Chapter 194 To Live
When a group of politicians were in a complicated mood, the helicopter quickly carried them towards the White House.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and these helicopters headed for the White House at the fastest speed.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

"time is limited!"

"It can't go any faster, it's already the fastest! If it goes any faster, the plane will have a great chance of crashing!"

Above the White House, Wang Feng was still holding his energy ball.With 5 minutes left, it reached Wang Feng's 7-[-] minute limit.

At this moment, a helicopter appeared behind a building.

The crowd below and people from the big families all looked over, and Wang Feng also looked at the helicopter.

"This is?"

People are a little puzzled.

Then, from behind the building, helicopter after family appeared.

"Are those idiots here?"


"We are saved!"

"The country of America is saved!"

"Everyone is saved!"

In an instant, the crowd below cheered excitedly, and the sound of cheers spread all over the world.

Soon, the helicopters landed in an open space several hundred meters away from the crowd.One by one, the dignitaries, and the guards behind them with guns pointed at them, got off the helicopter.

When people saw that it was really the president, people in Canada, Mexico, Cuba and other countries breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Feng wants to blow up the entire North America!The United States is not the only country in North America!Canada and Mexico are both in North America!
Although Cuba is an island country, it is not far from North America!North America is bombed and sunk, and Cuba will definitely be implicated!
Nimei!They didn't do anything!
The United States provoked Wang Feng, but they were almost buried with them.These countries have expressed that the baby is wronged!
Now that the politicians of the United States have finally arrived at the White House, they can be regarded as a sigh of relief.

Soon, these dignitaries came to Wang Feng's feet.

The president took a deep breath, then pointed to the huge energy ball above his head and shouted to Wang Feng: "We are here, you can take this thing back."

Wang Feng looked at the dozens of dignitaries under his feet, and then asked suspiciously: "Is it just you?"

"There's no room for the helicopter, so the rest of the people can only come by car, and they'll be there soon."

"is it?"

No one should dare to run, right?Even if you want to run, you can't run away.Wang Feng slowly drew back the Qi in the energy ball.

The huge white ball of light above everyone's heads gradually became smaller little by little.With the change in size, the energy ball became smaller and faster, and soon turned into a small light spot and disappeared in Wang Feng's palm.

Wang Feng put down his arm that had been raised for more than 20 minutes, and fell from the air.

"We really survived!"

"God bless!"

"Fortunately, those idiots rushed over in time, otherwise we would be dead!"

"No! Didn't you see the guy with the gun behind them? They must have tried to run, and they were caught by the righteous soldiers!"

"Yes! They are heroes!"

The entire country of the United States is boiling up, cheering for this disaster!

The people at the scene were also flushed with excitement, they were so excited.But Wang Feng said nothing in front of them, for fear of provoking Wang Feng's anger.They didn't dare to cheer loudly, they could only suppress the joy in their hearts, and whispered: "I survived!"

Canada, Mexico and other countries were completely relieved when they saw Wang Feng take back the energy ball.Finally, there is no need to be buried with the country of the United States!
Many countries in the world have also slightly relaxed their nervousness.The United States is their boss!If the United States is wiped out, they will be miserable!

Of course, there are many countries that are not the younger brother of the United States and do not want the United States to disappear.

But there are still some countries, organizations, and individuals who have different views on this.

"The country of Mi has not been wiped out! When will the country of Wa come out of the control of the country of Mi!"

"Damn it! Wouldn't it be better to just blow up Miguo? What are you waiting for! You have to learn the spirit of pulling a lamp! Talk about it! Just do it! Let's talk after we do it!"

"It still didn't blow up in the end! I thought I could still see the spectacular scene of a continent being sunk! What a disappointment."

At this moment, Wang Feng spoke to the camera.

"Don't be too happy, people haven't arrived yet!"

Although Wang Feng said these words with a smile, people all over the United States felt blown by a gust of cold wind.The heart that had just been let go lifted up again.

When Wang Feng threatened to blow up the country of America, great chaos occurred in the country of America.Robbery, murder, gangsters shooting guns on the street, all kinds of situations are there!There was great chaos throughout the United States.

Although there are a lot of troops and police working hard to maintain order, it's a drop in the bucket!Didn't work very well.

In fact, those who kill people, who kill people with guns and play around with guns, can understand it.After all, the United States will be destroyed soon, and everyone will die!
It's normal for people to kill people everywhere to vent. **** Some scumbags will do this when they are about to die. If you die under the peony flower, you can be a ghost!

But what happened to those robbers?People are going to die, is it useful to rob money, gold, etc.?I really don't understand the brain circuits of those robbers.

It is precisely because of the huge chaos in the United States that there are many cars parked on the roads.Some cars are still smoking, and some are still on fire.Almost many places on the road are blocked!
In a place where there are not many gangsters, the roads are jammed with vehicles.Several cars ahead were blocked by mobs blocking people's way.

"Who is that?" A black man was standing in front of his car, holding the mobile phone after being hacked, looking at the situation at Wang Feng's place.Then I heard some unusual sounds in the distance, followed the sound and made a suspicious sound.

Dozens of cars are speeding up in the distance.

"Those cars seem to belong to the government!"

"This direction? It's to the White House!"

"Is it the rest of the people the president said?"

"Right! It must be them! There must be nothing wrong!"

Because of the traffic jam, people who stayed in their cars honestly, or stood beside their cars, started talking about it.

"But this road is blocked! What should I do?"

"Yeah! They can't get through here!"

Cars carrying politicians also noticed the problem and slowed down.

At this moment, a person suddenly shouted: "Let's make way for them!"

"How? No time!"

"If you don't have time, force yourself to find one!"

With that said, the man got into his car on the side of the road.Then start the car and run straight onto the pavement.But he still didn't slow down, instead, he accelerated and rushed into the building on the side of the road!

"Do you feel sorry for your car? She is as important as my wife! But now for the country of America! For everyone to survive! I can only do this!"

Another person shouted and drove his car into the building on the side of the road.

"For America!"

Another person drove his car parked on the road into a roadside shop.

"To survive for the family!"


"For us to survive!"


(End of this chapter)

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