Chapter 405 Rebel!

Seeing the birth of nine dragons at the same time, the terrifying power almost changed the color of the world, but Ye Yun laughed there.

Many people present could not help but frown, wondering what he was thinking.

"All the nine dragons have been released. This force is enough to destroy the entire earth in an instant. And that Ye Yun is always laughing. Could it be that he was frightened?"

"I think he has probably discovered that he can't stop the power of the nine dragons, and now he has given up resisting. After all, no matter how powerful the Xing Tian Shield is, it is also a defensive artifact. However, if Shui Jianyu is so strong and keeps taking the offensive, Ye Yun may not be able to Can bear it."

"Furthermore, Xing Tiandun can only resist attacks from the front, and Shui Jianyu will definitely not foolishly attack from the front all the time. If he launches an offensive with all his strength, Ye Yun will definitely die!"

Shui Jianyu released nine dragons at the same time, and the boundless aura made everyone feel that he had the power to destroy the world.

However, Ye Yun was obviously at a disadvantage with only one Xing Tianshield at this time.

Since ancient times, offense is the best defense.

No matter how powerful the Xing Tian Shield is, it also has its flaws.

But now, Shui Jianyu is blessed by nine dragons, basically invincible.

It is simply impossible for Ye Yun, a master of transformation, to survive under his powerful offensive!
Even Luo Xuewei couldn't help but sweat for Ye Yun, she couldn't figure out why Ye Yun didn't move at all at such a critical moment.

However, there was a voice in her heart telling her, don't worry, Ye Yun has always been the best.

"I believe you!"

Luo Xuewei clasped her jade hands tightly together, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At this time, Shui Jianyu was already flying in the sky.

Nine dragons lingered under his feet, roaring continuously, and terrifying waves of air spread in the clouds.

I saw dark clouds in disorder, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

In the vagueness, countless extremely thin lightning bolts exploded along with the dark clouds, and the momentum was extremely astonishing.

"Ye Yun, the nine dragons listen to my orders, and now Jiangbei Province respects me!"

"Although you once overwhelmed Xiao Xuanzong, attacked Li Jiutian in a sneak attack, and made several major events that caused a sensation in Jiangbei Province."

"But, it's a pity that you met me! You will eventually become a thing of the past!"

Shui Jianyu's sleeves fluttered, and the wind was surging at his feet, as if a giant was overlooking the entire land.

"Suffer to death!"

"The ultimate killing technique of Nine Dragons Art, Izumo Dragon!"

There was a loud noise in the air.

An incomparably bright golden light broke through the dark clouds, connecting the sky and the ground.

The strong beam of light, like dozens of suns appearing in the sky at the same time, made it impossible for people to open their eyes.

hold head high!
Then, there was a dragon cry, and the sound resounded through the world.

The nine dragons spread out at the same time and rushed towards the sky.

Shui Jianyu raised his hands high, and his whole body was shining with golden light, as if he had merged with the nine dragons.

"Everyone, disperse quickly, so as not to be affected!"

Everyone present, except for Wang Gan and Xia Jin, were all martial arts masters. How could they fail to see how powerful Shui Jianyu's move was?

Seeing that he was about to use the strongest ultimate move, everyone felt sorry for him for a moment, and they had already started to retreat into the distance.

Luo Xuewei clenched her silver teeth tightly, mobilized all the true energy in her body, and stood firmly on the spot, always keeping the same distance from Ye Yun.

However, just when everyone thought that Shui Jianyu was going to make an earth-shattering ultimate move, a strange scene appeared.

The nine divine dragons rushing towards the sky suddenly turned around and rushed down at Shui Jianyu.

They are like nine sharp arrows, piercing Shui Jianyu's body at the same time.

There was a loud bang in the sky.

The golden light in Shui Jianyu's body disappeared instantly, and his body softened and fell down at an extremely fast speed.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Why did Shui Jianyu, who was so majestic a second ago, suddenly fell down like a dead man?
hold head high!
With a dragon cry, all the dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

The bright golden light was also swept away.

The nine divine dragons turned into nine golden lights and disappeared without a trace.


