PUBG Mobile's Thriller Live

Chapter 143 There Are No Moments at All (2 More)

Chapter 143 There Are No Moments at All (2 More)
Han Leyi told the truth, and deliberately raised his head and chest to make himself look taller and bigger.

But the shocked expression of Taohua Shili he imagined did not appear, let alone any look of hatred.

Because Taohua Shili just has a face of disbelief, and even wants to laugh.

He originally wanted Han Leyi to say his identity casually, and then he pretended to know him, and then brought Han Leyi in, but now that Han Leyi said that he was An Ye, he had no choice.

"An Ye and I are not friendly, maybe the other party still hates me." Wang Wensheng shook his head.

Han Leyi said speechlessly: "But I'm really An Ye, I didn't say I have any hatred with you."

Han Leyi really wants to find a mirror, is he such a hideous and vengeful person?
Although many of his classmates said that he is good at everything, the only shortcoming is holding grudges...

But he himself doesn't think so, he thinks he is a master who forgets what happened today, and holds grudges?nonexistent.

The real enemy, he must have dismissed it, and then just ignored it, too lazy to beep with the other party.

Wang Wensheng didn't know what to do. Fortunately, the security guard saw his embarrassment and said, "You say you are Dark Night, do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, you are welcome to impersonate us."

"Why are you impolite? Are you going to incontinence again?" Han Leyi said, taking a small step back in fear.

The two didn't hear anything strange, they just smiled and said, "As long as you can prove that you are Dark Night, there is nothing wrong with us being disrespectful."

The corner of Han Leyi's mouth twitched. In fact, the two of them didn't intend to obstruct it, but he was really not famous enough.

Therefore, Han Leyi decided to use his ultimate move.

"Taohua, have you forgotten the grenade under the hawthorn tree?"

Wang Wensheng's eyelids jumped up, and he finally felt how familiar this funny voice was.

"All right, all right, let him in."

Wang Wensheng really wanted to hide his face and leave, but he quickly stretched out his hand and called Han Leyi to come in, and stop talking.

The two security guards saw something was wrong, their eyes widened, and then they quickly moved away, and kept saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Wang Wensheng hurriedly led Han Leyi inside with a face full of shame and indignation, as if he wanted to stay away from him.

"Is this really a dark night? Why are you here alone?"

The two security guards began to mutter, and kept sneaking glances at the two behind them.

"I thought he would bring a lot of bodyguards, and then a group of bullying people would run over, or a large group of fans would follow."

"...It's not a star, and it's also a bodyguard, but I really didn't expect to be alone without fans."

"Brother, don't you know Ten Miles of Taohua? Why don't you know An Ye?"

The security guard who blocked Taohua asked in confusion, if he could know An Ye, wouldn't such an embarrassing thing happen?
"The video of the peach blossoms blooming, but An Ye didn't take a picture of himself, the ghost knows it's him."

The man sighed, secretly saying bad luck.

"...Nowadays, do people like big guys pretending to be cute?"

"I found out that tigers are not new at all!"


"Well, hello, my name is Han Leyi."

Han Leyi followed behind Taohua Shili in a muffled voice, feeling that it was time to say something.

In an awkward atmosphere, someone must speak first to break the atmosphere, and Han Leyi's words played such a role at this moment.

Wang Wensheng really wanted to speak up, but he couldn't find an entry point. When Han Leyi spoke, he realized that the two of them didn't introduce themselves.

"Hi, my name is Wang Wensheng, you can just call me Taohua."

He is still used to being called Peach Blossom, because e-sports does not require a real name, and if you say your real name, others will not be able to remember it, so it is better to remember your own game name.

" are, Wang Wensheng?" Han Leyi suddenly stopped.

It's not that he has a classmate with this name in elementary school or junior high school or even in college, but that he is very familiar with this name.

"What's wrong." Wang Wensheng's mouth twitched, he knew that he would not say his name, and Han Leyi was frightened, as if he saw the idol he admired all his life.

Because Han Leyi really had a look of respect on his face now, and then he remembered and said: "Wang Wei, Ziwen Sheng, I just didn't remember it just now, Sheng Sheng, don't worry."


Wang Wensheng thought to himself, why don't I know Wang Wei's character is Wensheng?It's hard to meet a bully.

Han Leyi only used this little episode to calm the atmosphere, so that he could open up the next topic.

It's true that Han Leyi is an otaku, but it doesn't mean he can't communicate with others, and he even knows a lot of speaking skills.

There is a saying that language communication is an art, but it is also a technology.

It's just that he doesn't like this kind of going out of his way every time he talks, so he chooses to be an otaku.

It's still easy to brag with acquaintances, Han Leyi sighed inwardly.

Through the conversation with Wang Wensheng, he also knew a lot of things. Although he would not confide in him, at least after the two had a good relationship, they would not intentionally harm him.

In fact, the relationship with many people does not need to be such a good friend, as long as it is not an enemy.

When the two reached the innermost part of the backstage, they almost knew everything without saying anything.

"Let me tell you, almost all of them have arrived. There should be two factions inside, the game area and the entertainment area. You can just say hello to those you know, and try not to provoke people."

At this moment, Taohua Shili whispered in Han Leyi's ear, the two were very close to each other, mainly to prevent others from overhearing their conversation.

Han Leyi felt a little uncomfortable, except for his college roommate, it had been a long time since he had spoken to a man so closely...

Well, I have never talked to a woman like this before. This is Han Leyi's biggest regret after he went to college.

Four years of college, four years of playing games, and never even kissed a woman's little mouth?

Thinking of those classmates who were either gay or were raped, and those old drivers whose female tickets were changed once a week, Han Leyi felt a deep gap.

The gap always appears inadvertently, but when I think about it silently, I realize that I am different from others unconsciously...

"Is the water so deep in the live broadcast?" It took Han Leyi a while to remember Wang Wensheng's words.

"Where is the water not deep? It is that there are many conflicts in the game category. It is not easy to make money these days."

Wang Wensheng lamented that only after making money can he deeply experience the hard work of making money.

But only this kind of hard-earned money can be cherished more, and it will not be squandered casually like the kind of money that is obtained casually.

However, Han Leyi thought to himself: "Am I the only one who thinks making money is easy?"

The live broadcast of life and death gave him a lot of opportunities. Only now did he realize that he couldn't live without the system. Now that the system is upgraded, he seems to have lost something.

(End of this chapter)

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