Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 164 Feed Dog Food Whenever You Get the Opportunity!

Chapter 164 Feed Dog Food Whenever You Get the Opportunity!

Ye Yun in his memory had a weak character, a thin body, no strength, no courage.

At that time, anyone could really bully him.

I still remember that day, Ye Yun was tied to a tree and his face was written all over with ink.

He didn't dare to resist at all, and just cried for a long time.

But Ye Yun in front of him was unparalleled in style and world-class, his shots were like thunder, and there was a hint of arrogance in his expression.

This is so different from the person An Xinwei remembered!
At this moment, he even wondered if he was wrong.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled: "Who is it if it's not me?"

An Xinwei patted Ye Yun's shoulder and laughed happily:
"Unexpectedly, you have become so powerful now!"

"In the past, the two of us were the most bullied among the two relatives. Unexpectedly, you are finally different now!"

Ye Yun laughed and said, "You won't be bullied again in the future, I promise."

"Good! Good!"

An Xinwei nodded happily. Although Ye Yun's move just now was invisible, it was definitely not something ordinary people could do.

According to An Xinwei's understanding, the current Ye Yun must be a very powerful martial arts master.

"However, these guys are members of the biggest gang in this city, the Eagle Gang, they are not easy to mess with!"

An Xinwei showed a worried look, "The Eagle Gang also has very powerful fighters. It is said that there are many people who killed a bull with one punch. I am very worried that they will retaliate!"

Ye Yun waved his hand indifferently: "It's okay, these people are not worth mentioning, you don't need to worry about it."

An Xinwei nodded, but there was still a trace of doubt in his heart.

Ye Yun was a bully in the past, how could he become so strong and confident now?
Ye Yun saw his doubts, and smiled lightly: "Are you thinking, why am I different from before?"

An Xinwei patted the back of his head, nodded and smiled, "You saw it."

Ye Yun said with a smile: "It's actually very simple, just like what is shown on TV, when one encounters a chance and learns a very powerful martial art, a person becomes powerful."

"So that's the case, you're lucky!"

An Xinwei said with some envy.

He also fantasized about becoming stronger countless times, but they were all just daydreaming!

After a pause, he asked, "By the way, why did you come to England? Did you stay here all these years?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "No, I am traveling with my family."

He pointed to the distance: "Let's go, I'll take you to meet them."

"it is good!"

An Xinwei was also looking forward to it, not knowing what kind of people Ye Yun's family was.

On the way, An Xinwei suddenly pulled Ye Yun:
"By the way, I have something left by my third aunt, which is hidden in the house of my hometown."

Ye Yun's mother, An Fanghua, was the third child among the five siblings, so she was An Xinwei's third aunt.

There was a strange look in Ye Yun's eyes: "What is it?"

An Xinwei thought for a while and said, "It's a notebook."


Ye Yun frowned.

He remembered very clearly that every time An Fanghua took him back to her natal home, she never brought anything other than a change of clothes with her.

How can there be a notebook in my hometown?

"So, what's written in the note, have you read it?" He continued to ask.

An Xinwei thought about it again and said:

"A few years ago, when I saw this notebook in my grandma's house, I flipped through it. I forgot a lot of the specific content."

"However, Sangu seems to mention a person surnamed Chen in it, and I always remember it very clearly."

"A person surnamed Chen?"

Ye Yun's gaze trembled again.

He faintly felt that there might be some unknown reasons behind the sudden death of his mother and the rapid decline of the Ye family.

For example, this person surnamed Chen, he never heard his mother and father mention it.

If what An Xinwei said is true and this notebook really belongs to his mother, then many things may not be as simple as they appear on the surface.

An Xinwei nodded and said: "Yes! The man surnamed Chen was only briefly mentioned above, but I feel that this person has an unusual relationship with Sangu."

"I remember that there was a sentence about him in the notes, which said: I will never forgive, what this man named Chen has done to my family!"

