Bring black technology back to reality

Chapter 190 The Reaction of the American People

Chapter 190 The Reaction of the American People

The United States is a capitalist country. Although it flaunts freedom, it is still a country ruled by the rich and consortia.No rich person or consortium has people who are promoted by the government.

A rich person may only support one member of parliament, or just buy an ordinary government worker.Some richer ones may have bought two or three.As for those big consortiums, there may be more!

Now, rich people all over the United States are threatened with their lives. Of course, they must do everything possible to save their lives.So one by one, they all began to connect with the pawns they had placed in the government.

A rich person connects with one or two, and a richer person connects with three or four.Those consortiums even contacted dozens or hundreds of them!

How many rich people are there in the United States?And what about foreign consortiums and countries?

They also have property and interests in the United States!Many countries have also placed people in the United States!

The collective efforts of the bosses behind have led to a strange atmosphere in the Pentagon.

Those who work in the Pentagon look furtively at their furtive colleagues.

"You?" Someone suddenly spoke first.

Another cut him off and yelled, "Stop talking about that! We can't be buried with idiot politicians!"

"Yes, it is!"

"We don't pay for their mistakes!"

"The country of America cannot just perish like this!"


As soon as the man finished speaking, a large group of people shouted collectively.Those who don't want to die, those who receive orders from their boss, those who don't want to die but receive orders from their boss...

"Let's call on more people to catch those politicians together!"

"Okay! Let's go! Time is running out!"

"But we don't know where those politicians are!"

"Yeah! Where do we find them?"

"We don't know if they're in the Pentagon or not."

These people all have one goal - to catch those idiot politicians and bring them to Wang Feng.Although it was easy for them to unify their opinions, they encountered a problem!
Suddenly someone said: "I know! I know! I saw the president come to the Pentagon!"

"Where are they now?"

"I don't know."

I only know that it is not an option in the Pentagon!The Pentagon is so big, where can they find it?I'm afraid I haven't found it yet, and the time set by Wang Feng is up.

"Don't panic! Someone must know! Let's split up and unite with other colleagues in the building! Once we know where those idiots are, we don't need to inform others, just go and catch them!"

"Okay! Let's go!"

"Don't panic! Let's split up! Find a few people to persuade others to prepare the plane, and take those idiots to fly directly to the White House after catching those idiots!"

"Come and prepare for the plane with me!"

"Let's go to Block B and see if anyone knows where those idiots are!"

"Let's go to Area A."

"Let's go to Area C."


A group of people rushed out of their office en masse, going to find the idiot politician.

Their collective actions directly attracted the attention of many nearby guards.

"What are you doing! Hold your head and squat down!"

Those guards aimed their guns at these guys!

"Hey, friend! Do you want to pay for the stupid mistakes of those idiots? Die with them?"

"Do you want to watch the country of America be destroyed?"

"The mainland is sunk!"

"The United States will become a new ocean!"

"All Americans will die!"


"Innocent old man!"

"Simple child!"

"American citizens who are working hard!"

"And your friends!"

"Your brothers and sisters!"

"your parents!"

"your child!"

"Do you want to just watch them die?"

"We are saving America!"

The guards all pondered. 'yes!Is it worth killing so many people to protect these politicians?And even if these people are stopped and those politicians are protected.Before long everyone including the politicians will be dead too. '

Seeing those guards contemplating, someone among these people suddenly said: "Let's go quickly! It's too late!"

The staff of these Pentagons scattered and acted separately.

Just when these staff members moved suddenly, several guards subconsciously raised their guns and aimed at everyone.

“The country of America cannot just disappear like this.”

The captain of the guard pressed the guns of the guards and said to them.

Hearing what the captain said, the guards slowly lowered their guns.They didn't want to die either, targeting those people was completely subconscious.

Watching those people disperse and run wildly in all directions.The captain of the guard said to several of his subordinates: "Let's keep up too! They will need our help."

The guards nodded, and together with the captain, they caught up with the staff.

"Hi! Can I help you with anything?"

These staff members were very happy to see that the guards also wanted to join in.With the addition of combatants, things will become easier!

"You guys made the right decision!"

"Stop talking about this, tell us what needs to be done? Time is running out!"

"You are in charge of persuading the guards who are doing the same job as you! They will slow us down! Time is running out!"

"Did you hear that, boys! Go on a mission!"

"Okay, head!"

These people go around to persuade the staff of the Pentagon to let them join.At the same time, they kept asking if anyone knew where those politicians were?where is the president

With the help of that team of guards, they went smoothly.More and more people are joining them!
Of course, more than this group of people gathered to catch those idiot politicians.As they moved, there were others like them in many parts of the Pentagon.

Some gathered almost at the same time as them and left their work areas.Some are later than them, and some act earlier than them!
But those people were not as lucky as them. Some people were directly intercepted, arrested and even shot by the guards.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"...

From time to time, gunshots rang out in the Pentagon.Some guards shoot these "thugs!", and some guards who join these people shoot at guards who intercept them!
The entire Pentagon instantly became chaotic.

Meanwhile, the same thing is happening at the Capitol!All places where American politicians may exist are being baptized by the American people and grassroots government personnel!
At this time, Wang Feng, who was floating in front of the White House, said a word softly.

"Time is up!"

Then the energy ball that Wang Feng held high began to slowly fall towards the ground!

"Oh! No!" screamed almost everyone in North America!

 PS: The update is over!Continue tomorrow!The average order is only more than 200. . .sad!That is to say, I wrote a chapter of 6 words.You can get about [-] yuan. . .Please support me. . .Let me have a full meal.

(End of this chapter)

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