Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 970 The world is full of banquets

Chapter 970 The world is full of banquets
Hearing this, Zi Ling suddenly realized that Ji Linyuan was protecting him from the very beginning, no wonder he went to the forbidden area in a daze and ran into the Heavenly Emperor who broke the barrier.

When the fog that covered my heart was lifted layer by layer, and the truth was revealed before my eyes, those persistent entanglements and difficult attachments disappeared easily.At this time, Zi Ling no longer hated the emperor Su Yu. Although he acted like a villain, he also fulfilled himself to a certain extent.

If he hadn't taken away his immortal bones and divine power to make up for the enchantment, and sent himself to Zhuxiantai, then perhaps up to now, Zi Ling doesn't know what he is, but just keeps guarding in his palace day after day , Writing the lives of others one after another.

"God, where have you been for the past 3000 years?"

The old man Shenbi looked at the woman in front of him who had the same appearance but different temperament from a thousand years ago, but it was only 3000 years ago. She gave him the feeling that she had completely changed into a god, calm and unhurried, with all the breath They are all restrained, as ordinary as a mortal, but there is a deep meaning in those eyes that cannot be seen through.

Hearing his question, Zi Ling pursed her lips lightly, and explained her experiences over the years in a light-hearted manner.

"I'm fine. When I jumped off Zhuxiantai, my soul was torn apart and I fell into an unfamiliar small world. After practicing for these years, I regained my divine power and returned to the heavenly realm."

Hearing the words, the old man with the magic pen had a bit of pity in his eyes, followed by deep worry.

"God, you are back now, but the heavens are in chaos, and the barriers in the forbidden areas are constantly unstable, and the emperor of heaven can only spend his energy to maintain them. You have been removed from the gods. The crimes you committed back then have passed 3000 years. I don't know if the Emperor of Heaven and the gods will pursue it, if they still don't let you go..."

The old man didn't say the following words, but Ziling already understood his meaning and worries.

To put it bluntly, the Emperor of Heaven put the blame on her head at the beginning, and she was responsible for all the crimes. After sending her to Zhuxiantai, she was also removed from the divine tree, which means that she is no longer from the heavens, and the crime It is still there, but 3000 years have passed, whether to pursue it now depends on the will of the Emperor of Heaven and the gods.

Zi Ling raised her lips slightly. It has been 3000 years, and things have changed. She is no longer the simple commanding officer she was back then, and now the god position has no meaning to her anymore.

"Old man, you don't have to worry about me. Now I don't want to continue to be a god. Now that I have been expelled from the gods, there is no longer any bondage for me in the sky. Even if the emperor wants to punish me, it will not be so easy. .”

Seeing that the old man of the magic pen was really worried, Zi Ling opened his mouth to comfort, but in fact she knew very well in her heart that not only did the heavens have nothing to do with her, but she was even her enemy. Ji Linyuan was in the enchantment of the forbidden area guarded by the emperor of heaven , she must rescue him.

Even if it is an enemy of the entire heaven.

The old man looked at the woman in front of him, she had completely faded away from her original innocence and youthfulness, the bright light in her eyes even made him jealous for a while.


The old man wanted to say something else, but Zi Ling bent his lips and smiled.

"Abo, don't call me God anymore. I have been expelled from the gods. When we meet in the future, you can call me Linger. Abo, if there are newcomers, don't reject them anymore. The world There is always a banquet, I am no longer in command, let a new partner accompany you instead of me."

(End of this chapter)

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