Ye Yun's breathing was a little short. If these were really his mother's words, then it can be 100% sure that this man surnamed Chen has a lot to do with the Ye family.

"Xinwei, how can you be sure that it must be my mother's note?"

Ye Yun felt that this was the most important issue at present.

An Xinwei said: "I can read your mother's handwriting, I can't be wrong!"

Ye Yun thought for a while, nodded and said, "I believe in you."

After An Fanghua returned to her natal home, because An Xinwei kept playing with Ye Yun, she also taught An Xinwei several homework.

Therefore, it is not surprising that An Xinwei is familiar with her handwriting.

Thinking of this, Ye Yun was very eager to get that notebook.

So he pulled An Xinwei forward and walked quickly: "Xinwei, you go back to China with me, and give me that notebook!"

"Also, I will help you arrange your future work and life, so don't go abroad and suffer!"

At this time, Ye Yun finally showed a trace of the dominance of the Supreme Killing God. His words cannot be refused at all!
An Xinwei was taken aback by his powerful aura, and nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

"However, my passport and ID card are all in other people's possession. You can get them back for me before I can go back to China."

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly: "No problem, let's go there now!"

He then brought An Xinwei to the car.

When he saw Murong Yan, who was more beautiful than a fairy, and Yaya, who was extremely cute, An Xinwei was immediately stunned.

I feel that Ye Yun is so happy to have such a beautiful wife and lovely daughter.

Immediately, he laughed:
"Ye Yun, you really have such a happy family, I'm so happy for you!"

"It seems that now you are the most promising person in our old Anjia!"

Since he was a child, he has always regarded Ye Yun as the person who settled down, which is why the two have little contact, but they are very close.

Ye Yun chuckled and picked up Yaya: "Honey, call me uncle."

When Yaya saw An Xinwei, she also felt very cordial, and called sweetly, "Hello!"

"Be good, baby! Uncle will give you a red envelope!"

An Xinwei reached into his pocket and suddenly looked embarrassed: "Haha, I forgot that I don't have any money now!"

Ye Yun laughed, and patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, there will be some in the future!"

An Xinwei then greeted Wei Ruoyun, and the group headed to a hotel in the city.

An Xinwei's passport and ID card were all kept with the hotel owner.

This hotel mainly operates hourly rooms, and the owner is Wang Wendong, who is also from Huaxia.

According to An Xinwei, it was for the sake of his compatriots that Wang Wendong was willing to let him stay overnight.

In order to be able to stay with Wang Wendong for a longer period of time, An Xinwei took the initiative to deposit his passport and ID card with him, saying that he would settle the bill when he made enough money.

Seeing that Ye Yun and Murong Yan are like beautiful girls and golden boys, and they are compatriots from China, Wang Wendong's attitude is not bad.

He flipped through An Xinwei's accommodation records and said:

"He lived with me for two and a half months. According to the price of a private room, he owes me a total of 2250 pounds."

Murong Yan knew that An Xinwei was Ye Yun's relative, and guessed that Ye Yun wanted to help An Xinwei.

So he took out his bank card and said with a smile, "Okay, let's pay the bill."

Wang Wendong glanced at Ye Yun enviously: "Little brother, you are so blessed to have such a beautiful and kind wife!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled: "Yes, with her here, I am the happiest man in this universe!"

Murong Yan was swiping her card, her face was flushed by what he said, she turned her head and gave him a shy look.

I thought to myself, how can you feed dog food when you get the chance?
And An Xinwei was stunned by Ye Yun's actions.

It seems that this person who used to feel inferior even to look at a woman, now showing affection has become a routine operation!

Just when Murong Yan finished paying, Wang Wendong was about to take out his passport and ID card.

A loud bang.

The door was kicked open violently.

I saw nearly twenty burly men, all wearing sleeveless vests and tattoos on their arms, rushing in aggressively.

An Xinwei was so scared that he trembled all over: "No, people from the Eagle Gang are here!"

~~Happy Friday everyone in advance!
 Thanks to U222578108 for the 100 tip~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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