Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 326 Take it with you 24 hours a day!

Chapter 326 Take it with you 24 hours a day!

When Ye Yun and Yaya returned to Murong Villa, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

Unexpectedly, Murong Yan had already returned home from get off work.

She just threw the bag in her hand aside and stretched on the sofa when she saw Ye Yun enter the door with Yaya in his arms.

"Ye Yun, are you back so early?"

Although she was very tired, seeing her beloved appear, her eyes were full of excitement.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Yes, I didn't expect you to be so early."

Murong Yan took a breath and said with a smile:
"I'm very efficient today, and I came back just after finishing all the work. However, I'm still really tired!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched again, with a tired look on his face.

Ye Yun put Yaya down, walked in front of her, with gentle eyes:
"Let me give you a massage."

"Do you know how to massage?"

Murong Yan was slightly surprised, and suddenly remembered that Ye Yun said before that people in martial arts know some massage techniques, so she nodded and said:
"Thank you then."

Ye Yun scratched on her little nose:
"I'm an old couple, what else can I thank you for?"

Murong Yan's mind was shaken by such an intimate gesture, her face blushed, and she spat lightly:

"Who is an old couple with you? We just..."

Seeing Yaya's curious big eyes, she immediately covered her mouth.

That night four years ago, you couldn't say it in front of the child, or you would be so ashamed!
It's all Ye Yun's fault for always saying these provocative words to tease others!
Murong Yan cast a reproachful glance at Ye Yun.

Ye Yun chuckled, sat beside her, took off her high heels, and put his feet on his lap.

Since Murong Yan didn't wear stockings today, it was a rare time for Ye Yun to see her jade feet completely exposed in front of his eyes.

It has to be said that Murong Yan's feet are extremely beautiful, with extremely beautiful arcs on both sides, extending from heel to toe.

Holding it in the hand, the touch feels delicate and smooth, like a work of art carved from ivory, exquisite and exquisite.

What's even more rare is that after wearing the shoes for a day, there is no peculiar smell on her feet, and her whole feet are still clean and fresh after washing her feet.

"Hey, have you seen enough?"

Murong Yan was reclining on the sofa, seeing Ye Yun staring at her jade feet, she couldn't help but blush slightly.

Ye Yun said with a smile: "Not enough, let me watch another 4 years."


Murong Yan bit her cherry lips lightly and said softly.

My heart is still slightly sweet, no matter how tired I am at work, there is still someone who cares about me after I get home from get off work.

Life is like this, there is nothing else to ask for.

Ye Yun smiled and began to massage her feet.

Because of Ye Yun's unique technique, his body quickly relaxed.

Murong Yan couldn't help stretching, and smiled comfortably:
"It's so comfortable! It's obviously a foot massage, but the whole body is soft, so comfortable!"

"I really want to keep you by my side."

Ye Yun raised his head and smiled wickedly:
"Is it with you 24 hours a day?"

"If yes, I'll think about it."

Murong Yan thought that if she took him with her 24 hours a day, he would have to follow her when she bathed, slept and changed clothes, her pretty face flushed again, and she hummed:
"Think beautifully!"

"That's not going to let you take advantage of everything!"

After talking and laughing, the massage is over.

Murong Yan only felt that her whole body was full of energy, even more energetic than when she just woke up in the morning.

Ye Yun then warmed up the food for her. After Murong Yan finished eating, she said to him:
"Ye Yun, it's still early, let's continue to play bowling!"

"it is good!"

Ye Yun nodded.

The three of them set off soon to the Jinji Island Fitness Club.

After playing bowling for an hour and a half, Murong Yan wanted to go for a walk on the street again, so Ye Yun and her took Yaya for a stroll on the road.

The evening breeze is blowing, and the night is beautiful.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan walked slowly on the road, leading Yaya on the left and right.

Time seems to have stopped at this moment.

In the whole world, there is only a strong warmth left around the three of them.

Quiet and peaceful.

There is no more beautiful life than this.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan turned their heads at the same time and looked at each other.

Both laughed.

If time can really stop at this moment, how wonderful!

"Catch the thief!"

Suddenly a scream broke such a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere.

Ahead, a woman let out a heart-piercing cry.

Then, a black shadow quickly rushed towards Ye Yun and the others.

Accompanied by a very rude roar:
"Mommy, let me get out of the way! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Ye Yun frowned slightly.

The black figure stopped suddenly and was suspended in mid-air by a strange force.

"Fuck! Why did I fly?"

"Help, help!"

The thief danced in mid-air, unable to fall no matter how he moved.

However, the woman whose wallet was stolen looked at Ye Yun with her mouth wide open.

She didn't realize it until they were all gone, and quickly called the police:

"Hey, Yaoyaoling, my wallet was stolen, a god helped me catch the thief..."

far away.

Murong Yan smiled and asked:
"Ye Yun, when will you let him down?"

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"Let's hang on for two days before we talk."

Yaya gave Ye Yun a thumbs up: "Papa did a good job! A thief is a villain, so he must teach him a lesson!"

Before they knew it, the three of them had come to the Qinhuai River.

There are street lights on the river bank, green trees and weeping willows, and the scenery is quiet and beautiful.

Several young couples are hiding under a tree for a tryst.

Seeing this, Murong Yan said with some embarrassment:

"Ye Yun, if someone is dating here, let's not disturb him, shall we?"

Ye Yun looked at her with a smile:
"Aren't we in love?"

Yaya nodded seriously:
"Papa Mama is in a relationship, it's true!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, this little brat really couldn't hide anything from her.

At this time, a girl not far away rode on the boy's back and let him run forward with her on her back.

Yaya quickly pointed to their backs and said:
"Papa, you can also recite Ma Mafei like this!"

"As ordered!"

Ye Yun laughed loudly, and carried Murong Yan on his back.

"Ye Yun, don't be crazy!"

Murong Yan felt that Ye Yun's hand was holding her little butt tightly, and she couldn't help feeling shy.

Ye Yun turned around and smiled:
"Honey, it's about to take off, sit tight!"

He started running around the circular flower bed in front.

He didn't use any divine power, just like an ordinary man, running round and round with Murong Yan on his back.

Murong Yan was very shy at the beginning, but on the second lap, she slowly spread her arms, resting on Ye Yun's back, enjoying the evening breeze to the fullest.

"Oh~ take off!"

The blue hair flutters, and the beauty is unparalleled.

There is an expression of intoxication in her beautiful eyes.

You are the wind, I am the sand, lingering to the end of the world.

Ye Yun, you are my wind!
And I will always be your sand!
(End of this chapter)

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