Heavenly Court Reader

Chapter 204 Slag's Indestructible Body

Chapter 204 Slag's Indestructible Body

No matter how Han Feng rants, the magic weapon will not change because of his will. It is still how to recognize the master, or how to recognize the master.

Soon, the Lord Recognition Ceremony of the Linglong Pagoda was completely over. During the entire process of recognizing the Lord, the Linglong Pagoda did not produce any abnormalities except for a little golden light.

"Fuck, this is the end of the recognition of the master? Isn't it too simple? What about the promised sky?"

As a bookworm who is familiar with Xianxia novels, Han Feng feels that this bland way of identifying the master is completely inconsistent with his identity. Not all the novels will show various miraculous signs when the magic weapon recognizes the master. Is it strange?Why can't Mao himself do this?
Thinking of this, Han Feng's heart turned, and he couldn't help but sink his mind, sensing the Linglong Pagoda silently in his dantian.

I saw that the thirteen-story Linglong Pagoda was quietly floating in his dantian at this moment, a sacred and vast power of incomparable power was constantly emanating from the pagoda, permeating the entire dantian, colorful golden The light illuminated the entire inner dantian, and even the blood vessels near the dantian turned pale gold.

All of a sudden, Han Feng felt that his whole body was warm, as if he was bathed in the rising sun, which was very comfortable, a bit like the feeling of having a warm baby on his belly button in winter.

"Not bad, not bad, this looks like a magic weapon!" Han Feng stretched his waist, felt the exquisite pagoda in his dantian, and couldn't help laughing. This is the first time he has actually obtained a magic weapon that can be absorbed into his body. .

Then, with a change of mind, Han Feng spread his right palm, and the Linglong Pagoda flashed from his dantian into his palm.

And as Han Feng's thoughts kept changing, the Linglong Pagoda was also constantly changing in the palm of his hand, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes getting smaller, but no matter how the Linglong Pagoda changed, he still couldn't feel the pagoda in his hand. It was as if what he was dragging in his hands was not a pagoda, but air.

Fuck, no wonder it is said in Journey to the West that a monkey can hold a wishful golden cudgel that can move a hundred and eight thousand catties, and the emotional nima is the rule of recognizing the master at work!Han Feng tried to throw the Linglong Pagoda out of the window.


I saw that the Linglong Pagoda, which had escaped from Han Feng's palm, became bigger and bigger as it fell, and then, there was a bump!It hit the ground outside the window, and the ground of the entire small villa area trembled twice, like an earthquake!
"Master, it's not good, there's an earthquake, run away!"

Downstairs, Zhuang Laodao, who was cooking dinner in the kitchen, was taken aback by the sudden loud noise, which made him think that there was an earthquake, so he turned around in fright, picked up the little loli in the living room, and ran away Going to Han Feng's bedroom door and yelling.

With a thought, Han Feng quickly put away the Linglong Pagoda outside the window, then opened the door of the bedroom, looked at the old man with embarrassment, and said with a smile: "It's okay old man, this is not an earthquake, it's just that the teacher is just experimenting with the magic weapon."

Experiment magic weapon?Are you kidding me?How can there be an experimental magic weapon that can make such a big noise?The old Taoist looked at Han Feng's serious face as if he was teasing himself, and he was stunned!

As a Supreme Elder of Longhu Mountain, Zhuang Laodao has never seen a magic weapon, but he has never seen such a magic weapon in modern times. It can make such a big movement, even if it is the most precious treasure of Longhu Mountain, "The Altar Ring Ruler." ", when it is used, it can break a big tree at most, and there is no such big movement at all.

Could it be that there is really some awesome magic weapon in the hands of the little master?Zhuang Laodao felt that the vibration of the floor had stopped, and began to believe Han Feng's words a little bit, so he just stared straight at him.

"Okay, okay, I said, don't look at me like this, can you? You should hurry up and make your dinner!"

Han Feng watched Zhuang Laodao staring at him all the time, his eyes were like seeing a goddess, which made him feel uncomfortable, so he hurriedly urged: "It's okay, it's okay, hurry up and make dinner, my teacher Guaranteed, there will be no further movement."

Saying that, Han Feng didn't care what the old man was thinking, waved his hand, and signaled the old man to go downstairs quickly, the dishes copied downstairs are going to be burnt, why are you still standing here?

Faced with Han Feng's urging, Zhuang Laodao could only hold back his curiosity, turned around and went downstairs with little loli in his arms.

As soon as the old man left, Han Feng turned around and glanced at the ground outside the window, and saw that the place where the Linglong Pagoda had smashed left a deep pit of more than two meters. Looking at it in the dark night, it looked like a bottomless pit Same.

"Damn it, it looks like I have to call someone to clean up the ground tomorrow." Han Feng couldn't help complaining after recovering. Fortunately, it's night now, otherwise, the entire residents of Menghu Villa would probably Run over to watch.

However, what happened next made Han Feng depressed, because he found that there were not many merit coins left. From the previous unblocking of the Xuanxian puppet, to the purchase of the Heavenly Court Tourist Coupon, and then to the purchase of the Linglong Pagoda, his There are only 160 merit coins left in the account.

"I'm rubbing Nimei!" Han Feng took out his mobile phone and logged into Tianting Reader again, looking at the few merit coins left in his account, he was in a bad mood. This Nima must be too cheating. How many things did you just buy?Just spend four fifths of the merit coins.

Originally, he wanted to buy a few more magic weapons, but now looking at the remaining merit coins on the account, Han Feng didn't dare to buy them randomly. Check out in advance by yourself, if not, then there will be no forwarding fee for the return gift, so what a fart!

Therefore, despite the fact that there are more than 100 million points of merit coins left in the account, there are at least 60 points of merit coins that Han Feng dare not touch. A certain amount of merit coins will be used to reward other immortals or consume those magic weapons.

After doing the calculations like this, Han Feng felt that the most merit coins he could use was only around 70 points, and definitely not more than [-] points.

"Damn it, it looks like I can only buy another cheaper one!" Han Feng looked at the store of the reader speechlessly, and could only start to buy some cheaper ones.

Vajra Indestructible Body: Priced at 48 merit coins, it is a low-level physique possessed by Buddhist Hinayana Arhats. Possessing this Vajra Indestructible Body can make the body invulnerable to weapons, fire and water. [Sao Nian, this is a scumbag physique, how is it, have you moved yet? 〕

The body that swallows the sky and accepts the sea: The price is 760 million merit coins. It is the advanced physique possessed by Long Zu back then. [By the way, this is Longzu's physique, Sao Nian, do you want it?Buy it quickly if you want it, don't hesitate. 〕

The body of Taoism and nature: The price is one billion ninety-eight million points of merit coins. It is a top-level innate spirit body recognized by Daoist. , have to consider whether Dao is willing or not. [Sao Nian, you can only look at this kind of physique, and you probably won't be able to afford it in your lifetime, so you better save it! 〕

This time, Han Feng planned to buy a special physique to try, but seeing the price marked on it, he was dumbfounded!
"Nimma, the cheapest Vajra Indestructible Body costs 48 points of merit coins. How can this be broken? Can I really only buy the cheapest one?" Han Feng blinked at himself. eyes, thought speechlessly.

Like this kind of cheapest indestructible body of diamond, it is estimated that it can only be invincible in the mortal world. If it goes to heaven, it is estimated that it is really scum!

PS: I would like to recommend "Heavy Life: Reckless Life" by gangsters. In fact, this is not a novel, but a diary. Why?You do not believe?If you don’t believe me, go and read it. After reading it, you will understand that diaries can be written in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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