Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 560 Papa is beating mosquitoes!

Chapter 560 Papa is beating mosquitoes!


Seeing Zhang Dingtian being blasted into ashes, Xue Zelong and others were all taken aback.

In just ten seconds, even the person who killed Shenghe Gang's hall master and a Dharma protector was too cruel!
Although Xue Zelong is the overlord of the Kowloon Peninsula, he acts extremely domineeringly.

However, he asked himself that compared with the hands-on people inside, he was still not in the same breath.

Without saying a word, he had already killed two people in a row, and in front of him, Xue Zelong and all the masters of the Shenghe Gang.

This is not only cruel, but also extremely arrogant.

Don't take Shenghe Gang seriously at all!

However, Di Anne, who was still puzzled just now, suddenly understood at this moment.

It turns out that the people inside are really scary!
Just a single thunderbolt blasted the protectors of the Shenghe Gang into powder. This kind of ability is absolutely within reach.

No wonder, when Sir Lin contacted the Police Headquarters, he specifically emphasized that what he was facing today was non-human beings.

Di Anne couldn't help shaking her head secretly, facing such an existence, even though she and a group of members of the Flying Tiger Special Forces were super fighters, they still seemed too insignificant.

At this time, it is the best policy to stand still.

She quickly signaled the team members to back off, and at the same time urgently contacted the Police Headquarters on Hong Kong Island to report the situation here.

"Guangzhu, the people inside are too arrogant. What they did is tantamount to blatantly declaring war on our Shenghe Gang!"

"I suggest, fight with them with all your strength, and kill them quickly!"

Among the top ten protectors, Lin Tian, ​​who ranked first, stepped forward and said angrily.

Xue Zelong frowned, with killing intent in his eyes, nodded and said:
"Okay! Attack with all your strength and destroy them all!"

Upon hearing this, Diane hurried forward and said:
"Master Xue, you can't do this! Didn't you just promise not to kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

Xue Zelong snorted coldly:
"Just now was just now, now is now."

"Our Shenghe gang has never suffered such a great humiliation. Today, everyone in it will be buried for my dead brother!"

With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind blew Diane away more than ten meters.

At the same time, all the Flying Tiger Special Forces members felt their bodies froze, and they were frozen in place, unable to move at all.

Xue Zelong waved his hand and said:
"Shovel down the building opposite, I don't believe they won't come out!"


The remaining nine protectors responded at the same time and stepped forward.

Lin Tian glanced at the other humans and said:
"Cloth Capture Dragon Formation!"

The second protector Su Yang said in surprise:
"The Dragon Capture Formation is an ancient formation, just to deal with a few small characters in it, isn't it too talented and useless?"

Lin Tian snorted coldly:
"Our Shenghe Gang is one of the three major gangs in Hong Kong Island. If you don't move, you must be amazing!"

"Today, let the people inside, as well as the whole Hong Kong Island, see that if he dares to offend our Shenghe Gang, even if he has three heads and six arms, he will not be able to escape from our Wuzhi Mountain!"

After the voice fell, he raised his arms and shouted:
"Get up!"

call! !

A gust of wind blew.

The nine guardians shot at the same time, and the blessed Dragon Capture Formation enveloped the entire Hong Kong Island with a mighty aura.

At this time, the entire Hong Kong Island, more than 1100 square kilometers of land, was enveloped by a huge golden light.

In the golden light, the electricity is like a swimming dragon, and the air is like a hurricane.

That berserk momentum, like thousands of tyrannosaurus rex roaring at the same time, is deafening.

The bitter oppression, like countless mountains pressing down on the top, made everyone's hearts constrict and their bodies were crushed.

That terrifying light exploded like the setting sun, engulfing the entire island with a desperate brilliance.




Haunting in the hearts of every Hong Kong Islander.

"God, what the hell is that? Could it be that a nuclear bomb landed on Hong Kong Island?"

Countless people who don't know the inside story are looking at the sky nervously at this time, worried that the end of the world will come.

However, the Police Headquarters on Hong Kong Island is in chaos.

Zhao Wenyang, the supreme commander of the General Administration, saw the data displayed on the computer screen, couldn't help but trembled in shock, and shouted loudly:
"Crazy! Really crazy!"

