Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 370 Great White Shark!

Chapter 370 Great White Shark!
"Dong Jiayi!"

"Tang Qing!"

"What a coincidence!"

The two spoke at the same time.

In front of Tang Qing was her college classmate Dong Jiayi.

Her family is mainly engaged in the seafood business, with a total asset of more than 20 billion yuan, and her family is very wealthy.

The two had a pretty good relationship in high school. At that time, they also agreed to take the entrance examination of Haiya University together and continue to be classmates.

Unexpectedly, Dong Jiayi dropped out of school in her third year of high school. It is said that she saw the most handsome man in the world on TV and went abroad to pursue love.

This hurried farewell, and in the blink of an eye, it has been two or three years since we saw each other.

Tang Qing didn't expect to meet again at the door of the hotel.

At this time, beside Dong Jiayi, a tall and handsome man followed.

He is 1.9 meters tall by visual inspection, with fair skin, deep eye sockets, a high nose bridge, very delicate facial features, and looks a bit mixed.

"Jiayi, isn't this the person you went after?"

Tang Qing asked in surprise.

Dong Jiayi held the man's hand intimately, nodded and smiled:
"That's right! He is the most handsome man in the world, a Chinese-Japanese mixed race, Xu Guangkun, and his Japanese name is Yamashita Hirokun."

"Currently, he is a popular outdoor anchor in Japan, and he is also the champion of the FLW World Fishing Competition!"

Tang Qing covered her mouth with an incredulous expression on her face:
"Oh my god, it's so powerful!"

"No wonder you would rather give up your studies than go abroad. You really are a handsome and talented guy!"

Xu Guangkun waved to Tang Qing, with a sunny smile on his face:

Tang Qing also warmly greeted Xu Guangkun.

Dong Jiayi's gaze then fell on Murong Yan. As a woman, she had to marvel at how beautiful Murong Yan was.

Her facial features, skin, figure, and even hair are all perfect to the extreme.

It's hard not to attract attention!

Dong Jiayi then smiled and asked:
"By the way, who is she? I think you are very close to her."

Tang Qing said with a smile:

"She is my friend in Jincheng, the largest family in Jincheng, the head of the Murong family."

"Murong Yan!"

Dong Jiayi and Murong Yan nodded and smiled at each other, and greeted each other.

Tang Qing pointed at Ye Yun who was walking, and said:

"That's Yanyan's husband, look, isn't he super handsome?"

Dong Jiayi and Xu Guangkun set their eyes on Ye Yun at the same time.

I saw his smooth and fair face with sharp edges and corners.

The dark and deep eyes were full of charming color.

The thick eyebrows, the high nose, and the beautiful lip shape all exude nobility and elegance.

With a slender and handsome figure, like a prince charming who came out of a fairy tale, it made all men in the world look pale.

The people on Mo are like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.

He didn't need any words, and he walked so lightly, which was amazing enough.

When, the moment Ye Yun approached.

The smile on Dong Jiayi's face froze instantly.

Xu Guangkun had a confident and sunny smile just now, but it became much colder.

This man is so handsome!
So handsome that Dong Jiayi felt jealous and Xu Guangkun felt inferior!

Dong Jiayi, in particular, suddenly felt very upset. She had just said in front of Tang Qing that her boyfriend was the most handsome in the world.

But immediately, he came out and slapped him in the face alone.

Although he didn't mean it, he was indeed much more handsome than Xu Guangkun.

In front of him, to say that Xu Guangkun is the most handsome in the world is to slap himself in the face!

"Hmph! I'm so immortal, how could I meet such a person!"

"So what if you are more handsome than my boyfriend, my boyfriend is of mixed race, born noble!"

"And my boyfriend is also very talented. He used to be the world's number one player in FLW. This alone will leave you far behind!"

Dong Jiayi had a smug look on her face, snorted coldly with disdain, and pulled Xu Guangkun aside:
"let's go!"

Seeing her angry and complacent, Tang Qing looked confused:
"What happened to her? Why did she look unhappy when she saw Ye Yun?"

Murong Yan smiled and shook her head:
"do not know."

She had already seen that Dong Jiayi had just praised her boyfriend, and suddenly saw that Ye Yun was more handsome than her boyfriend, and felt a little uncomfortable.

However, there is no way to explain this kind of thing clearly, so we have to treat it as ignorance, which is harmless anyway.

After all, it is normal for Ye Yun to be so handsome and to arouse the admiration and jealousy of others.

Tang Qing waved her hand casually:
"Leave her alone, let's go eat first!"

