Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 160 Demons Gather!

Chapter 160 Demons Gather!

"Ye Yun?"

The Gorefiend said the name twice, and asked, "Do you know the details of this man?"

Hans nodded: "Yes, it is said that he is a man from a small Chinese family. Four years ago, he was recognized as a waste. After four years of dormancy, he seems to have become a martial arts master."

"A commoner of the lowest rank in our blood race once died at his hands."

The Gorefiend frowned: "Is that all?"

"Yes, Lord Gorefiend!" Hans nodded again.

The Gorefiend proudly puffed up his chest: "Since he's a little-known little guy, it's not worth my shot."

"Also, you have no way to prove that he is the one who killed all the descendants of the castle."

"Since that's the case, go find some slightly stronger characters and kill him first!"

"People of our blood clan are born noble, and these lowly mortals can't kill them. Since he has made a move, let him pay the price with his life!"

Hans nodded: "Yes!"

He exited the dark space.

"Ah~ I have slept for 3000 years, I should go find some young girls and taste their delicious blood!"

The blood demon didn't take Ye Yun's matter to heart at all, and turned into a bloody light and rushed out of the ground.

On the other side, Hans opened the GAT forum.

Ever since the last observer speculated about Ye Yun, netizens on the Underground World Forum were quite afraid of this name for a period of time.

However, as time passed and observers failed to find new clues, it proved that Ye Yun was indeed an extremely powerful Chinese.

In the GAT forum, the fear of him was gradually downplayed.

However, in order to be on the safe side, Hans still took a safe approach to complete the task assigned by the Gorefiend in one go.

That is to say, they spent a lot of money and hired three famous terrorist existences in the underground world at a price of 15 billion US dollars, trying to kill Ye Yun in seconds!


next morning.

The sun is shining and the sky is clear.

The inside of Webster's Manor is filled with the strong fragrance of red roses, which makes people feel relaxed and happy as if they are in the embrace of flowers.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan, with Yaya, played in the manor after breakfast, admiring the surrounding scenery.

Wei Ruoyun cried too much last night, her eyes were a little red and swollen, and she walked out of the room satisfied after spending an hour putting on makeup.

"Yanyan, today I'm going to take you to play the whole city of Manchester!"

She came in front of the three of them with a smile, and held Murong Yan's arm intimately.

Murong Yan smiled and said, "Which are the most interesting places in this city?"

Wei Ruoyun thought for a while and said, "First of all, of course Manchester United's Old Trafford Stadium."

Murong Yan asked, "Is that the Red Devils team? Is there a big star named Beckham?"

"Huh? You know a lot!"

Wei Ruoyun had a surprised expression on his face, "Did you pay attention to this team because you saw that Beckham is handsome?"

Murong Yan shook her head: "No, I just heard about it before."

After a pause, she glanced at Ye Yun and said, "Besides, no matter how handsome that Beckham is, Ye Yun is still more pleasing to the eye."

"Tch! Just say that Ye Yun is the most handsome!"

Wei Ruoyun slightly rolled his eyes, and suddenly smiled, "Of course, I also think Ye Yun is more handsome than him!"


Yaya hurried forward, "Papa is the most handsome in the universe!"

Wei Ruoyun patted Yaya's head with a smile, and continued:

"Next, I will take you to China Town, Albert Square, Manchester Art Gallery..."

She mentioned more than a dozen famous scenic spots in one breath, which made Yaya look curious.

Under the strong request of the little girl, Wei Ruoyun immediately drove and took Ye Yun's family of three on the journey.

Soon, the four came to the car park outside Old Trafford.

Since it was in the morning, there was no game, and the stadium was not blocked by fans.

But there are also a lot of British locals wandering around.

After getting off the car, Yaya ran in front alone, looking around like a curious baby.

Several British girls greeted her warmly when they saw how cute the little girl was.

Yaya waved at them and smiled, then turned around and came to Ye Yun's side, pouted and said:
"Papa, I found a very serious problem."

Ye Yun asked with a smile: "What's the problem?"

Yaya said: "The crooked fruit is fun, but I can't understand what they say. If that's the case, it won't be fun."

Ye Yun nodded.

The situation Yaya mentioned is a situation that every person in a foreign country will encounter.

The language barrier makes it impossible to communicate, which leads to cultural incompatibility, and a lot of fun is lost.

He touched Yaya's little head and said with a smile:
"Baby, Huaxia's Chinese is already very popular in the world. Maybe everyone you meet can speak Chinese."


Yaya's big eyes lit up.

She thought, if Aunt Shushu could speak Chinese, it would be as fun as in China!

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, "Yes, you can try it if you don't believe me."

Yaya nodded, ran up to a young woman, waved her hand and said:

"Hi Auntie, do you speak Chinese?"

The young woman froze there, looking at her suspiciously.

Suddenly, the young woman's eyes lit up, and she spoke in fluent Chinese:

"Hi baby, I can speak Chinese! Nice to meet you!"

Yaya showed a happy smile: "Then is there any candy here?"

"Of course there is!"

The young woman immediately told Yaya which flavors of candies were the best in the department store.

After hearing this, Yaya ran back immediately: "Baba, Mama, I want some candy! Auntie said there are many candies here!"

The little girl excitedly pulled Ye Yun and Murong Yan towards the nearby department store.

And the young British woman was stunned for a while, and finally came back to her senses.

She excitedly grabbed the arm of another girl standing by and screamed:

"Jenny, did you hear that just now? I can speak Chinese! I have never learned Chinese!"

"Oh, my God! This is an unbelievable miracle!"

Ye Yun in the distance smiled slightly, for the sake of Yaya, even if the whole world can speak Chinese, he can do it!
Before I knew it, most of the day had passed.

Ye Yun and the others had already followed Wei Ruoyun to the Castlefield Heritage Park in Manchester.

Just as they entered the parking lot.

By the river in the northwest corner of the park, a white-haired British old man and a teenage girl standing beside him saw an incredible scene at the same time.

A group of black light suddenly appeared on the ground.

Then, the black light quickly elongated and turned into a man in black clothes.

When he saw the man's face clearly from a distance, the white-haired old man shivered and exclaimed:
"Oh my god, it turned out to be him!"

The little girl asked, "Grandpa, who is he and why does it scare you so much?"

The old man said: "He is one of the top ten scariest killers in the world, the Nightmare Killer Freddy known as Nightmare!"

"My God, what is he doing here?"

The little girl covered her mouth in horror.

Just as she finished speaking, two more figures appeared beside Freddy.

A tall man in a red leather jacket, full of muscles, with two horns on his forehead, and a cigar in his mouth.

The other one was a one-legged old man with his eyes closed and his beard and hair all white.

There is only one leg, but it can stand firmly on the ground like an iron pillar.

When he saw these two people, the white-haired old man staggered and sat on the ground in fright.

"Oh my god, what happened to bring these three demons together?!"

 Thank you じveじ used to have your 100, the autumn wind blows through the Lonely Youth City 588, Wei Wei's 100 rewards, thank you three~~~
(End of this chapter)

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