Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 408 Fire Lotus!

Chapter 408 Fire Lotus!
These flames are very powerful, even though they are far away, they still make everyone feel a little hot.

Luo Xuewei couldn't help but her eyebrows froze.

With her current cultivation at the peak of the Transformation Realm, it is natural to see that these flames are not ordinary existences.

They are more like spiritual fires recorded in some ancient martial arts books.

It's just that it's unbelievable that such a spiritual fire was fired by Song Qi casually.

You know, when Song Qi made a move just now, she stared at Song Qi's body, and found that he didn't have true energy in his body like people in martial arts.

If there is a spiritual fire in his body, no matter what, he should feel the fluctuation of spiritual power.

However, Song Qi didn't, which made Luo Xuewei a little unbelievable.

Seeing Luo Xuewei's surprised expression, Song Qi showed a little bit of color, and said with a smile:

"Xuewei, the reason why I came to you after two years is because I have been improving myself without limit during this time."

"Two years ago, I met a superstar in Hollywood. Through him, I became friends with the top executives of the most famous American Combo Biotech."

"They discovered that I actually have the superpower to control flames, so they used top-notch technology to help me fully stimulate the energy in my body and become a real superpower!"

"As long as I am willing, I can conjure a flame at will, and I can burn an ultra-high-strength steel plate into gas!"

He raised both hands at the same time, only to see the flames all around!The sound continued to grow louder.

The fire is transparent, like a red sun in the sky, illuminating most of the night sky.

"Xuewei, do you know? Compo can stimulate the infinite potential of the human body, greatly improve the function and lifespan of the human body, even if you live forever, it is just around the corner!"

"As a beautiful woman like you, I think you must want to stay young forever, right? As long as you are with me, I can ask Compo to help you become a superpower, and even give you eternal youth!"

A face that never fades!
For any woman, there is a fatal allure.

Song Qi didn't believe it, Luo Xuewei was able to remain calm despite such a big temptation.


"Sorry, I'm really not interested in these."

Luo Xuewei's brows were furrowed, she managed to hold a birthday party, and unexpectedly encountered such a person to disturb her.

No matter how good-tempered she was, she still wanted to slap Song Qi away.

"Xuewei, you really don't understand what you missed!"

Song Qi waved his right hand, grabbed all the flames in his hand, turned into a coquettish purple rose, and handed it to Luo Xuewei:
"Compo can make me a superpower, and it can also make you more youthful. You have to think about it carefully."

"Take my flower, it means you agree!"

His eyes were filled with anticipation and confidence.

"Shu millet."

Before Luo Xuewei answered, Yaya looked up at Song Qi with big eyes blinking.

The little girl's eyes were full of curiosity, and she asked:

"Is this flower made of flames?"

Song Qi glanced at her casually, nodded and said:
"That's right! This is a powerful flame inspired within my body."

Yaya nodded and asked again:

"So, can I touch it?"

The little girl felt that this flame rose was really beautiful, and she was a little moved when she saw it.

Murong Yan and Luo Xuewei quickly stretched out their hands to block Yaya, and said:
"Yaya, you can't touch this kind of flower, only certain people can touch it."

They knew that what Song Qi said was true, such a powerful spiritual fire was definitely not something children could touch.

Ye Yun looked at Yaya dotingly and said:

"It's okay, as long as uncle agrees, you can touch it."

When Murong Yan and Luo Xuewei saw Ye Yun speak, they didn't stop him.

Instead, Song Qi looked at Ye Yun with a mocking face and said:
"My friend, do you know what I have in my hand?"

"You let your daughter touch it casually. If she gets hurt, who will be responsible?"

The corner of his mouth sneered again and again.

A little boy who can only take care of children, really thinks that he is good-looking and can do anything!
Lao Tzu's flame, even a steel plate can be burned into gas, and you let your daughter touch it, are you stupid?
Seeing Song Qi's sarcasm and reluctance, Yaya shook her head and said:
"Forget it, I won't touch it."

Ye Yun couldn't bear to see her disappointed expression, so he said:

"Baby, Papa also has such a flower, let me make one for you to play with."

Yaya immediately brightened her eyes and said:

Ye Yun nodded and said: "Of course, Papa will do what he says!"

Song Qi put away the flames, put his hands on his chest and asked:
"Brother, don't tell me you're also a power user who can inspire flames like me?"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, didn't say much, but opened his palm, creating a purple flame.

Under everyone's gaze, this round fire burst into bloom in an instant, turning into an incomparably alluring fire lotus.

I see.

The purple light is shining brightly, and the lotus is dancing lightly.

The fire lotus is like a beautiful elf, floating up and down in Ye Yun's hands, like walking in the clouds, which is very beautiful.

"Wow, it's really beautiful!"

Murong Yan, Luo Xuewei, Chen Yajing, He Jingyao and the others all covered their mouths and exclaimed.

Girls have never been resistant to beautiful things.

The fire lotus in Ye Yun's hand, the purple light is alluring, and it is so beautiful that they are so excited to see it.

Xiao Huang smiled slightly at the side, the boss actually used all the extremely evil fire in order to coax his daughter.

Even though this little fire lotus is only the size of a palm, if its divine power is not dispelled, it can burn an entire galaxy in an instant.

Xiao Huang still remembers that when he met Ye Yun for the first time more than 3 years ago, he was almost burned into a roasted dragon meat by his extremely evil fire.

However, even Xiao Huang had to admit that this fire lotus was indeed extremely beautiful and very eye-catching.

Ye Yun put the fire lotus in Yaya's hand, looked at her tenderly and said:

"Baby, there are many Hua Baba like this, you can play for as long as you want."

Holding the fire lotus in both hands, Yaya smiled happily and said:

"It's so beautiful, thank you Papa!"

Seeing Ye Yun transform into a more beautiful fire lotus, the muscles on Song Qi's face trembled involuntarily.

"Damn it, this little boy is really capable!"

"This flower is so bewitching, the flame is so clear, it looks even stronger than mine!"

"It's no wonder that Luo Xuewei has moved her mind on him, it's not easy for this little boy to have feelings!"


Suddenly he turned his head and felt that things were not that simple.

"My super flame can reach more than 5 degrees Celsius. Even a steel plate can be easily burned into gas. If his flame is stronger than mine, how can it be placed in the hands of a child?"

"What he used just now must be magic! I must expose him!"

Thinking of this, he stared at Ye Yun and said:

"You are not a flame at all, it's just magic! And mine is the real supernatural power!"

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly and said:

"Do you want to try it?"

"Just try it!"

Song Qi snorted angrily, and a thin flame appeared on the tip of his finger:

"I can burn your flower into nothing with just a little super flame!"

He pointed at the fire lotus in Yaya's hand, and the thin flame shot towards the fire lotus.

There was a slight explosion in the air.

The fire lotus suddenly lit up, and a pure purple flame reflected into Song Qi's body along the direction of Song Qi's finger.


Then there was a scream, and Song Qi only felt a burst of fiery pain in his body.

The fire light shot from the fire lotus pierced his body like a sharp knife, almost cutting off all of his eight extraordinary meridians.


He knelt heavily on the ground, looking at the fire lotus in horror.

"My super flame, not only failed to burn it, but was also eaten back by it!"

"Damn, what kind of perverted flame is this!"

(End of this chapter)

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