Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 415 Feeling Domineering!

Chapter 415 Full of arrogance!
Ever since the anti-routine system was abolished last time, Jiang Shaowen had regarded Ye Yun as a nightmare for a long time.

The fear of him can't be shaken off for a long time, and sometimes he even wakes him up from a dream.

However, as time went by, the fear gradually faded.

Later, he learned from the painful experience and decided not to rely on the system and work hard to improve his cultivation.

Together with Jiang Manli, he joined the most famous campus martial arts group in Zhonghai, the Jingwu Martial Arts Association.

This Jingwu Martial Arts Association has gathered about [-] members.

More than half of them are novices like Jiang Shaowen and Jiang Manli, and if they go up, it will be great.

According to Jiang Shaowen's understanding, the middle class of this martial arts association has a hundred masters who are above the peak of internal energy.

They are very young and tough, many of them are sophomores and juniors.

Above them, at the top level of the entire Martial Arts Association, there are a total of fifteen Transformation Realm Grandmasters.

They are all like giant dragons, hovering over everyone's heads.

One must know that in the entire Zhonghai, there are only more than 100 Huajing Grandmasters according to the current statistics.

A Jing Wu Dao Association occupies about one-tenth of the seats in the entire Zhong Hai.

This is really not to be underestimated!

What's even more frightening is that it is said that there are two innate level masters on top of these fifteen transformation masters.

Their identities are very concealed, except for those Transformation Realm Grandmasters, no one else has ever seen their true colors.

However, this does not affect the prestige of these two people in the Martial Arts Association.

In fact, the entire Zhonghai Martial Arts League is in awe of them.

With such a strong backing, Jiang Shaowen immediately thought of revenge after hearing Jiang Manli say that he met Ye Yun.

This Cheng Lei is the cannon fodder he found.

He wanted Cheng Lei to provoke Ye Yun, and then stir up disputes between Ye Yun and the entire Jing Wu Dao Association.

Once there was a conflict between the two parties, he dared to guarantee that Ye Yun would definitely not be an opponent of the Jing Wu Dao Association.

After Ye Yun was severely taught, he launched a fierce love offensive against Murong Ranran.

He didn't believe that, seeing his brother-in-law being beaten so embarrassingly, Murong Ranran still liked him as much as before.

"Of course you just wait! As long as that little boy dares to make a move, the members of the Jing Wu Dao Association will definitely beat him into a pig's head!"

"Last time he abolished my system, this time I let the president and the others abolish him! Kill two birds with one stone, let's see how he can escape!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Shaowen couldn't help feeling very proud.

At this time, Cheng Lei had already arrived at the hotel and rushed straight to Ye Yun.

He is only 22 years old, and he is already a master of the pinnacle of internal strength. He has been regarded as a martial arts genius by the people around him since he was a child.

After entering the Jingwu Martial Arts Association, his cultivation has been steadily improving, so he looked very arrogant, looked down at Ye Yun and said:

"Little boy, I want to teach you a lesson!"

Straight to the point, straightforward, full of domineering.

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, but didn't speak.

Ran Ran raised her head angrily, glared at Cheng Lei and said:
"Is there something wrong with you? What's the hatred between my brother-in-law and you?"

Although he guessed that Cheng Lei might be Jiang Shaowen's person, Xiao Nizi felt that these people were really annoying when he was disturbed while reading and eating.

Cheng Lei ignored Ran Ran's anger, but stared at Ye Yun with contempt and said:
"To tell you the truth, I'm a member of the Jing Wu Dao Association. You'd better stand here today and let me slap you. If you dare to fight back, hehe..."

Seeing his extremely arrogant and confident appearance, Ye Yun couldn't help feeling amused:
"Jingwu Daohui is the reason why you are so arrogant?"

Cheng Lei sneered and said:
"That's right! I heard that you are from a small city in Jiangbei, so I'll give you some knowledge!"

"The Jingwu Martial Arts Association is the most powerful martial arts group among the hundred colleges and universities in Zhonghai. There are fifteen masters of the transformation state sitting in the town, and two land gods are entrenched at the top."

"Not only that, our Martial Arts Association has an official background! Don't say that I slap you today, even if I slap you, you will be disabled! You are here, you are called every day, and you are not working!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly, took a piece of broccoli for Yaya, and asked:
"Then what will happen if I cripple you?"

"you dare!"

Cheng Lei smiled proudly:
"As long as you dare to do it, it means that our martial arts association has formed a beam!"

"At that time, not to mention fifteen masters, even more than 100 masters with peak internal energy will be able to crush you to death like an ant!"

"If you don't believe me, why don't you try it yourself?"

He raised his eyebrows, his expression extremely arrogant and provocative.

The Jingwu Martial Arts Association is a gold-lettered signboard. If you dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head, you are purely looking for death!
Let me put the words here now, let's see if you dare to do it!

Ye Yun smiled playfully and said:

"Is this why Jiang Shaowen asked you to come here?"

Cheng Lei himself didn't understand what Jiang Shaowen's purpose was for asking him to come over and teach this little boy a lesson, so he asked in a bewildered expression:

"What do you mean?"

Ye Yun did not answer, but said:

"Go back and tell Jiang Shaowen, I will fulfill him."

"In addition, if your Jingwu Martial Arts Association wants to investigate, I don't mind crushing the entire Martial Arts Association."

"As for Jiang Shaowen, I will save his life until the end. When the martial arts will be leveled, he will leave this world."

His words made Cheng Lei gasp involuntarily.

This kid not only claimed to crush the entire Martial Arts Association, but also killed Jiang Shaowen.

This... is too crazy!

He didn't know that there would be fifteen masters in Jingwu martial arts, and two god-like figures?
How dare he say such crazy and boundless words?
"Little boy, just say what you said just now, I will destroy you!"

"I'd like to see, what is your confidence in saying these words?"


How strong is the true energy released by a master of internal strength in an instant?

The entire restaurant was shaken by Cheng Lei's true energy, and the cups and cups were in a mess.

"I'm going to smash your mouth!"

Cheng Lei slapped Ye Yun's face with a slap, with a murderous look.

However, it was he who was slapped away by Ye Yun.

Boom!It smashed through the wall next to it with a bang, and flew to the side of the road, spitting out a big mouthful of blood and a dozen white teeth.

"This little boy, why is he so strong! Hiss!"

Cheng Lei only felt that his face was so painful that it seemed to be splitting open, and the true energy in his body was also wiped out by Ye Yun's slap.

He was so frightened that his heart constricted, he quickly got up and rushed towards Jiang Shaowen's car.

"Shaowen, that little boy said he wanted to crush the Martial Arts Association, and even said he wanted to kill you!"

Cheng Lei burst into tears from the pain, trembling all over and said.

"He...he abolished my cultivation, this kid is a monster!"

To Cheng Lei's surprise, instead of being afraid, Jiang Shaowen burst out laughing:
"You've done a good job, I'll give you 1000 million, and immediately tell the president about it!"

Turning his head, he looked at Ye Yun arrogantly, with a smug smile on his face:

"Little boy, you asked for this!"

"I won't die, but you will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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