PUBG Mobile's Thriller Live

Chapter 271 Breakthrough Game (3 more)

Chapter 271 Breaking through the game (three more)
Fights that cannot be resolved immediately will escalate over time.

So unless a quick fight is possible, Han Leyi will not take the initiative to provoke a fight. After all, if someone doesn't want to play and you are stuck here, it will be very uncomfortable.

Now Han Leyi left very wisely, ignoring the battle behind him.

After all, he is not a berserker, and in this case, he has to go over to join him.

So Han Leyi drove his motorcycle into City M again, and now City M is very quiet, as if the war had just ended.

As soon as Han Leyi got out of the car, he saw a box in front of him, and he didn't know if there was anyone in the room.

He parked his motorcycle at the very edge of M City, and he would not enter M City unless necessary.

Although he felt that this safe zone would be refreshed in M ​​city, it would be too dangerous to go in now.

So he carefully entered the room in front of him, then squatted in a corner without moving, and then opened the map with peace of mind and waited for the safe zone to be refreshed again.

Watching the border of the poisonous circle gradually merge with the white line representing the safe area, and then the white line turned into a blue line, and the safe area refreshed again, Han Leyi frowned, something is not good.


Shanquan said that he was stuck on the side of the bridge, and he swore that if he had an [-]x mirror, no matter how many people blocked the bridge, he would beat them into a sieve.

But not now, and the opponent's firepower is also very fierce, because the opponent is not alone.

This is not to say that there are people forming gangs on the bridge, which is not allowed, whether it is the game official or the host of the Internet cafe competition, Yang Yugang, but a very strange scene appeared here.

When Shanquan had had enough fun in Port G and was about to cross the bridge, he didn't expect that gunshots were already roaring on the bridge.

There are already many people blocked here. When the first person blocked the opposite side of the bridge with a gun, the second person who rushed over the bridge could have rushed over, but for some reason, he stopped and found a The bunker and the first man start a confrontation.

Neither of the two sides could do anything to the other, and when someone came again, the two of them opened fire at the same time and killed the person in the car.

And this has also alerted many people, except for some brothers who chose to swim for survival, and other players who were a bit aggressive chose to jump over the bridge.

But one person had already fallen, so everyone was not reckless, and one after another they found cover and started to confront each other.

When the mountain spring came, there were already several people on the bridge, and if he wanted to cross the bridge, he would be attacked by many people at the same time.

So Shanquan also became cowardly, but now he had to rush over. He didn't want to coax to live, either kill others or be killed.

He is so upright, or he has confidence in his own strength.

Although half of the safe zone was in the sea, he could choose to go back and look for a yacht, but he didn't choose this way, but wanted to kill the people on the bridge.

So he started the attack first, and he didn't get the VSS he wanted in Port N, so he had to settle for the next best thing, an SKS and a MINI.

Many people have such a configuration. After all, everyone is aware of the importance of VSS, but few people pick it up.

So they all chose the configuration of two semi-automatic sniper rifles, but some people have both SKS or MINI.

The probability of these two guns being refreshed is about the same. In the traditional mode, MINIs seem to have more, and they can be seen everywhere.

SKS is more precious, after all, it is not so easy to find all the accessories.

Shanquan used the MINI's machine sight to kill the guy in front with a headshot. The main reason is that the recoil of the MINI is not so strong, and it looks very small when the machine is aiming. Increase recoil.

Therefore, when a weapon like SKS is fully equipped with a red dot, plus a little skill of pressing the gun, it can be said that there is no recoil.

The recoil of the MINI is smaller, even smaller than that of the SKS, and the attack interval is shorter.

Although the damage of MINI is much lower than that of SKS, but the head is still dead after two shots, even if the opponent is a third-level head.

The third-level head reduces the damage of five by 50.00%, but just one headshot can knock out [-] HP, and two shots can still kill.

It can be said that in front of many sniper rifles, there is no difference between several levels of head, but sometimes the third level head can save lives.

After finishing off the opponent, Shanquan got into his jeep and drove a little forward.

From the position just now, he was behind the safe zone, and there was no way out.

Then he felt like he was playing a break-through game. Although he himself suffered damage and was always shot a few times by the opponent, he was the one who killed the enemy in the end.

Fortunately, he had a lot of medicine, so he filled up his blood volume with a medical kit, and then drove across the bridge.

At this time, the safety zone began to shrink again, and Han Leyi also looked at the pilot goggles on the ground with some hesitation.

This thing looks useless, but it can be used to pretend. It is usually the lowest-level glasses (mink style), and pilot goggles like this on the ground are rare.

So Han Leyi hesitated again and again, and put it on.

This thing didn't affect his eagle eye performance, it looked brighter on the contrary. In fact, this was all an illusion, Han Leyi was just not used to the temporary change.

Then he saw that the safe zone was almost here, so he hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Before that, he had filled up his energy bar a long time ago. It was just a matter of a bottle of energy drink and a bottle of painkiller, and he still had a lot of these things on him.

It can be said that this is the thing he has the most amount of besides bullets, so he is not afraid of consumption at all.

And now, if you go out, even if there are people next to you, you must have already gone far. Generally, no one will run away against the poison.

Especially after the version update, the current electromagnetic radiation damage has multiplied. If you wait for the safe zone to shrink, you won't be able to understand the speed of blood loss.

Many people in the final poison circle saw the blood loss speed on their bodies, so they let go of the keyboard with both hands, and they didn't have to run at all.

Therefore, players in the game now generally enter the safe zone before the poison circle shrinks, so that at least the threat of the poison circle will be reduced.

And this revision also allows players in the safe zone to ignore threats from outside the safe zone.

It can be said that the game method has undergone great changes. Remember how many players died outside the safe zone when this item was first updated.

And Han Leyi is not afraid of this, he has a motorcycle in his hand, as long as the motorcycle accelerates easily, it can exceed the shrinking speed of the safe zone.

The previous safe zone was actually brushed on the beach. Although there is still a small area in M ​​city that is a safe zone, the more Han Leyi thinks about it, the more he feels wrong, and he dares not stay in M ​​city.

(End of this chapter)

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