Need for Evildo Expert

Chapter 346 Strange Species

Chapter 346 Strange Species
"You have the nerve to call him Qihuo? What's wrong with your mouth? This is a snowman, not a monster, okay?"

Bai Xiaochuan despised it!

"Just do it like you want to do, you know!"

As he spoke, Bai Xiaochuan stretched out his hand and said, "Well, take out the pen and cinnabar..."


Hao Gaoxin was stunned.

"Take it out, hurry up!" Bai Xiaochuan urged.

Hao Gaoxin handed the pen and cinnabar to Bai Xiaochuan.

Bai Xiaochuan dipped in cinnabar and drew a big reverse crescent on the snowman's mouth, which looks like a grin.

Then he drew a few strokes vertically, treating it as teeth.

This is a good snowman, and it immediately turns into a smirk with grinning mouth and teeth.

"It's done!"

Bai Xiaochuan returned the brush and cinnabar to Hao Gaoxin, and tapped his finger on the snowman.

He handed the ghost knife in his hand to Snowman and said, "Go, go chop that idiot that no one raised..."

Everyone: "..."

This is a snowman, it's okay for everyone to be crazy with you, you really expect him to do something for you.

Hao Gaoxin: "Hehe!"

"Teacher Bai, with all due respect, if this snowman can help you slash someone, I'll live broadcast Chixiang..."

Before he finished speaking, a hand suddenly stretched out beside the snowman to "snap" and firmly grasped the ghost knife in his hand.

Several students all opened their mouths and stared at the snowman in a daze.

What the hell!Are you alive?

Snowman grabbed the handle of the ghost knife, shook his body, and stood up abruptly.


There are also legs, although they are shorter and look a little rough, but they are also legs, so exciting...

"My name is Nima, am I hallucinating? Look, look, that snowman has stood up..."

"Wow, big Cao, really, really, try to slap me twice, are you dreaming!"

After the man finished speaking, he "slapped" the person next to him and slapped him twice.

The guy next to him was stunned, and he didn't care at all. Now the snowman not only stood up, but also stood there and performed a knife attack all the way.

Damn, I'm probably crazy!
Not only these few people, but also the crowd watching from a distance, one counts as one, and almost all of them are bad.

This a freak from there.

This group of emojis seem to be awesome, they must not be aliens!
It is definitely not something that can be done by any special skills and secret techniques to make the snowman have vitality. There must be something weird in it, and I can't figure it out.

Everyone's brains are down, this thing is really beyond cognition.

"Go, cut him..."

Bai Xiaochuan pointed at the blood elf.

The snowman dragged his broadsword behind him, and rushed up instantly with two broken legs.

The speed was so fast that it made people dizzy, and there was a white afterimage behind him, so fast that people couldn't see clearly!

Nima, a snowman runs so fast, how embarrassing it is.

Compared with this snowman, those of us who are of a few grades are simply scum, okay?
Although the snowman didn't make any sound, but with those two long eyes and grinning expression, he looked like a ruthless person.

This long knife caused snow waves behind him...

A red knife light came like a bolt from the blue in an instant.

At this time, the three leaders were forced by the blood elves to the point of collapse. This guy was too fast, even if the three of them were too busy, it felt as if the other party was a group of people beating the three of them.

Those who are left can barely get in.

At this moment, a beam of saber light suddenly descended.

The blood elf felt the wind behind him, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and wanted to sneak up on me, didn't he know that my speed was invincible?
He shot quickly and forced the three of them back.

Then he turned around suddenly, and just halfway out his hand, he was suddenly startled.

My name is Nima, what the hell is this.

When he was stunned, the Ghost Head Saber mercilessly chopped off.


The blood elf landed with five fingers...

The ghost head blade is extremely sharp, and the products produced by the system are high-quality products, and the blood elf was injured in just one blow.

The snowman doesn't have any emotions, Bai Xiaochuan cuts it down as soon as he tells it to...

The long knife danced, the water couldn't get in, the speed was extremely fast, one knife after another, without any rules, but it was a fast word.

The blood elf was in a hurry and angry, and he was in a hurry when he was yelled "Wow!"

The ghost head knife was extremely sharp, with a savage aura, and almost hit it several times, making it extremely embarrassing.

The three leaders were all dumbfounded for a moment, gasped, and were so shocked that such a thing was drilled out, so fierce.

Chu Lili took a look, it seemed that the guy made a snowman just now, why did he come back to life?

She looked into the distance, and saw Bai Xiaochuan dancing with a smile on his face.

What's more, that face is simply too horrible to look at, it needs to be as ugly as it is, especially the expression of pretending and complacency now, the people who see it have an urge to put his face on the ground and step on it.

Scar and Agni looked at the snowman with astonished faces.

Although this snowman rushed out from the sideways and solved their crisis, there was always a feeling of something strange getting in.

"What the hell, that snowman is so fierce..."

"Who says it's not? Huangquan is a magical place where anything can appear..."

"Anything is possible... What kind of creature do you think those emoticons are..."

The other people who watched the battle from a distance were all talking about it. Although these emojis don't look good, they have nothing to say about their combat effectiveness. The blood elves can beat them up, and they made a snowman to meet them face to face. Blood elves are tough.

At this level, no one in Huangquan is a match for these emoticons.

The eight people who planned to chase and kill Bai Xiaochuan in front were ashamed.

Mommy, we have provoked a group of species, even the blood elves are not afraid.

The one in the lead almost didn't cry.

How can this be good?

The person behind him pulled him and pointed his mouth at the place where there was no one, which meant, what else are you looking at, run away.

That side wins, and we all have a dead end.

That's right, it's business to run quickly.

The eight people sneaked away from the battlefield while no one was paying attention, and ran away.

At this time, even if someone saw them running, no one would take care of them. There were so many such things in Huangquan, who would care.

The eight of them hadn't run far when they heard a dense "cracking" sound not far away.

"What the hell?"

Several people slowed down and looked ahead vigilantly.

Then, gray dots appeared in the line of sight, and they rushed towards this direction swiftly and inexorably.

"It's a skeleton ghost..."

The leading brother yelled, and found that the group of skeletons did not know how many, and they immediately surrounded them from the front and both sides.

Can this Nima only go back?

But at this time, there was no room for hesitation, and the eight turned their heads and ran away.

In a blink of an eye, he ran back again.

The others were all puzzled, you guys are sick, are you playing for exercise?It's not tiring to run around...

Then someone shouted: "Fuck, everyone, run, the skeleton ghost is here..."

(End of this chapter)

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