PUBG Mobile's Thriller Live

Chapter 202 Can you fight? (5 more)

Chapter 202 Can you fight? (five more)

The special mode means that there are all kinds of modes, so Han Leyi has a chance to play.

However, this special mode is divided into dozens of types, and Han Leyi himself feels a little dazzled at a glance.

And since it can be scored quickly, it is naturally impossible for them to choose, but the system chooses randomly, which makes it more difficult.

Anyone will have a gun that they are familiar with. No matter how versatile a player can use any gun, he will have his best gun. Therefore, if he chooses a special mode and randomly selects a mode that he is not familiar with, his strength will be great. Discounted.

However, danger is often accompanied by opportunity, and in line with this principle, making games is no exception.

Since it is so unknown, there are even more rankings that can be improved. One round of special mode is equivalent to ten games in other modes!

Don't think that the improvement is not enough, it's only for those technical lists that many people compete for.

It can also be promoted to hundreds of people at once, and the rise is very fast.

After all, only the top ten in a game has points, so some people have always said that there is no difference between the top twenty and the last.

There is no difference between No.2 and No.10!

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds only eats chicken and there are points bonuses for the top ten, and the rest are just floating clouds. Just pray that you won’t lose the ranking, let alone rise.

And this special mode also has a great effect on Han Leyi.

Now he only improves a few rankings by playing one game, maybe he can increase more than ten or dozens of rankings by playing the special mode.

Holding his own bold idea, Han Leyi somehow fell asleep, no matter what, he must try new things.


Han Leyi felt that his appetite had increased, so much so that he still wasn't full after eating a lot in the morning.

"It's as if you're still growing." Fang Keqing said looking at Han Leyi, who was eating so much.

At the beginning, Han Leyi only ate a little, which was less than hers, but now it is more than twice as much as hers.

Han Leyi doesn't care so much, he eats a lot to be healthy, and it's good to be able to eat.

I didn't see that the ancients could eat a lot, and Lian Po would eat rice every day when he was old.

Lian Po is old, whether he can still eat or not is like this, and whether he can eat or not is often used to see whether a person is still strong and useful.

Han Leyi feels that he is quite capable now, although there is no way to experiment.

He himself wondered if he was frigid, Han Leyi felt very strange.

"I can't help it, I'm hungry, but your game has become better now." Han Leyi said.

Fang Keqing's strength increased too fast, and it improved a lot in one fell swoop.

The transformation process of others is from cute newbie to novice, then to salted fish, and then gradually become a big boss.

But it was different when it came to Fang Keqing. She skipped a few levels and directly became a boss-level character. Han Leyi often sighed, this is the protagonist of the system.

Could this be the legendary one-knife nine-nine-nine?directly to the top.

Han Leyi was envious and jealous.

"Nonsense, this kind of gadget is not easy to grasp." Fang Keqing said with a smile, still very concerned about complimenting her.

"Your team is serious?" Fang Keqing then turned her head and asked.

Han Leyi also looked at her and said: "Yeah, I was entrusted by others, and besides, I have nothing to do."

Han Leyi really felt a little bored, there was nothing to do every day, it was time to find something for himself.

"Oh." Fang Keqing frowned, and then said: "However, if there are offline competitions, it will be impossible."

Han Leyi felt a bit difficult to deal with, and didn't know why Fang Keqing was so steadfast.

"One has to learn to let go."

Han Leyi thought she had something to hide, so he comforted her.

But Fang Keqing smiled bitterly and said, "Let go? Do you want me to leave?"

Han Leyi's expression changed, he didn't know what she meant, so he could only mutter: "No, no."

Han Leyi didn't know why, but it was purely out of love for beautiful things?
However, everyone has a love for beauty, so Han Leyi can't be surprised, naturally he doesn't want to change what has settled down.

So I said, "If it doesn't work, forget it, or wear a mask or something?"

Han Leyi thought of a good idea, so he smiled.

Wearing a mask can also enhance Fang Keqing's sense of mystery, and more importantly, she can play offline games with peace of mind before being recognized.

Fang Keqing gave him a beautiful white eye, which can be called an epic textbook-like eye, at least Han Leyi has never seen such a beautiful white eye.

Well, it's all nonsense on his mind, but he really wants Keqing to give him a few more glances.

Then Fang Keqing stopped talking, just lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

On the other hand, Han Leyi held his head up and his chest high. He has started to cultivate his temperament recently, at least he can't look too wretched.

After all, he is also a public figure, and he can no longer have no temperament like before.

Back in the rental house, Han Leyi remembered something and asked, "By the way, do you know how to fight?"

Han Leyi wants to learn fighting, but he is too lazy to find a coach.

After all, even if it is a professional coach, it is very difficult to beat him.

What's more, the so-called kung fu is afraid of kitchen knives, and a coach without certain skills is really useless to him.

So he didn't bother to set off to search everywhere, although he also wanted to go to a park at random, and then find an old man to watch him practice Tai Chi, and after a little questioning, he found that a certain family had more than 100 generations of Tai Chi descendants, and Han Leyi was very easy Expressed himself, and then accepted his inheritance.

It's a pity that Han Leyi only has the script and can only read it according to the script. If he really thinks this way, he is an idiot.

Therefore, he can only settle for the next best thing, and see if Fang Keqing will do it. After all, her methods seem quite formal.

I don't expect her to be as serious as Gong Shou Dao, but at least her moves must be handsome!

Moreover, Han Leyi only needs to learn some fighting techniques, Fang Keqing should be able to teach him easily.

Fang Keqing hesitated for a moment, looked at him and said, "Why do you want to learn?"

Han Leyi also fell into deep thought, and then said sadly: "Study for the rise of flower growers!"


But Fang Keqing let him go after that, and didn't continue to ask, just said: "Come to my room in the afternoon."

"Ahem, don't be so ambiguous, you still have to go to the room." Han Leyi coughed twice quickly.

The last time I entered the boudoir, I just do not see evil, but now I want to go in again, Han Leyi is very shy.

"It's fine if you don't come, get out!"

Han Leyi laughed heartily and ran to take a bath.

 The chapter number in the last chapter was wrong, and it will be corrected in a few days, sorry and sorry.Such an important number!
(End of this chapter)

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