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Chapter 30 The Dream of Flying

Chapter 30 The Dream of Flying

"Wow~~ roar!"

After the flying skateboard soared into the sky, Dong Chen shouted excitedly, he is now soaring above the sky, a place that humans have always wanted to conquer.

Since insects evolved wings [-] million years ago, the power of life has continuously invaded the sky. It has always been the eternal territory of clouds and rainbows, strong winds and thunder, and it is also the place where dreams lie.

Then, pterosaurs, birds, and bats followed. As they soared through the sky, would they despise those things that had been crawling on the ground?

Like those strange, hairless apes with upright legs and weak arms.

Since ancient times, human beings have always wanted to go to the place full of dreams, the sky!
For this dream, our ancestors have been tirelessly fighting for it, such as the genius craftsman Davolos in ancient Greek mythology, the craftsman ancestor Ban Lu, Oleina Da Vinci and so on.

There are also many unknown ancestors who are also exploring silently, but there has been no shocking results.

Until 1803, Sir Georgeley Cay, a native of Eagleland, designed the first fixed-wing glider in line with modern aviation principles.

It was not until this time that the design of the aircraft was finally on the right track, and Sir Lekai was therefore revered as the father of modern aviation.

It was not until 1903 that the Trey Brothers of the United States completed the first flight of the world's first sustainable, powered, and controllable heavier-than-air aircraft.

Early airplanes were not as safe and comfortable as they are now. Pilots are definitely a high-risk industry, and many people died because of flying airplanes.

It is precisely because of the efforts and sacrifices of these dreamers that the aviation industry can become what it is today, instead of feathers, brooms, and magic carpets in mythological imaginations.

Today we can fly airplanes higher and faster than any bird, but there is still a bit of a pity that we sit in that huge steel creation, conquering the places we dreamed of before, but there is not even a breath of wind Feeling passing by, how can this make human beings willing.

Therefore, personal flying vehicles are born because of luck. They are small, flexible, and full of power. They can take people to shuttle freely in the wind. When you fly with a personal flying machine, the sky is all around you, and dreams completely surround you.

The United States has developed the first real personal aircraft, DeLacknerDH-4, which is a single-person aircraft experimentally manufactured by the US military in the 60s and [-]s of the last century.

Since the end of World War II, the US military has been hoping to create a lightweight single-person aircraft to complete various complex military tasks.

DeLackner DH-4 was developed under such a background, but compared to the characteristics of "personal aircraft", it is a bit too huge.

DeLacknerDH-4 has a wingspan of 78 meters, a height of [-] meters, and an empty weight of [-] kilograms. Due to weight and fuel problems, its flying height and distance are not very satisfactory.

Later, many types of "personal flying vehicles" were developed intermittently on the other side, but they all had to choose to give up because of various problems such as heavy weight, large volume, short range, and low flying altitude.

Until recent years, with the vigorous development of new material technology and new fuel technology, personal aircraft research has achieved some staged development, and even some personal enthusiasts have participated in the research and development of personal aircraft.

It’s just that the more successful ones, even those that have said they will be sold commercially, are all relatively “large” personal flying vehicles.

After all, the larger the volume, the more fuel will be loaded, and the relative flight time will be longer.

But this seems to have entered a strange circle. The larger the size, the easier it is to succeed, and the farther and higher it will fly, but this means that the more successful it is, the farther away it is from the concept of a light and compact "personal flying vehicle".

But this can't stop people's love for these personal flying machines. After all, these personal flying machines can let them fly in the sky personally and freely.

These little flaws are all tolerable in order to soar freely in the sky of that dream.

And now Dong Chen uses the flying skateboard he made to soar in the sky.

Although it is only a short 3 minutes, this is just the beginning. He believes that with the techniques he has learned in the radiation world, he will go farther and farther on this road and become more and more successful.

"Zi~~Dong Chen, Dong Chen, your height is too high, pay attention to safety, pay attention to safety."

Listening to Mu Xiaoji's voice from the earphones, Dong Chen paid attention to the current altitude, which has reached more than 360 meters.

"Ok, no problem!"

Dong Chen lowered his head and looked down. Looking around, he could see the whole Shimenzhuang City from here. Looking at the shrinking things on the ground, Dong Chen was overwhelmed.

The engine of the flying skateboard emits surging power. As long as you don’t frighten your legs, it’s actually quite solid to step on it. Press the button and the flying skateboard will change its movements stably and fly in the corresponding direction.

Gradually, Dong Chen was no longer satisfied with this smooth "grandfather-like" flight, so he slowly turned off 10%, 20%, 30%... 60% of the flight control system.

The more flight control systems are turned off, the more strenuous it is to control, requiring more and more self-judgment to maintain balance, but the relative movements become more and more flexible.

Relying on his strong various qualities, Dong Chen took only a short time to go from the "slow" straight up and down at the beginning, to quick turns, mid-air flips, reverse thrust, emergency stop and hovering, and other maneuvers in the air.

He even did an engine stop and restart experiment, turning off the engine from an altitude of 500 meters, free falling to 100 meters, then restarting the engine, and soaring into the sky again.

3 minutes is a long time, and a short night is short. When Dong Chen slowly landed, several people on the ground were already very excited!
"Hahaha, how do you feel?"

"Brother Dong! Brother Dong! You're awesome! You're awesome!"

"Damn it! This flying skateboard is invincible! No wonder it's called the Black Phantom. When that black figure flies through the air, it is really full of incredible charm!"

"Is this out of fuel? It really is 3 minutes."

"Actually, you can add an auxiliary fuel tank to this one. People carry heavy loads, so it's no problem to be pulled by a car. In this regard, it's much better than those "large" personal flying vehicles that can't be pulled by a car!"

"That's right, you can make two versions, the one that is carried by one person and the one that is carried in a car! Get one of both, hahaha, you can sell two for each person!"

"Hurry up, let's go back and discuss these things, let's hurry up and test now! I can't wait!"

"Yeah, so cool! I want to come too!"

"Hey, line up and come one by one!"

As soon as the gas was refueled, Mu Xiaoji put the upper camera into Dong Chen's hand and stepped on it.

"Hey! Slow down! As for the matter, the fuel we brought is enough for each person to fly twice! Don't fall!"

"It's okay, it's okay, ahahaha, I'm flying, I'm flying!"

Seeing Mu Xiaoji flying on a flying skateboard at a height of one meter, yelling like "I am number one in the world", Dong Chen found it amusing.

"Little Jiji, you can fly really high!"

The crowd also booed and laughed.

"Yes, yes, Mu Xiaoji, do you dare to fly higher?"

As a result, within ten seconds, Mu Xiaoji landed.

"Fuck! My legs are so soft! How embarrassing!"

Everyone was taken aback after hearing this, and then burst out laughing!

This is funny!
You snatched so fiercely, what a coward!

(End of this chapter)

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