Chapter 147 So Slow!

Iron King Wangfeng has been built many times, and the one built for Zuckerberg was finished on the same day.Um!Except for the reactor in the chest.

Wang Feng no longer has any extra reactors, so Zuckerberg's one still lacks energy.But among the materials that Wang Feng asked him to transport, there are materials for building reactors, and there are still a lot of them, at least a dozen or so are still available.

Then Wang Feng turned all those materials into reactors, and more than a dozen reactors emitting blue light appeared in front of Wang Feng.

After putting one on Zuckerberg's Iron Bully, the others were put away by Wang Feng in his portable space.This will work for two days.

The next day, Zuckerberg got through the communication on the Wang Feng cruise ship early in the morning, and asked Wang Feng if he had built it.

Wang Feng had no choice but to let him come and take away his Iron Overlord.

"Wow! That's cool! Cooler than the previous four!"

Zuckerberg saw his iron bully walking around happily.

Wang Feng said to him: "It belongs to you now, don't forget my service fee."

Zuckerberg excitedly said to Wang Feng, "Okay, no problem. Tell me your account, and I'll order someone to transfer money to you later."

Wang Feng shrugged and said, "But I don't have a bank account in the United States."

"Huaguo is also fine." Zuckerberg said.

"I don't plan to use Huaguo's account anymore."

Zuckerberg was dumbfounded. "How can I give you money?"

Wang Feng said to Zuckerberg: "Let's put it with you first, and I'll talk about it when I need it. You won't refuse to give it, right?"

Zuckerberg said righteously: "Of course! How could I renege on my debt?"

At this moment, a cruise ship in the distance that was smaller than Wang Feng's feet slowly approached here.And Sato Jieji also ran to Wang Feng and said, "Richard from America asked me to tell you that what you asked for has arrived."

Wang Feng turned his head and said to Zuckerberg: "I'm going to pick up the goods, you should go back and experience your own armor."

"Wait!" Zuckerberg stopped Wang Feng. "How long can the energy in its chest last?"

"It can fly around the earth several times." After speaking, Wang Feng took off into the sky and flew away.

Wang Feng came to the deck of the cruise ship.When the American soldiers saw Wang Feng, they immediately notified the higher-ups.Then Richard appeared in front of Wang Feng.

Richard pointed to a pile of containers on the deck and said: "These are all the things you want, and there are still in the cabin. There are a total of [-] tons, do you want to see it?"

Wang Feng waved his hand and said: "No need, anyway, if the number is not right, it will be you who will be unlucky."

'Is this a threat? ' thought Richard.Then Richard glanced at Wang Feng. "Okay, but where are these things unloaded for you? On your ship?"

Wang Feng nodded. "Yes, let's go! Take your Iron King by the way."

"Without large-scale equipment, how did those things get to your ship?" Richard asked Wang Feng.

"That's my business, let's sail!" Wang Feng answered Richard's question in this way.

Richard shrugged. "Okay then." Then he gave the order for the crew to drive the ship to the side of Wangfeng Cruise.

Soon, the two cruise ships came together.Although there is still a gap of tens of meters between the two ships, this kind of big guy is almost enough to do this.

Wang Fengfei returned to his boat and gave orders to the four Iron Overlords.Let them work in pairs to carry those containers back.

These four Iron Overlords are really pitiful, they were originally made up of some materials.Now that they have been sold, they have to help Wang Feng move back the 'money' he got from selling them.

The speed of Iron King is quite fast, and it only takes about 1 minute to move a container back.The two teams are two containers per minute, and they can all be moved back in a short time.

[-] tons is a lot, but it's actually not much.It was quickly moved by the four Iron Overlords, and after Wang Feng gave two of them to Richard, he drove them away.

After Richard got the two Iron Overlords, he immediately sent them back with two warships.But Richard didn't leave.

Not long after that, Crocodile Kingdom's boat also arrived.It seems that it was negotiated with the United States, and it is also [-] tons.This time, there are two less Iron Overlords and the speed is much slower.

But in the end they were all moved, and the container containing [-] tons of metal took up a large part of Wang Feng's cabin.

After giving the last two Iron Overlords to Crocodile Kingdom, Wang Feng looked at these materials and thought to himself: "Now we only need to ask Director Sun to buy things." '

Then Wang Feng thought again: "But will I be stuck?"Shouldn't it?If you get stuck, you won't be able to do what you planned! '

Thinking of this, Wang Feng ran to Huaguo's warship to find Director Sun. "When will the materials I asked you to buy for me arrive?"

Director Sun replied, "I'm collecting it for you. It should take a while."

"Wait for a while?" Wang Feng frowned and thought, and then said to Director Sun: "Alright then."

Then Wang Feng returned to his cruise ship and made a phone call to Zuckerberg who had just left. "I'm Wang Feng, where are you now?"

"I'm still on the boat, I didn't expect you to call me so soon."

Wang Feng said to Zuckerberg: "Yes, I'm here to ask for the bill. I'll send you a list later, and you can help me buy some things and send them to me."

"What?" Zuckerberg asked strangely.

"It's just some chips, circuit boards and some equipment. Don't worry, there is nothing illegal."

"Okay, no problem."

After getting Zuckerberg's promise, Wang Feng sent him the list.

The next step is to wait for the material to arrive.During the waiting process, Wang Feng was not idle.Wang Feng built two assistant robots with some materials left over from helping Zuckerberg build the Iron King, as well as metal materials that had just arrived.

Let Wang Feng do everything by himself, the efficiency is very low, and Wang Feng is not such a diligent person, okay?With two robot assistants, Wang Feng will not be needed for many jobs.

After making two robot assistants, Wang Feng asked the two robots to use those metal materials to make some parts.They are all repetitive tasks that require a lot of work, which is just right for robot assistants.

As time passed, more and more parts were added, but there was still no news about the other materials Wang Feng needed.So Wang Feng went to Director Sun again, and got the news that the things he needed would have to wait for about half a month.

Of course, Wang Feng was very dissatisfied with this answer, and then called Zuckerberg again.As a result, Zuckerberg said it would take more than 20 days.

Well, it seems Director Sun's speed is already very fast.

 PS: Please recommend!Ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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