PUBG Mobile's Thriller Live

Chapter 168 Falling from the Sky (3 more)

Chapter 168 Falling from the Sky (Part [-])
"Wow, An Ye is so cowardly, so lucky?"

"I don't know how the saying goes: the poor eat chicken, the rich express! He is so poor, so he will naturally make up for him..."

"Pull it down, he didn't make this game, it's wrong."

"Sure enough, this is an old Yinbi's game!"

"This game should be called Voldemort vs. Lao Yinbi. Watching the game is even more so. The Lao Yinbi in professional games are much more qualified than us, but their marksmanship is not bad, and they are simply ruthless."

"Why does An Ye have a dull expression on his face? And he didn't even blink his eyes."

"What kind of expression do you need when playing a game? It's not a horror game where you will be surprised."

"Looking at Shanquan's expression is much richer, and there is also the peach blossom before."

"Peach Blossom is really aggrieved by death, I also have an angry face, and Shanquan has a sinister face."

"Hey, although Shanquan doesn't look very good, he's still pretty handsome when he plays games."

"What's wrong with An Ye? Stomach hurts too much to perform?"

"The expression doesn't look like he's constipated. Also, is he really lucky?"

"Ah!" Han Leyi shouted, and then felt a sense of falling.

For very sensitive people, they will often feel this way, even if it is just a sudden downhill of the car, they will quickly feel a shock in their hearts, and then a feeling of falling from a high altitude, it feels like a roller coaster, suddenly descending from a high altitude come down.

Not to mention that the current car is still rolling in the air. I believe many people have this kind of game experience. Driving down the hillside, they start rolling for no reason, and then they are not under their control, losing blood and rolling over. It's all up to God.

Han Leyi felt that he was going to faint, and with the sound of a bang, his head seemed to be hit hard.

"Isn't this a concussion?"

Han Leyi murmured in his heart, he was about to fall asleep at this moment, but he tried his best not to fall asleep, and he also wanted to fall asleep, and then eat chicken when he woke up.

But the system didn't let him fall asleep. It was because he didn't want to, but he really couldn't. The system was like a devil, and it could wake him up the moment he was about to faint.

"Oh." Han Leyi shook his head, it was really painful.

Probably this is what it feels like to roll over in reality. The first time a car rolls over, it feels really fucked up.

Speaking of which, this was the first time Han Leyi had his car overturned in the live broadcast of life and death, and it really didn't feel good.

It seems that although he can lower his head to avoid bullets, this method is still risky. For example, he can't see the road ahead, and it will be uncomfortable if he hits a tree or rolls over like he is now.

But these are all things he has to consider in the future, Han Leyi thought, what he has to consider now is how to get out?

His legs seemed to be crippled. Although he was still conscious, he was stuck by the overturned car.

"Wori, it's over." Han Leyi yelled inwardly, how should he get out now?Don't know if your external body will be damaged?

Han Leyi's heart was flustered immediately, it was the first time he encountered such a situation, he was a little at a loss.

Fortunately, his mental quality is good, much stronger than before, or the strong eleven-point willpower played a role, so that he did not give up at this critical moment.

After all, this is not a game. If the car overturns, press the F key to jump out. If he wants to get out now, he can only rely on himself.

The strong desire to survive made Han Leyi calm down in an instant. Only by calm thinking can things not develop into a worse situation.

Some people have said that at a critical moment, calm thinking for three seconds will have a miraculous effect.

It can instantly curb the rage and stop doing unreasonable things.

Just like Han Leyi now, he didn't give up on himself, and he didn't do the stupid thing of pulling out a grenade and throwing himself directly.

Instead, he tried to see if he could climb out, but after climbing for a long time, his legs still didn't move at all, so he knew that something was wrong.

From the perspective of the audience, they only saw Han Leyi kept looking outside, and then he didn't get out of the car.

"Dawn get out of the car!"

"I think I can hide in this car and watch, anyway, it's still in the safe zone."

"Not only in the safe zone, but also in the center of the safe zone..."

"Wairi, this position is flying well, this is the dawn of the sky."

In order to distract himself, Han Leyi opened the barrage, and said after seeing it: "Yes, I can hide in this car and watch, an overturned car will definitely not be noticed, and I'm flying The location is on flat ground, so getting out of the car is even more dangerous, and there will definitely be people around."

Han Leyi's words are not only telling the audience, but more like comforting himself.

He didn't know if the car had grown wings, and it flew so far all of a sudden.

He didn't know how many times he rolled in the air, which caused the car to rot like this, and even got his feet stuck.

"How did the game company design it?" Han Leyi was irritable.

Now the blood volume of the car is not high. If it is shot more than ten times by others, it may explode.

"I hope there are no such boring people taking taxis."

Han Leyi said, praying in his heart.

Others also accepted this statement. Anyway, they were watching the live broadcast, and Suguang was the anchor. They could only yell twice, and they couldn't influence Suguang's choice at all.

Maybe the more they yelled, the more Shuguang would squat inside if he opposed them.

Moreover, the current practice is in line with the usual style of Shuguang Lao Yinbi.As long as you can survive, it doesn't matter where it is or how dangerous it is.

"Welcome to the live broadcast room where the new gays are the strongest and the old yin ratios."

"Welcome new friends..."

Han Leyi felt that the pain in his legs gradually became less painful, and now it won't affect his ability to shoot.

"This old man's luck is really bad."

Han Leyi muttered, and then began to look around.

The main thing is to see if he can still attack in this situation. Fortunately, he doesn't have a pan now, otherwise it would be a pain in the butt.

Han Leyi took a lot of effort to put both guns underneath.

He just wants to know now, how can the blood not flow?

Han Leyi is very uncomfortable now, the feeling of fainting all the time is lingering, but he will never faint.

After holding on to load the AWM with bullets, Han Leyi realized that all the things he picked up before were useful.

"This is fate. Is it true that you have to collect all sets to summon the dragon? It's a pity that there is one less."

Han Leyi used words to relieve his fainting feeling, which would make it difficult for him to shoot.

Then he took out his own parts, and he felt that he was a parts man.

Sniper rifle silencer, sniper rifle cheek rest, plus eight times mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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