This scene left everyone speechless.

Shui Jianyu released nine dragons, and then the dragon pierced his body, which...

Luo Xuewei looked at Ye Yun with trembling eyes, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened.

Sure enough, it's you!

She had no doubt that Ye Yun was the one who turned against and killed Shui Jianyu.

Although she didn't know what method Ye Yun used to achieve this, the woman's intuition told her that this was what Ye Yun did.

Wang Gan and Xia Jin also had the same idea.

Others don't know, but the two of them have experienced all the big and small things that Ye Yun has experienced since his return.

This handsome man can subvert their imagination every time.

Even this time, when he stood there without moving, both Wang Gan and Xia Jin believed that the nine dragons must have been influenced by him to kill Shui Jianyu.

This is indeed the case.

When Shui Jianyu made his first attack, Ye Yun took out the Xing Tianshield as a defense.

It gives people the impression that he relies on Xing Tiandun, which is why he dared to come to the Shui family alone.

However, he has never made a move, and it is easy for the people present to think that he cannot deal with Shui Jianyu and can only rely on Xing Tiandun to support him.

After Shui Jianyu summoned the nine dragons, he could logically control the nine dragons to kill Shui Jianyu.

Doing so will prevent everyone from doubting their own strength.

If you let them know, you can control Shenlong and even kill them.

Then, the whole Jiangbei province, and even the whole of China, might be turned upside down.

And he didn't want Murong Yan and the others to bear too much pressure, he just wanted to be by their side as much as possible as a human being.

He wants to accompany Murong Yan and Yaya through this ordinary life.

Then, under the right opportunity, let them obtain eternal life and enter another world.

Tie hair and receive longevity, and travel with flying immortals.

It is wonderful to be an immortal god.

However, if you can't enjoy the happiness of ordinary people, wouldn't it be a pity?
He didn't want Murong Yan and Yaya to have any regrets in their lives, so he tried not to reveal his true identity as much as possible.

It is enough to be with them as an ordinary husband and father.

So right now, God is manipulating Shenlong to kill Shui Jianyu without anyone noticing.

It is possible to win justifiably and without exposing yourself.

Kill two birds with one stone, there is no better plan than this!

As for Luo Xuewei and Wang Gan, he wasn't worried, even if they guessed that he did it, they wouldn't expose themselves.

Others, even if they racked their brains, might not be able to guess that this was what they did.

Just as Ye Yun guessed, everyone present focused on Shui Jianyu at this time.


Shui Xinjie and Shui Ruohua stepped forward at the same time and caught Shui Jianyu.

At this time, Shui Jianyu's meridians had been cut off, and he was utterly dead.

Seeing the brothers and sisters hugging each other and crying, many people shook their heads secretly:
"I didn't expect Shui Jianyu to be backlashed by the dragon at the last moment. It seems that cultivation needs to be done step by step. Take it slowly!"

"Blindly pursuing strength, the result can only be counterproductive!"

Thinking of this, everyone turned their attention to Ye Yun again, and someone shook his head and said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that Ye Yun's fate is really tough. He was safe and sound when he encountered a strong enemy several times. It seems that this man's life should not be terminated. In the future, there will still be a place for him in Jiangbei Province!"

No one doubted that Shenlong's defection had something to do with Ye Yun.

Thinking that he has such a dog|||shit luck, many people are amazed, but also have a trace of disdain.

The strong in the martial arts world are respected, and their strength speaks for themselves.

Always relying on luck to be able to get away with the last laugh, after all, this is somewhat contemptuous.

Wang Gan saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, smiled slightly, and said to Xia Jin:

"After you go back, do you know how to tell the major media?"

Xia Jin took a deep look at Ye Yun, nodded and said:
"I know, just follow Ye Yun's heart and say it."

Wang Gan joked:
"Girl, if you think about him so much, you should let him know what's on your mind."

Xia Jin's pretty face blushed, stomped her feet and said coquettishly:
"Commander, what nonsense are you talking about? He is a spoiled wife, I... I don't have that in mind!"

(End of this chapter)

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