Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 352 China's No. 1 God of Gamblers!

Chapter 352 China's No. [-] God of Gamblers!

How can it be?

Why does the Ace of Spades appear?
I obviously used superpowers to give him a 5 of clubs!
Feng Jiuhong opened his mouth wide open, and half a minute passed before he could close it.

What frightened him even more was that his hole card was clearly the Ace of Hearts at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, when he opened it, it turned into 5 of clubs.


"This kid is a monster!"

"He seems to know what I'm thinking, and he even gave me the card I want to give him!"

"And I don't even have the ability to resist at all!"

Feng Jiuhong's heart was trembling, his eyes were about to split.

He is able to traverse casinos in Southeast Asia, Western Europe and North America, relying on the superpowers inherited from his ancestors.

This kind of ability can only appear in the blood of the direct line of the Feng family.

They can manipulate the props on the casino, such as playing cards, and turn any card into the card they want.

Tried and tested!

However, as the Feng family for nearly a hundred years, the most outstanding genius gambling king.

Feng Jiuhong's ability is even worse than that of his predecessors.

His ability to see through is more outstanding, his ability to change cards is stronger, and his speed is faster.

He can change all the cards of himself and the opponent in one second, without a trace.


Moreover, even if the opponent also has this ability, he can completely crush it.

Never give it a chance!

This time, from the very beginning, he gave Ye Yun a five of clubs.

Next, all of Ye Yun's cards were arranged by him, in order to give Ye Yun hope, and then at the last moment, he was severely knocked into the abyss.

And the cards in his own hand have long been set as a straight flush of red hearts AKQJ10.

Unexpectedly, the plum blossom 5 that he gave to Ye Yun returned to his hands without noticing it.

This is simply unimaginable!

He has been in the gambling world for more than 30 years, and he has never been so embarrassed!

Even Zhong Zebang, who was at the side, couldn't be more shocked at this moment.

He followed Feng Jiuhong, and witnessed how many times he swept the enemy army, and the opponent was powerless to fight back.

However, I have never seen him being beaten so embarrassingly, that he was so excited that he vomited blood.

If this matter gets out, the reputation of the gambling king will be completely ruined!
Moreover, not only Feng Jiuhong, but even the entire Feng family will suffer catastrophe!
It is heartbreaking that a foundation that has been built for thousands of years has been destroyed like this.

But, who can stop it?


It filled the hearts of Feng Jiuhong and Zhong Zebang.

"Hey, since you lost, then follow the agreement!"

Murong Ranran was already upset when she saw how they belittled her brother-in-law in the beginning.

At this moment, the victory and defeat had already been decided, and both of them stood there silently, without any responsibility at all!

As a girl, I hate such irresponsible men the most.

So she stepped forward, looking closely at Feng Jiuhong and the others with her big beautiful eyes.


Feng Jiuhong sighed heavily.

"Thinking of me, Feng Jiuhong, who has been in the gambling world for dozens of years, how high-spirited I am!"

"I didn't expect that it would be so troublesome just because one sentence didn't please me!"

There was helplessness in his eyes, and he had no choice but to stand up.

"Mr., you are superior in skills. I, Feng Jiuhong, will bow down. Please accept my three respects first!"

He got off the chair, took a step to the side, and was about to kneel down.


Suddenly, an old voice came from the crowd.

The air in the entire hall was shaken.

Many people felt a roar in their eardrums, like a long humming of cicadas.

They saw a white-haired old man, with a hunched body, walking out of the crowd and coming straight to Feng Jiuhong.

Without further ado, a slap was slapped.

Feng Jiuhong was so beaten that he was stunned: "You... who are you? How dare you hit me?"

The old man shouted angrily:
"Not only did I dare to hit you, I even dared to kill you, believe it or not!"


When Feng Jiuhong looked directly into his eyes, he felt that he was staring into the abyss.

That terrifying brilliance scared his heart to tremble.

The old man was originally hunched over, but suddenly raised his chest, and his figure was at least a third taller, as majestic as a mountain.

"I sealed the house, it's such a misfortune for the family to have you, a soft-packed coward!"

The old man let out a long sigh, his voice was like a bell, Feng Jiuhong's body trembled in fright, and he almost fell to the ground.

"Who are you...?"

Sensing that the other party has a lot of background, Feng Jiuhong asked respectfully.

The old man proudly scanned the audience:
"I, Feng Qingcang!"


"You are... you are the ancestor of 200 years ago!"

Feng Jiuhong's legs trembled, and he knelt heavily on the ground.

In the genealogy of the Feng family, it is recorded that for nearly 300 years, the number one genius in China's gambling world is Feng Qingcang!
This person is proficient in spells and has the best blood of the Feng family. He has shown an extremely powerful gambling talent since he was a child.

He is proficient in all ancient and modern gambling games, such as dice, cards, mahjong, chess, cricket fighting, cockfighting and even the more ancient six games.

Omniscient, omniscient.

It can be called the unique encyclopedia of gaming in the past 300 years.

In the 66 years since his debut, he has won more than 2000 times in total, and he has never lost. He is known as the "God of Gamblers"!
Feng Jiuhong did not expect that this ancestor, who has been born for more than 200 years, is still alive.

It also appeared in Zhonghai's casino.

"You, are you really Feng Qingcang?"

The only person in Huaxia who can be called the God of Gamblers in the past 300 years suddenly appeared in front of him, even Feng Jiuhong couldn't believe it easily.

"Hmph! Blind!"

Feng Qingcang glared at him contemptuously, and made a light move with his right hand.

I saw that all the cards on the table stood upright.

Actually, she bent down to him!
Like a hundred birds making a pilgrimage, a prince bows his head!

"My God! These cards are... bending over him!"

"This... is really a rare spectacle!"

"He can't be the God of Gamblers in our Chinese legend!"

In the crowd, there were exclamations one after another.

Some knowledgeable people have seen records about the gambling god Feng Qingcang in ancient books.

Based on what they saw before them, they felt that this person was the God of Gamblers!

With this shout, the crowd boiled again.

"Damn it, the God of Gamblers from more than 200 years ago has shown up. Tonight is really an eye-opener!"

"The God of Gamblers has come out, it seems that he is going to help the Feng family win back!"

Anyone with a normal mind would know that Feng Qingcang's appearance this time was to help Feng Jiuhong regain his fortune and save the Feng family's face.

In this way, all the pressure fell on Ye Yun.

Everyone's eyes fell on him, and they couldn't help but sweat for him.

Facing an old monster who has lived for so long, the odds of winning are very slim!
I don't know, does this young man dare to bet?
Feng Qingcang glared at Feng Jiuhong, in his eyes, there was a sense of hating iron but not steel:
"Originally, I lived in seclusion in the mainland and didn't want to be born. When I heard that you came, I just wanted to hide and see the demeanor of my descendants of the Feng family."

"I didn't expect that you would kneel down to a brat. This really disappoints me!"

"When I get rid of him, I will teach you a lesson!"

When Feng Jiuhong heard this, he immediately lowered his head and stepped aside.

With his ancestors in front, he didn't dare to make mistakes.

Feng Qingcang looked at Ye Yun proudly with his hands behind his back:

"Boy, do you dare to bet with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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