Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 386 I am the Demon Blood Demon Princess!

Chapter 386 I am the Demon Blood Demon Princess!

After killing the driver, Ye Yun found another driver, and soon found Ye Jingyao's home.

This is a community of some years, it looks old, but the environment is good, Ye Yun took a look and nodded slightly.

Come to think of it, although Ye Wenyuan has the enchantress and the entire God Bull Gang as his slaves, he has not become extravagant and lustful, which shows that this person has always been a good-natured person.

Otherwise, Ye Yun would not help him like this.

"Yaya, it's so cute!"

As soon as the door opened, Ye Jingyao picked up Yaya and kissed her fiercely, without feeling unfamiliar.

Ye Wenyuan was picking up vegetables, when he saw Ye Yun, he hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile:

"Xiaoyun, just now I heard Yaoyao say that you are coming, I didn't expect you to come in less than half an hour, this is too fast!"

Yaya smiled triumphantly and said:
"Grandpa, my papa can fly, so I came here in no time!"

Ye Wenyuan showed a smile of awe:

"Baby, you are right, your father is indeed not a mortal, he is a dragon in the sky!"

Be in awe, Ye Wenyuan saw Ye Yun bring Yaya over, still like an elder, very happy.

He let Ye Yun and Yaya play at home, and went to the supermarket to buy a lot of vegetables and snacks.

After dinner.

Ye Wenyuan said:
"Xiaoyun, our bar has just been renovated, and we will hold another opening ceremony today, and you will come with me later. You must do the ribbon cutting!"

Ye Yun saw that his expression was persistent, so he nodded and said:
"it is good."

Soon, Ye Yun and Ye Wenyuan came to the bar, and Ye Jingyao and Yaya also went together.

The relationship between the two girls heated up very quickly, and at this time they have become very good friends.

Especially Yaya, who is very clingy to this new sister-in-law.

Seeing Ye Yun approaching, Tian Yuxin quickly greeted a group of employees under him, and bowed to him respectfully:
"Hello, Mr. Ye!"

Everyone's eyes were burning, as if facing a god.

Since seeing Ye Yun's ability last time, it is difficult to equate him with ordinary people.

At this moment, every hair on their bodies showed a sense of awe.

Ye Yun nodded towards them, and then, led by Ye Wenyuan, entered the bar.

"Xiaoyun, this enchantress is really good. Look at us, she is the one who recruited her personally."

"Now the environment and facilities of the entire bar are top-notch. I heard from Yao Ji that there are not many bars in the capital New Delhi that are better than ours!"

Marven Ye was both excited and excited.

After living half my life, I thought that if I lived in a foreign land, I would end up with an incomplete body.

He never thought that because of Ye Yun's appearance, he not only became the owner of the bar, but also managed the largest gang in Injirabang.

This is really an unimaginable scene!
"Hey, what are you doing?"

Just as Ye Wenyuan was immersed in joy, there was a sudden commotion at the door.

A Chinese-looking man rushed in with forty or fifty people.

There was a man from India next to him, he glanced inside, his eyes fell on Ye Yun, pointed at him and said:
"it's him!"

A group of people stared like eagles, all staring at Ye Yun closely.

Tian Yuxin stepped forward and said, "Who are you, what are you doing here looking for Ye Yun?"

The current Huaxia man didn't say anything, and slapped him open.

"It's none of your business here! Whoever wants to talk nonsense, I can't spare you!"

This person was named Feng Bing, and he led the person forward angrily, looked at Ye Yun disdainfully and said:

"It was you who killed Jia Ting and the others?"

Ye Yun remembered that Jia Ting was the little leader of the Mammoth Alliance who surrounded him with people before, so he nodded and said:


"Good boy, have some guts!"

The muscles on Feng Bing's face twitched.

"A Chinese person who dares to kill a member of the Mammoth Alliance on the territory of India, you probably don't know how to write death!"

Although he is a Chinese, but in his words, he has already regarded himself as an Indian.

That arrogant tone and haughty expression cannot be added.

"Mammoth Alliance!"

Hearing Feng Bing's words, Ye Wenyuan and Tian Yuxin couldn't help but change their expressions.

This organization is the most notorious existence in India.

They have a large number and have penetrated into every aspect of India, comparable to the beggar gang in ancient China.

A person suddenly appeared on the street, maybe it was theirs.

However, unlike the gang of beggars, they are simply a gang of thieves and thieves with very low morals and will be punished. Once they get involved, they will be very difficult to deal with.

