My host is the Queen of Prophecy

Chapter 5 Doll Doll, Please Listen to Chapter (4)

Chapter 5 Doll Doll, Please Be Obedient (4)

After accepting all the memories, Chitose said with a blank expression: "It's so boring."

[The host needs to change the fate of the original owner, get back everything that should belong to the original owner, and help Mr. Ye Wanfeng to achieve happiness. 】

"I really don't really want to help her change her destiny for this kind of brainless girl who is full of Mary Sue."

"Also, who is Ye Wanfeng?"

When it comes to pampering and capriciousness, I am afraid that a thousand original owners are not as good as a thousand years old.

However, Chitose is different from her in that——

Since she has had the strongest relationship in the world since she was a child, she usually pays back those who offend her a hundred times and a thousand times.

Based on the absolute principle of not being happy in one's own mood, nor making others happy.

Whatever she does, if others take one step back, she will take three steps forward.

If she takes a step back, she will lose.

Chitose with this kind of character, can he not even find it ridiculous to accept the memory of the original owner of this kind of personality? !
[Friendly reminder: The host had better be aware of his current situation. 】

Chitose's brows and eyes are still faint, looking at the work panel directly in front of him.

No1. Become a top maid. (Proficiency in seven languages ​​is required) Acceptable
No2. Singing in a bar late at night. (Piano and guitar are required and the voice is sweet) Acceptable

No3. Advanced private sealing surface. (Extremely good looks are required) Acceptable

No4. Personal assistant. (requires young and beautiful) in progress

The next 5-20 are all in progress.

And starting from 21, the tasks are basically the tasks that the original owner did before.

A series of cheap labor jobs such as moving bricks on the construction site, plus washing clothes, etc.

[The host can choose 2 or 3, both are tasks that the host is good at and easy to complete, although it is still quite difficult for others. 】

"Hehe—" Chitose sneered: "What do you think is the difference between 2 and 3, which do not have any challenges in working panels and moving bricks on the construction site?"

[Host, do you want to choose 1? 】

Chitose could clearly feel the surprised tone of the system, but she didn't care.

"You must choose 1." Chitose murmured in her heart, and directly pressed the option behind 'Become a Top Maid' on the action board of the electronic touch screen.

At this moment, the whole place of cheap labor fell into a noisy boiling.

"The first one was exposed?"

"It's been a long time for the first time! Is there anyone here who is so good at speaking seven languages?"

"I think it's probably a mistake! Didn't you pass the primary election after many people took the second and third places? How could so many people pass this kind of demanding job?"

"It's the same, seven languages, what are you kidding?"

"Hey, sisters, I know, it's Chitose from Group F!"

"What? That Chitose who chooses to move bricks and wash dishes all day long, are you making an international joke? She can speak seven languages?"

"Who knows? It must have been a brain twitch! It must have made a fool of myself."


"Ahem..." Just as a group of people were pointing at Chitose, Chitose had already appeared behind them.

She was half leaning against the wall, with her hands in the pockets of her light gray trousers, her phoenix eyes slightly raised, and a cold smile formed at the corner of her mouth: "Don't you know that you will be punished for speaking ill of others behind their backs?"

At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

For some reason, they suddenly felt a strong aura, which completely enveloped them in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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