"The air shock index has reached 5000. If this energy is released, it will be as powerful as five nuclear bombs!"

"What the hell are these lunatics doing!"


He who has always been gentle and refined, unexpectedly uttered a swear word for the first time.

"Immediately activate the super S-level response plan to ensure that more than 50% of the residents are preserved before the explosion!"

Without hesitation, he launched the first super-S level countermeasure in the history of the Hong Kong Island government since its establishment.

And Di Anni and other Flying Tiger Special Forces members who were at the scene were also panicked.

Diane roared angrily:
"Xue Zelong, on behalf of the Hong Kong Island Government and the Police Headquarters, I order you to stop releasing this formation!"

She was really worried that if such a huge formation was mobilized, if there was a slight mistake, the entire Hong Kong Island would be devastated.

As the captain of the Flying Tiger Special Forces, how could she just watch Xue Zelong and the others do whatever they want?


"The array has been formed, there is no way to avoid it!"

"If you dare to be an enemy of our Shenghe Gang, you must die!"

"Kill me!!"

Xue Zelong was full of hostility at this time, and he issued the killing order without hesitation.

He firmly believes that the Dragon Capture Formation is an ancient formation with the power to destroy the world.

Even if only one percent of the power is exerted at this time, it is enough to raze the [-]-meter-high building in front of him to the ground.

Even if there is an innate master hidden inside, it is difficult to preserve it under its power.

Hearing his order, Lin Tian roared violently:
"The first level of the Dragon Capture Formation, Dragon Thunder from Heaven, come out!"

The nine protectors were activated at the same time, and the Dragon Capture Formation let out an earth-shattering roar.

When the earth shook, a golden light more than ten meters thick fell from the top of the Dragon Capture Array and aimed directly at the building where Jufuyuan was located.

"You are crazy! This blow will kill at least a thousand people!"

cried Diane in horror.

"God! The shock index of a lightning bolt has reached 1000. I still underestimated this formation!"

In the police headquarters, Zhao Wenyang was completely speechless.

This blow would destroy at least a [-]-meter-high building, and he could only watch helplessly.

As long as this lightning bolt falls, his black hat will be lost, and he will even wear the bottom of the prison in the future.

"Look, is that lightning or a nuclear bomb? If it falls, will it sink our Hong Kong Island?"

Countless people looked up at the sky, and the bright golden light, with a desperate breath of death, fell rapidly.

"God, please keep us safe!"

Super S-level precautionary measures have brought about a huge panic, and some people have knelt on the ground, praying for a miracle.

call! !

In the eyes of everyone who was either shocked, terrified, or desperate.

The huge golden lightning that flew down was suddenly blown away without a trace by a head-on hurricane.

Almost at the same time, the huge light shield covering Hong Kong Island was also blown away.

The water surface hundreds of nautical miles near Hong Kong Island was all boiling because of the appearance of the hurricane.

The waves soared into the sky, reaching the highest height in the history of Hong Kong Island.

200 meters!
And, at the same time, on the main road in front of the Jufuyuan restaurant.

The nine protectors of the Shenghe gang all exclaimed and were torn to pieces by the hurricane.

"God, this is a miracle!"

"God bless, there must be a god on this island! It was him who resolved this huge disaster!"

"My god, the shock index of this hurricane just now reached 100 million, it... how did it come about?!"


The entire Hong Kong Island was immersed in extreme shock.

Zhao Wenyang from the Police Headquarters was so frightened by the 100 million value on the screen that he collapsed to the ground.

You know, this energy is already equivalent to the energy generated when an asteroid with a diameter of a thousand meters collides with the earth.

He couldn't imagine what kind of person and what equipment was used to create such terrifying energy.

However, at this moment in the restaurant, Yaya stared at Ye Yun curiously and said:
"Papa, you waved your hand just now, what did you do?"

Ye Yun smiled gently and said:
"Papa saw a mosquito just now, and waved to drive it away."

Of course he wouldn't say that the wave of his hand just now was to break the Dragon Capture Formation and kill Lin Tian and the others.

In that way, it will disturb my precious daughter and wife to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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