Ye Wenyuan was a little dazed. He didn't know how Ye Yun had made a feud with the Mammoth Alliance after coming here for such a short time.

He recovered, with a puzzled look on his face:

"Xiao Yun, did you really kill the Mammoth Alliance?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled: "Yes."

"Hiss! Then there will be big trouble!"

Tian Yuxin's eyes trembled involuntarily.

"This mammoth alliance is like a piece of gum, it's hard to get out if it gets on it."

"They say that there are only 10 people, but in fact, even the government of India dare not say that they only have such a small number of people."

"Moreover, there are quite a few god-like characters among them, if they all appear..."

Tian Yuxin didn't dare to say any more.

The most powerful person he has encountered so far is Ye Yun.

However, there are legends about masters in the Mammoth Alliance, which have never ceased.

According to the rumors, those people were also god-like figures. If they gathered together and had more enemies than fewer, he was really worried that Ye Yun would not be their opponent.

I just didn't expect Ye Yun to get into such a big trouble this time.

Seeing Tian Yuxin's pale face, Feng Bing put his hands on his chest and sneered:

"It's too late to know what to fear now!"

He looked at Ye Yun arrogantly and said:
"My subordinates said that you are a master of spells, and you burned Jia Ting and the others to death with strange flames."

"I don't know, can you deal with the one behind me?"

After he finished speaking, a person stood up behind him.

This person, only about 1.5 meters tall, looks like a dwarf.

However, there was an extremely weird smell from all over his body, like a cloud of black smoke, and his facial features could not be seen clearly.

"Let me meet him!"

Suddenly a fragrant wind blew in.

This is a smell similar to jasmine, mixed with a trace of a woman's unique body fragrance, which makes one's mind startled.

I see.

Red hair like fire, face like rough jade, graceful and charming, extremely enchanting.

Demon Blood Demon Fairy walked in with Mie Xin and the others.

She went straight to Ye Yun, bowed respectfully, her chest was white and brilliant, very dazzling:
"Master, it's a pleasure to see you again!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

The enchantress then turned around and looked at Feng Bing and the black-smoky man with a bewitching smile on her face.

"You are not worthy to fight my master, what kind of tricks do you have, just come to me!"

Seeing that she was beautiful and handsome, Feng Bing shook his head and sneered:
"Little girl, this is not a joke. The one behind me is a real magic master."

"If he really starts to fight, I'm afraid you won't even have time to beg for mercy!"

Yao Ji covered her mouth and giggled, her flowers trembling wildly:

"You people from the Mammoth Alliance are really a bunch of lowly bastards. I said I fought you, and I'm still babbling here."

"Could it be that you...don't dare to fight?"

Feng Bing and the others were instantly furious with her aggressive words.

The smoky man behind him scolded angrily:
"Bitch, you are courting death!"


A black wind blew and turned into countless sharp knives, forming a huge knife array, aiming at the enchantress to kill.

"too weak!"

Yao Ji snorted disdainfully, pointing forward with her slender fingers.

A ray of blood pierced through the knife array and directly shot through the black smoke man's forehead.

In an instant, kill!


Feng Bing's pupils shrank sharply.

"A master-level magic master was killed by a single finger!"

He stared at the enchantress in shock and fear and asked:

"Who are you? How could you instantly kill a master of spells?"

He is the boss of the Mammoth Alliance in Injira, and he knows all the local masters or celebrities inside out. He has never heard of such a number one master.

Moreover, he saw that many of the people brought by Yao Ji were local residents of India, so he guessed that she should have stayed in India all the time.

It's just that, with his connections, he doesn't even know the details of the woman in front of him, which is really unbelievable.

Enchantress showed an extremely charming smile:
"I am the leader of the God Cow Gang, Demon Blood Fairy Fairy."


Hearing this, Feng Bing couldn't help but tremble violently.

God Bull Helps the Lord!
Demon Blood Fairy!

These two titles are both famous in Indira and India.

He didn't expect that the Demon Blood Demon Fairy who made the entire West Asia continent fearful more than 20 years ago was the woman in front of him.

And she is also the leader of the God Cow Gang!

His eyes fell on Ye Yun again.

"Just now I heard with my own ears that the Demon Blood Demon Fairy called this kid her master. If he can really subdue the Demon Blood Demon Fairy, wouldn't it mean..."

"His ability is already comparable to the two guardians of our Mammoth Alliance?"

Thinking of this, Feng Bing couldn't help but feel his legs go limp.

I regret that I came here rashly!
(End of this chapter)

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