Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 557 is so cute!

Chapter 557 is so cute!

Jiang Hui stomped his feet angrily and said:
"What do you want money for again? We don't even have a passbook at home, haven't you ruined it all?"

Yang Qiaohui put down the plate, hurried outside and said:

"Rui Zhe, have you caused trouble again recently?"

"If you want me and your dad to live a few more years, then hurry up and get rid of those dubious people!"

Jiang Ruizhe rolled his eyes at them, snorted coldly and said:

"Don't talk about me!"

"If you don't give it, won't I find it myself?"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Jiang Hui and Yang Qiaohui away and went up to the second floor.

Seeing this, the old couple hurriedly followed, begging Jiang Ruizhe not to mess around.

Seeing Jiang Ruizhe's disobedience, Murong Yan couldn't help frowning slightly, glanced at Su Li and said:

"I didn't expect this cousin of yours to treat your uncle and aunt so badly."

Su Li sighed and said:

"Since he joined a local underworld gang called Shenghe, he has become like this."

"Not only fooling around outside all day long, but also reaching out to my aunt and the others for money from time to time, and making a big fuss if they don't, and sometimes beating them."

Murong Yan thought of how warm Jiang Hui and his wife were to her, and couldn't help feeling a little angry and intolerable. She glanced at Ye Yun and said:

"Ye Yun, if he's gone too far, can you help Su Li's aunt and the others?"

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Okay, how do you want to teach him, I will do it then."

Su Li quickly got up and shook her head and said:

"You can't interfere!"

"The Shenghe gang that my cousin joined is known as one of the three major gangs on Hong Kong Island. They have a total of more than 2000 people and are extremely powerful. They are serious local dragons here in Kowloon."

"You are new here, don't provoke them!"

She was afraid that Ye Yun would make a move and cause innocent disaster, so she quickly blocked the door and said:

"You all sit here, I'll go and have a look first."

"Don't worry, it's not just once or twice. After all, I'm his cousin, and he won't do anything to me!"

With that said, he hurried up to the second floor.

Murong Yan turned her head, saw Ye Yun's indifferent expression, and asked with a smile:

"Ye Yun, have you thought of something?"

Ye Yun shook his head and said:
"I have tens of thousands of ways to deal with this little rascal, and I don't need to think about it at all."

Murong Yan thumped him lightly, and said coquettishly:
"You, do you want to be so high-profile?"

Ye Yun laughed and said:

"Actually, I'm already very low-key, anyway, just wait and see!"

Murong Yan smiled tenderly:
"Okay, then let me see, what can you do to subdue him!"

Just as he was talking, there was a loud noise outside.

Jiang Ruizhe dragged Jiang Hui downstairs, Su Li and Yang Qiaohui followed behind him, dragging him all the time, but he was too strong to hold him back.

"Old man, where did you hide your passbook?"

"If you don't say anything else, I'll tear you down!"

Jiang Ruizhe had a violent look on his face, as if he wanted to eat people.

Jiang Hui said in a tearful tone:
"I really don't have a passbook! You know how much money you have at home, and you've spent it all. There's no money at all!"

"I do not believe!"

"Old man, you said a few days ago to save more money and plan to go back to your hometown to marry me a wife, do you think I didn't hear it?"

Jiang Ruizhe sneered, lifted Jiang Hui up, and hung him in the air.

"My patience is limited. If you don't pay me today, don't blame me for being rude!"

Yang Qiaohui hugged Jiang Ruizhe's arm and cried:
"You bastard, you know that the money is for you to marry a wife, but you still want to take it away. You are trying to drive us to a dead end!"

Jiang Ruizhe roared violently:

"If you die, you will die! If you don't give money today, everyone will have a bad life!"

He pulled out a dagger from his waist, put it on Jiang Hui's throat and said:

"I'll count to three seconds, if you don't tell me where the passbook is, I'll stab you to death!"

His eyes were red, his eyeballs were bloodshot, and he looked like a mad wolf.

At this moment, a white light flashed suddenly, knocking his dagger to the ground.


Jiang Ruizhe felt a numbness in his right wrist, and the pain made him gasp.

Turning his head, he glared at Ye Yun and said:
"You moved your hand?"

Ye Yun peeled a peanut for Yaya, put it in the little girl's mouth, nodded and said:


Jiang Ruizhe threw Jiang Hui aside, kicked down the door of the private room, rushed in, stared at Ye Yun and roared angrily:
"Who are you, who dare to take care of my affairs!"

"I'm telling you, I'm a member of the Shenghe gang, so I attacked you just now, and I'm going to cut off one of your hands today!"

As soon as his voice fell, Ye Yun said two words lightly:

"Kneel down."

Jiang Ruizhe was surprised to find that his body was not in control, and he knelt heavily on the ground.

"Damn it! Do you think you have a little bit of martial arts?"

"In the Shenghe gang, there are ten magic masters. They join hands and even the gods are afraid. You smash, you dare to insult me, you will regret it!"

Jiang Ruizhe roared like crazy.

Seeing this, Su Li, Jiang Hui and Yang Qiaohui were even more frightened and trembled all over.

Su Li quickly ran to Murong Yan's side and said:

"Yanyan, let Ye Yun stop quickly, my cousin is crazy, he will definitely find Shenghe Gang to deal with you!"

