a treasure, and never be alone in the future, you also know that I have a famous red name, manslaughter or something , you decide for yourself.

[World] The sword points to the world: Chang'an in a prosperous age, what kind of skill is bullying women, if you have the ability to help fight.

[World] Prosperous Chang'an: Let's fight!


There are all kinds of verbal wars in the world, and the flames of war are intensifying. In the end, they even provoked a gang war between two gangs, which is also drunk.

Like Water Liuli is really a beauty, Su Jiangzi can't help but sigh, is the sword pointing at the world a pig?He even took the initiative to provoke a gang war. He didn't know that the Chang'an gang was full of famous PK madmen, and they were really in a hurry to seek death!
Even if some people do this, a glass like water can't see what's good, even if it can arouse these men's sense of justice, they are also drunk!

Su Jiangzi blocked the world decisively, and she became pure immediately, she was pure if she couldn't see her, she wanted to fight in the world, but it was endless, I couldn't bear it!
[Map] Jiang Zi: (′▽`〃) God, labor and management have successfully blinded their dog eyes.

[Map] Tsing Yi: ( ̄_ ̄|||) I'm blind too.

[Map] Jiang Zi: ~(@^_^@)~ I'm so shy, my god, if you praise labor and capital so much, labor and capital will be embarrassed.

Tsing Yi Mo, he doesn't seem to be praising her, okay?

[Map] Tsing Yi: You ruined my reputation, tell me, what are you going to do!

[Map] Purple: Σ(っ°Д°;) っ God, are you talking about a horse?Labor and capital did not play hooligans on you!Don't wrong me!I am innocent┭┮﹏┭┮
[Map] Tsing Yi: Since you made me come out of the closet, look, do you have to give me a title by the way!uh-huh?
[Map] Jiang Zi: ╮(╯﹏╰)╭ Didn’t you authorize labor and management to do that?Give credit to the yarn!

[Map] Tsing Yi: Is there a picture or the truth?

[Map] Crimson Purple: Mi Yes!

[Map] Tsing Yi: So?
[Map] Jiang Zi: Great God, let's go, aren't you looking for labor and capital to make money?What are you waiting for?

Is it really a man to change the subject so rigidly?

[Map] Jiang Zi: Since you don't want to write down the book, then labor and capital will be offline, no see!

After Jiang Zi sent this sentence, she went offline with lightning speed, without giving Tsing Yi any chance to react.

Seeing that the figure in front of him stopped for two seconds and then disappeared, Tsing Yi stared blankly for a while, but he didn't say anything, okay?
Sitting in front of the computer in Tsing Yi, a sly gleam flashed in his eyes, and a hint of interest rose from the corner of his mouth, "Crimson purple, we have a bright future ahead of us."

(End of this chapter)

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