A delicious seafood meal, Murong Yan and Yaya were hooked.

After dinner, since Murong Yan had no business to deal with today, Tang Qing suggested to take them to the beach to play.

Bright eyes, warm sea breeze.

Haiya's seaside, the scenery is unique and intoxicating.

Ye Yun, Murong Yan and Yaya all put on their swimsuits and walked on the beach with a very dazzling aura.

Tang Qing, who was following them, was dressed a little revealingly and had a good figure, but she felt a little inferior.

"Papa, shall we go build a sandcastle?"

Seeing someone confronting the sandcastle, Yaya immediately pulled Ye Yun forward.

Just as Ye Yun and Yaya were building sandcastles, Dong Jiayi and Xu Guangkun also came to the beach.

At this time, both of them changed into swimsuits. On Xu Guangkun's back, he was also carrying a rectangular black backpack with the logo of Diwei, a world-renowned fishing tackle brand, printed on it.

Seeing Murong Yan and Tang Qing, Dong Jiayi immediately stepped forward and said with a smile:
"It turns out that you are here too, why don't we go out to sea and play together!"

"The sea water behind the small island in front is cool, which is very suitable for swimming and fishing."

"I'll take you to see the demeanor of the world's number one fisherman!"

When Xu Guangkun heard her words, he couldn't help puffing out his chest, showing a proud expression.

Just now, he found out that his girlfriend was a little unhappy because of Ye Yun's appearance.

Now that he has met him, he just uses his superb fishing skills to overwhelm that man and earn some face for his girlfriend.

After all, Dong Jiayi's family is rich, so if she is coaxed well, she will have no worries about food and drink in this life.

Seeing Dong Jiayi's warm invitation, Tang Qing couldn't refuse, so she nodded.

Then I asked Murong Yan for her opinion, and Murong Yan said that it's up to the owner to play as they please, anyway.

Ye Yun hugged Yaya, boarded Dong Jiayi's yacht with Murong Yan and Tang Qing, and arrived at a small island three miles away from the coast.

Here, the scenery is indeed more beautiful, and the blue sea is very dreamy, like a paradise.

Ye Yun, Murong Yan and the others got off the yacht, swimming and playing in the shallow water near the island.

Xu Guangkun, on the other hand, drove the yacht a little towards the deep water, and then released the fishing rod to start fishing.

"Wow, look! What a big fish!"

Not long after, Dong Jiayi pointed at Xu Guangkun and called out.

I see.

A tuna more than one meter long stirred up huge waves in the water and fought fiercely with Xu Guangkun.

But in the end, it was surrendered by Xu Guangkun.

"Look, this is a bluefin tuna, at least 200 kilograms!"

Xu Guangkun managed to drag the tuna onto the yacht, and turned around with a smug smile on his face.

"Wow, man, you're amazing! Bluefin tuna, that's the biggest tuna!"

Dong Jiayi covered her mouth with her hands and made a very exaggerated sound.

She was very proud that her boyfriend was able to catch a giant tuna with his own strength.

This kind of ability is definitely worthy of special mention!

You must know that the world's largest bluefin tuna is only about 270 kilograms, and it was caught by five fishermen at the same time.

But now, Xu Guangkun has achieved this with only one person.

This is really something to be proud of!

Dong Jiayi turned her head to Ye Yun, with the corners of her mouth raised high.

"See, my boyfriend has the ability to catch such a big tuna, can you do it?"

"Men, you can't just have looks, you have to be upright and practical!"

Although she didn't say a word, her complacent demeanor was very obvious.

However, just when she and Xu Guangkun were extremely proud, a huge wave suddenly rose on the sea.

A huge black shadow broke through the water and jumped high, heading straight for Xu Guangkun.

"Great white shark!"

After Dong Jiayi and Tang Qing saw the shadow clearly, they trembled in fright and exclaimed.

"Papa, does it want a second person?"

Yaya opened her eyes wide in amazement, looking at the great white shark's wide open mouth and sharp fangs.

Ye Yun hugged her, smiled lightly and said:

"It can't eat people."

How could it be possible for her to see the bloody scene of a great white shark biting a human body in front of her daughter?
Ye Yun dipped his hand in a drop of water and catapulted towards the great white shark.

The water drop hit the belly of the great white shark, sending it flying more than ten meters away, boom!fell into the water with a bang.


Seeing this, Dong Jiayi, Xu Guangkun and Tang Qing were all shocked from ear to ear.

A drop of water knocks a great white shark into the air. Is this him talking about the heavenly scriptures? !

(End of this chapter)

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