Murong Yan held her hand and lightly shook her head:
"It's okay, Ye Yun can handle everything."

A simple sentence, but full of infinite confidence.

Even Su Li couldn't help being infected, she quickly shut her mouth, wanting to see what Ye Yun would do.

I saw a cold smile on Ye Yun's extremely handsome face and said:
"Originally, just because you dare to scold me, I can make you die more than a hundred times."

"However, I think death is still too cheap for you."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and a cloudy wind blew up, and the whole restaurant was plunged into darkness.

They saw a man wearing an ancient official uniform with an extremely ferocious appearance, appearing in front of everyone with two strange figures.

They are the king of Yama and the bull-headed horse-faced three.


Seeing the strangeness of the three of them, even though Jiang Ruizhe was extremely arrogant just now, he couldn't help but gasp, his teeth chattering in fright.

As for Su Li and the others, they were also very frightened, and they all shrank there, not daring to speak.

On the contrary, Yaya looked surprised, raised her hand and said with a smile:

"So it's you! You are so cute!"

Yan Luowang and the other three laughed awkwardly, and quickly greeted Ye Yunya.

King Yama then asked:
"I don't know why Xiongtai asked me to come here?"

Ye Yun glanced at Jiang Ruizhe lightly, and said:
"I heard that you have a book of merits and demerits, which records the merits and demerits of everyone in life. I want to know the merits and demerits of this man named Jiang Ruizhe."

Jiang Ruizhe and the others couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat at the same time when they heard the three words.

This is something that is only available to King Yama in the legend. Could it be that the one standing in front of him is King Yama?
Jiang Ruizhe quickly sized Yan Luowang and the others carefully, his heart constricted in fright, and he almost passed out.

These three people are really Yan Luo Wang and the bull-headed horse face!



Jiang Ruizhe not only broke out in a cold sweat, but also swallowed wildly, the fear in his heart was overwhelming and he couldn't control it.

I saw that King Yan Luo took out a small book, opened it and said:

"Jiang Ruizhe, 23 years old, has never accumulated any merits since he was born. As for the crimes, there are several."

"First, when he was 15 years old, he stole 1 yuan from his parents to play slot machines. When he was discovered, he refused to admit it and even bit his mother."

"Secondly, when he was young, he and a few companions went to beat someone up and paralyzed him for life. Although the police in the world didn't find any evidence, I recorded it clearly here."

"The third..."

There are six in total.

Every one of them is clearly stated, without any mistakes.

Originally, Jiang Ruizhe had a little luck, thinking that this was Ye Yun's trick to confuse people.

But, after Yan Luowang read all his six crimes, he was finally convinced that all of this was true!
What I have done, all the rules and regulations, are all recorded in the merits and demerits of King Yama.

It's really not bad at all!
"Yan Wang, I know I was wrong, please delete all these, I will be a good man in the future!"

Jiang Ruizhe wanted to hug Yama's leg to beg for mercy, but he kicked him away.

Ye Yun asked:

"According to the laws of the underworld, how should such a person be punished?"

King Yama replied:
"Chop hands, goug out eyes, cut tongues, whip 1000 times, fry [-] times, and finally wear shackles and move bricks in the flame cave of Mingshan for [-] years!"


Hearing all kinds of torture in the underworld, Jiang Ruizhe collapsed to the ground in fright, his crotch was full of foul-smelling liquid.

"Dad, Mom, save me! I dare not treat you badly again!"

"I beg you to see that I am your son, please help me!"

"I don't want to be taken to the underworld to suffer!"

How arrogant she was before, how flustered she is now.

Even Jiang Hui and his wife never imagined that their son, who had been domineering since he was a child, would have such a day.

"Mr. Ye, King Yama, please spare him!"

The couple hurriedly begged.

Ye Yun nodded.

King Yama took out a judge's pen, tapped Jiang Ruizhe's arm, and said:

"If you want people not to know, unless you do nothing, your eyes are like lightning, and you know everything!"

"Everything you do, I will write it down for you. If you dare to do it again, I will take you in immediately!"

"This pen mark is just a reminder to you, unless you die in this life, don't try to get rid of it!"

As soon as the words fell, he disappeared with a bull's head and a horse's face.

The light returned to the house.

Jiang Ruizhe looked down, and there was really a small purple-red spot on his arm, and he burst into tears in fright.

He stepped forward and hugged Jiang Hui and Yang Qiaohui's feet, kowtowed heavily and said:
"Dad, Mom, I don't dare to steal your money anymore!"

"From today onwards, I will withdraw from the Shenghe Gang, and promise not to gamble and fool around!"

"I beg you to forgive me! I really dare not, I really dare not..."

When Jiang Hui and his wife saw him finally turn around, they were overjoyed and wept into tears.

However, Su Li looked at Ye Yun in amazement.

Is he really the recognized waste five years ago?
Murong Yan shook her head and smiled, gave Ye Yun a thumbs up, and said in a low voice:
"Ye Yun, you are awesome!"

Ye Yun pointed to his face and said:

"I'm so good, don't you give me some rewards?"

"It's disgusting, there are so many people here!"

Murong Yan rolled her lovely eyes, let out a coquettish moan, and couldn't help but kiss Ye Yun.

Ye Yun couldn't help laughing out loud when he saw how this girl wanted to refuse but still welcome, she was so cute!
(End of this chapter)

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