Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 488 Daughter Country!

Chapter 488 Daughter Country!
"Little sister, what's your name?"

After the adults finished laughing, Qian Yarong took Yaya's hand and asked with a joyful expression.

Yaya said loudly:

"My name is Yaya!"

Qian Yarong nodded:
"Then Yaya, I will be your sister Rong Rong from now on, let's play together!"


Yaya nodded happily. Qian Yarong was able to regain her life, and the little girl felt that she had a little credit for it, so she was in a particularly good mood.

Qian Yarong then took Yaya's hand and took her to play in the garden in the backyard.

Ye Yun followed behind them and went to the backyard together.

Qian Shuhao was going to take Li Yiran with him, and Qian Yaning followed Ye Yun.

Suddenly the butler ran over from the side and said anxiously:

"Shu Hao, there is a visitor from the Liu family."

Qian Shuhao frowned slightly, nodded and said:
"I see, I'll be there right away."

Then he glanced at Qian Yaning and said:

"Ning'er, go to the backyard, don't neglect Mr. Ye!"

Qian Yaning nodded, and walked slowly towards the backyard with lotus steps.

Qian Shuhao said to Li Yiran again:

"Yiran, you have worked hard these days, go back to your room and rest for a while."

Li Yiran knew that he had something important to discuss, so he nodded and went back to his room to rest.

Then Qian Shuhao straightened his chest, went out and walked straight to the front yard.

Qian Yaning came to the backyard and saw Yaya and Qian Yarong playing in the garden, Ye Yun was sitting on a rattan chair beside him, reading a magazine.

She stepped forward, and her thin voice was like the ding-dong of spring water, very sweet:
"Mr. Ye, do you like tea or coffee?"

Ye Yun glanced at her lightly:
"It will be all right."

Qian Yaning smiled slightly:
"Then let me make you a good pot of tea?"

Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Okay, thank you."

After a while, Qian Yaning brewed a pot of good Dahongpao, and held the white porcelain cup with her slender fingers, so white that it almost blended into one.

After pouring a cup of tea for Ye Yun, she clasped her hands together and quietly stood beside him.

Under the sun, the beautiful figure of a girl aged eighteen or nineteen is like a green willow in the spring breeze, soft and soft, suddenly like a dream.

The faint body fragrance on the body is like the fragrance of the white lotus when it blooms, with a hint of sweetness and intoxication.

Although the tea fragrance was strong, it couldn't cover up her scent.

Ye Yun took a sip of tea, turned his head to take a look, and saw her fair and jade-like face, which was particularly dazzling in the sun.

On the cheeks that seemed to be made of porcelain, there was a slight blush.

Ye Yun said:

"Go to work, I don't need anyone to accompany me here."

Qian Yaning smiled slightly, shook her head and said:

"Father asked me to treat you well, I can't leave casually."

Ye Yun smiled, picked up the magazine and continued to read it.


When Qian Shuhao came to the lobby of the front yard, he saw a woman in a long red dress sitting there.

The woman is about 20 years old, with apricot eyes, red lips, and melon-seeded face, she is very beautiful.

At first glance, the red dress has a somewhat coquettish temperament.

Seeing Qian Shuhao walk in, her eyes narrowed slightly, and her expression had the air of a superior.

It seems that Qian Shuhao, a billionaire with a family fortune of billions, is not worth mentioning in her eyes.

"Miss Liu, you are here!"

Qian Shuhao hurriedly cupped his hands towards the woman.

This woman is Liu Hanning, the younger sister of Liu Qiyuan, the head of the Liu family in Shanghai.

Liu Hanning folded her hands like onions and put them on her thighs, and said lightly:
"Today is the day you fulfill your promise, of course I will come."

After hearing this, Qian Shuhao's body trembled, and his face instantly turned livid:

"Didn't you say... there is still one year left?"

"Why did you advance the time so much?"

After hearing this, Liu Hanning couldn't help but snorted coldly and said:

"Of course the time is up to us!"

"Besides, you have been violating the agreement in the first place, and our Liu family has already given you face!"

Two sharp rays of light burst out from her almond eyes, which made Qian Shuhao's heart tremble wildly.

"Qian Shuhao, ten years ago, you hugged your daughter and sought medical treatment everywhere but to no avail. Fortunately, my sister rescued her. At that time, you promised that when she was 16 years old, you would send her to our Liu family."

"But now, she is 19 years old, and you still keep procrastinating. Do you think our Liu family is a fool?"

After Qian Shuhao listened, a look of embarrassment appeared on his face:

"But when I made this promise, I didn't know that your sister is the head of the Liu family!"

He remembered very clearly that ten years ago, Qian Yaning was also like Qian Yarong, who suddenly fell ill with a serious illness.

He took Qian Yaning to seek medical treatment everywhere, but he couldn't find anyone who could cure her.

Later, he met a beautiful woman.

Seeing that Qian Yaning was beautiful and lovely, the woman agreed to help her cure her illness.

However, the woman put forward a condition, that is, after Qian Yaning turned 16, she would be worshiped under her sect and could no longer stay in Qian's family.

At that time, Qian Shuhao was anxious to cure Qian Yaning, and seeing that the woman didn't look like a bad person, he agreed to the request.

After the woman asked Qian Shuhao's name, she cured Qian Yaning's illness and left.

Six years passed in the blink of an eye, and when Qian Yaning was 15 years old, Qian Shuhao had never seen this woman.

I thought this was the end of the matter, but unexpectedly, when Qian Yaning was 16 years old, people from the Liu family appeared.

It wasn't until that time that Qian Shuhao knew that the savior he had accidentally encountered was actually the well-known Patriarch of the Liu family.

Liu Qiyuan!
As a native of Modu, he has long heard that the Liu family has always been a country of daughters.

Starting from the head of the family, Liu Qiyuan, including the artists they cultivated, all of them are girls.

Any girl who enters the Liu family will be subject to the strict control of the Liu family from the moment she steps through the door.

At least ten years, as many as four or fifty years, every word and deed of these girls will be monitored by the family.

As for love and marriage, it is subject to the strictest control.

Even Liu Qiyuan herself is subject to extremely strict family rules.

Because the Liu family has always paid attention to the inheritance of blood, all members of the family who want to marry and have children must go through the tests of the head of the family and the guardians.

If he can't pass the test, no matter how good he is, he won't be able to marry someone from the Liu family.

This caused many people who had a crush on each other to be separated abruptly.

So what Qian Shuhao couldn't bear was that once the daughter was handed over to the Liu family, it would mean that a woman would be controlled by others even in a relationship, and could only live according to the rules of the Liu family for the rest of her life.

This is no different from losing your freedom!

Although he is a businessman, he values ​​integrity very much.

However, as a parent, he couldn't bear the thought that his daughter would lose all her freedom, and that she might not be able to be with a man for the rest of her life.

So he procrastinated and asked the Liu family to give him more time, and took this opportunity to find a solution.

Unexpectedly, the Liu family suddenly repented today, and the younger sister of the head of the family personally brought someone to the door to ask for someone to come.

(End of this chapter)

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